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Topics - lionsberg

I would like to have my VOX AC30 off stage so I can crank it up and mic it. To keep my signal strong I would like to use something like a Radial SGI or Blackeye effects Imperium. Both of these solutions are supposed to keep your signal strong and convert your unbalanced, high impedance guitar signal to a low impedance, balanced, XLR signal at your pedalboard and do the opposite at your amp. This way I should be able to run 100ft of cable between my pedalboard and my amp.

I would really like to build something like this myself because I am not really prepared to pay 200 euro's or more for one of the options mentioned above.
The problem is: I'm not sure how to go about doing this. Maybe someone else has done this before.

I've been using a diy buffer on my pedalboard for quite some time to keep my signal strong and I figured I might be able to transform a buffer circuit into a send box for the first part of the system. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this

Edit: this was supposed to go into the open discussion forum
Introductions / Hello from Holland
June 01, 2016, 11:22:07 AM

I've been lurking on the forums for over a year now and decided to finally create an account and introduce myself.
My name is Ruben and I'm from Holland/ The Netherlands. I started building pedals about a year ago because I kept buying new pedals. One day I just figured I might be able to build some of the pedals I desperately wanted. By now I've built about 20 different pedals/ clones both on tagboard as well as pcb's. And I love it.

Thanks so much for all the valuable information