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Topics - 2tonewarrior

Tech Help - Projects Page / Superheated Hard On POP!
February 14, 2014, 10:22:01 AM
Hi fellas, I´ve made a Superheated Hard On recently and sounds amazing but when I turn on and off the switch there is a huge pop in the amp, no matter the pot is at min. or max.

I´ve tried a pulldown resistor at the input and the output but with no success. It is all my knowledge can do  :-\

little help  ;D?

General Questions / Help me identifying schematic
October 01, 2013, 11:45:44 AM
I was going to make a board out of a schematic I did in eagle time ago. I was going to check the values but I didn´t remember where I take the original schem   :-[

The schematic i did is attached. Its a common tube amp to jfet pedal emulator. The only think I know is I named it Fender champ.

Thanks in advance ;)
Requests / Earthquaker Devices: Organizer
April 23, 2013, 03:11:17 PM
Has anyone the schematic? Or any similar? ::)
Tech Help - Projects Page / Power supply advice
January 31, 2013, 02:41:22 PM
I´m planning to build a power supply but I need help as I know only the basics.

The transformer I´m planning to buy is that or something similar (any advice on choosing the right transformer is welcome, I have no idea on what It´s best for this project but keep in mind I´m in Europe, I can´t buy it from Weber, for example).

Attached is a picture of what I am working on (with more outputs): IC is lm7809 or similar and diodes are 1n400x (the diode between cap and Q1 is for protection, I don't know if it is needed)

So here are a bunch of questions I hope you can help me with.

1. Do I need other elements like a little filter cap for the regulator?
2. How I calculate the value of the filter cap(s)?
3. Since I use different bridge rectifiers, filter,... for each output. Would it be number 1 isolated with 2 and 3 but 2 and 3 themselves would´t between them?
4. If I get 0,6A from the secondary transformer on each 20/15/12V output. What current will I have on 2 and 3? 0,3 each?

Thank in advance for the help :)
I have try some techniques and none of them convinces me. Etching is very good-looking but is hard and very unpredictable due to the attention you have to pay in each step. Transparent paper and adhesive paper is almost ok but I dont like the unprofessional looking if you look closer. I still have to test waterslide decals and dry decals (wich are almost nonexistent in Spain and Crafty comp.  for example asks me about 15€ of shipping costs for 2 or 3 papers). Laser etching is completely superb imo but I have the same problem, there are no many printers that manage that here.

So, what technique is in you opinion the best considering the materials are not hard to find and wich provides a professional looking?

And another question, what technique is the one used in comercial pedals and amps chassis? Silk screen printing?
Open Discussion / Tayda Photocell
November 14, 2012, 10:13:37 PM
Hey, I have 4 or 5 of them around here. Any ideas wich project (pedal project) I can spend it on?
How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Buffers!
November 05, 2012, 10:13:47 PM
I have a basic concept of it but I need to clear my mind.

What is a buffer and what´s his purpose? and pros and cons

Thanks in advance
I started less than a year ago to make pedals. First some kits, then some brian´s boards, some veros,... I´ve made so far 10 or 11 pedals. I´m very proud because I started from 0 at electronics. I´ve learned a lot, mostly in this forum reading a lot of tech help topics, but there are some things that can´t learn if I don´t study properly in a class, like safety measures. I would like to start working with tubes and maybe build some power supply so I ask for help understanding the danger of working with "high" voltages and how to work properly with them.

Also, I would like some recommendations readings (books, webs) to consolidate my electronics basics and learn more! (even better if related with pedals-amps) English is ok, I understand it better than I write it.


EDIT: For now I only want to work with tubes in pedals (valvecaster,..), not amps
Tech Help - Projects Page / Deadringer problems
September 01, 2012, 12:32:56 AM
I am getting mad. I've build a deadringer I set aside moths ago because it didn't work. I've seen it and I decided to get it work so I've rewired all (I thought the problem was there) and It still don't works.

