
General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: midwayfair on July 16, 2012, 01:32:06 AM

Title: Blew a Mosfet ... time to experiment (EA Trem content)
Post by: midwayfair on July 16, 2012, 01:32:06 AM
I somehow managed to blow a BS170 in one of my trems.... while a pedal was sitting unused in a box. Weird. Anyway, it gave me a chance to test out some other transistors. Didn't get a ton of time to experiement, but apprarently they do make a difference.

I tried a couple low-gain silicons (the depth was a little shallower, but it was nice and warm and lo-fi, sounded a lot like the milder settings on my amp), a couple different mosfets (didn't really hear much of a difference here), and a 2N3565 that I thought sounded very rich with a bright top end and throbby bass -- very hi-fi sounding.

What else has everyone tried in there? Did anything do something really different with the sound?