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Messages - skumberg

Thank you! Dropbox worked fine. That really saved me a lot of trouble :D

Finland, Finland, Finland

Best wishes from sweden!
I bought darrens boards for both his polyphase blazar v1.1 and the micro v board. But I can't find the build docs. Also his ebay account seems to have vanished. Can anybody help me out? Please send me a pm for my email adress.
I have two schematics of the polyphase, one from darren/drog trog/dfx_parts but the numbering is wrong compared to my board. It will take some time to build it by tracing the board.
Just use a spdt switch if you can't find a jack. This way you could use that switch as a wet only switch. When the switch connects the grey and red wire, this will remove the dry signal from the mono jack leaving wet only. Connect the stereo jack tip at junction R49 between R52, this is your dry out stereo signal. So now your stereo jack will always give you a dry signal and your mono jack can give you wet/dry or wet only. This might be useful when recording. You can have the wet and dry to different channels.

Another popular mod is fake stereo when you invert the wet signal and feed that to the stereojack. Tonepad has this listed for the small clone I think.
I placed an order on utsource for 6 mn3204 chips, mn3102 and some upc4570c and 2sc2458BL. Hopefully I can build two of these flangers. Were did you get the regulator? The LDO regulator seems rather hard to get hold of.
Thanks, I'll use that depth pot mod then. Yes I was thinking of a wet blend. I'm not sure how useful it would be though. I did it on my ce2 but actually usually set it in the same position.
Looking at the first post in the link, is this the correct way to do the depth mod?

Wouldn't this change the voltage since the depth pot 8k2 resistor forms a voltage divider from 14V+? To keep the ratio I guess 8k2 should be halfed as well but I'm not sure how this affects the rest of the Circuit.

If I wanted an effect level pot, should I just wire it in series with the 22k(R57 in your schematic)? To control the wet level.

Also have ticking problems with a cherry pie build exactly as delyk described above. Used xvive vactrols and nice components through out. The 100nf cap installed. Any new solutions to this? Will decoupling the offset wiper help? I will try jumpering one of the 33ohms as jon patton suggested. Maybe the output of the 78l05 should be more decoupled as well?