I've checked all. The values are ok (resistors, pots, caps, ...). The wiring is a mess but I double ckecked it and it's ok (see the photo below, taken with phone. I´ll take something better if you need it). OpAmp changed by a new one (just in case, same with the switches, except 3pdts, leds and DC jack). Checked the ppolarity of electrolytics, diodes,...

(I´ve changed the boost pot to the left)

The sound works good through bypass but I can get any sound besides a big HUMMMM when the effect is on. The leds are not even working!

And finally, I get ridiculous voltage readings on IC and transistors

Power source : 9,5V


1: .041
2: .042
3: .025
4: .042
5: .036
6: .036
7: .037
8: .049

Hope you can help. If you need more information only say it.

Another quick transistor question  ;D

Is it possible to test the Hfe of a transistor with a multimeter WITHOUT a transistor test socket? Or maybe with some easy circuit?

Thanks in advance
Hi, I´ve recently seen several Ge transistors with two pins and four pins. Where is the missing pin in the 2-pin ones? and what the 4 pin are for in the others?

The first looks like this one and the second one is this

How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Two indicator leds
June 18, 2012, 08:41:04 PM
Does it affect the sound, voltage, etc... to put two indicator leds (or 3, 4, ...) instead of one?

And what is the best, series or parallel?

I´ve made this zombie chorus ( and I get a clean sound both in bypass and with the effect on. I´ve reviewed all two or three times.

Does anyone know how to solve this? Maybe the problem can be a fake mn3007? I´ve bought 5 pieces from ebay (I know, I know... the best place to get a fake chip, but the seller had 99,8% positive feedback)
Hi, I´m planning to do a DMM (not madbean´s one, this with 4 mn3008 I have all components except the 4 MBR160 diodes. There is any diode i can use instead of MBR160?

I´m placing 2 orders (Banzai and tayda) and none of the two stores have this particular diode (seems to be obsolete)

I´ve found some variants from mouser (MBR160G, MBR160LG) Could someone tell me the diferences between them and the original?


Edit: Seems to Banzai has MBR160 in stock but not listed in their website.
Open Discussion / New search method
April 13, 2012, 10:58:17 PM
Build Reports / Boneyard
March 31, 2012, 02:31:36 PM
This is my first finished pedal from madbean. I´ve done a serendipity first but has no enclosure yet. My idea is to change the paint, this is temporary while I learn about etching boxes.

Hope you like it  ;D

BTW Serendipity is amazing but I LOVE this pedal, I recommend it.

EDIT: lol As you can see I have to learn yet. I readed small size... (
Hi, I´ve built a Cosmopolitan and it does sound, but not very much. The bypass works but when you switch on the effect, the volume is barely the same (or even lowder) as when in bypass (with ALL knobs set to max.) It sounds a little fuzzier and cracked, and the sound is very muffled.

I´ve checked wiring, solder joints, Pot values,....

Tomorrow when i get my camera back i will post photos. I start this post today in case anyone has had the same problem and can help me
I´ve build a Serendipity. The sound is very good in general but when the multicolor led changes his color it sound a weird beep. Here is a video with the problem:

Sorry for the crappy quality, I only have my mobile to record.

The only thing i´ve changed regarding to the project is the orientation of the led (same problem as here and one capacitor from Film/Foil to ceramic (I don´t know if it is relevant)

BTW here is the led i´ve used:

Hope you can help me :)
General Questions / Single sided PCBs
March 23, 2012, 12:11:34 PM
Hello, my name´s Roque and I am from Spain. I´ve starting digging into the diy pedal world about two or three moths ago without any electronical knowledge. I made first two kits from musikding and then I decided to start making pedals from here because it´s very well explained and its easy for me to understand. So far i have sucessful built Serendipity and Boneyard (btw absolutely awesome sound both of them). Two new pedals are coming (Cosmopolitan and Deadringer), I´m sure they´ll be amazing as well. I love overdrives/distortion/fuzz but I want to do something different. I´m planning to do some chorus or hybrid like DMM but i´ve not found single sided PCB for any of them. Why there are some projects without this option? Is it because of technical issues? Economical?...


(sorry if its a repeated question, i didn´t find anything)