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Topics - v00d00blues79

Tech Help - Projects Page / Sawse issues
May 17, 2016, 07:58:58 PM
Hi all,

I recently finished up a Sawse build and I'm having some weirdness happen.  I get bypass signal, but nothing when the effect is engaged.  I've gone through and done some preliminary debugging, but this one's got me stumped.

Here are some voltages:

IC1 (note: I subbed in an LM358 as I don't have a TL022 at the moment)
Pin 1: 4.627v
Pin 2: 4.634v
Pin 3: 4.628v
Pin 4: 0v
Pin 5: 4.616v
Pin 6: 4.630v
Pin 7: 4.623v
Pin 8: 9.28v

Vact 1:

LED +: 1.538v
LED - : 0
All three LDR pins read: 4.6v

The Range pot read (Fully CCW):

Pin 1: 1.423v
Pin 2: 1.423v
Pin 3: 9.28v

My power supply is a 1-Spot that is putting out 9.5v. 

Would anyone that's built this board please sanity check my numbers for me?  Also, would the substitution of the LM358 for the TL022 cause a problem?  I researched compatibility and found references where people have used the LM358 in place of the TL022 for LFO's and the like with no problem, so I thought I'd at least get noise.

As much as the Vactrol for this build cost I'd hate for it not to work.  ;)


Open Discussion / I think I may have a problem...
April 26, 2016, 11:17:30 PM
I just went through and organized all of my unpopulated, partially populated and ready to be boxed pcbs, and I'm at 65 unique projects that need some form of love or another.

Anybody else have this issue?  Please don't tell me I'm alone in this.


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Finished this one up last night.  I've built Zendrive clones before, but this little guy is something special. I used an NE5532 and I like it. I might try a couple others, but so far I like the way it sounds.

Now on to the interesting part of this build.  Everything is backwards. The pot wiring and the control labels are all backwards.  Oops.  That's what I get for thinking it was a good idea to finish this one after a few whiskys. The wiring will be an easy, albeit pain in the butt, to fix.  I'm going to have to strip the labeling off and I'm hoping the paint pen I used isn't too stubborn.  Let it be a lesson, don't drink and solder kids. You never know what might happen.


A little family picture:


I'm slowly working through my stack of ready to box baby builds. This one was my first without board mounted pots and led. It took me a wee bit longer to box, but went together smoothly. I followed Madbeans baby build doc and used ribbon cable for the wiring.

Things I learned from this build are these guys are really tiny and to pay attention to pot pinouts.  Had to rewire the rate pot due to this last one. That was a pain.

I went with my usual paint pen dressing scheme. Still not much of a graphics guy.

As far as the sound goes I'm really happy with it.  I can get smooth to choppy out of this little guy. It will fit in well on my board.


Open Discussion / Tone Bender transistors
April 03, 2016, 04:33:42 AM
So, I have a tone bender mk ii board from stomp town and like a goon I ended up ordering a transistor set from small bear for a mk I.  Will this work? Or am I going to better off ordering the correct set?



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I just wrapped up my first 1590A build last night, and I'm hooked!  It's a Stomptown Electronics Baby Screamer.  I used the values for the Keeley mod plus to tweak this little guy.  I love it!

I still suck at enclosure finishes, so this little guy is sitting in a unmarked enclosure.  I want to start doing more finishes on enclosures, but I have the hardest time coming up with ideas.

Anyway, here are the obligatory pics:


Tech Help - Projects Page / Aquaboy v2 issue
April 08, 2013, 02:13:21 AM
I just built up a Aquaboy v2 PCB for a MN3005 and I'm getting a high pitch whine on the MN's pins 3&4 with a lot of distortion that I can't seem to bias out.  I'm going through and verifying resistor values to make sure I don't have any invalid values, but what could possibly be causing this?  I've verified my MN3005's in my Dirtbag, so I know they work which is a great relief, but even the ones i have in my Dirtbag exhibit this problem.

Could the clock cap, which measured dead on 100pF, drift and cause this type of issue?  This is going to be a learning exercise for me as my Dirtbag build went sooo smooth. 

I've audio probed the audio path and I have audio all the way to pin 7 of the MN3005, so I know that the board is at least passing signal.  Just looking for some hints as to what it might be.


Open Discussion / MN3005's on ebay
February 23, 2013, 08:29:18 PM
Found these on ebay and thought i'd pass it along to everyone:

Looks like the guy went through the trouble of testing them.  I got them for a best offer of 2 for $70 shipped, so I'm rolling the dice to see if they actually work.  If not, no risk no reward...  at lease they are coming from the US and not HK or China.  Figured I'd take a shot.


Build Reports / XTC Build #1
February 20, 2013, 03:40:40 PM
I bought a couple of the XTC boards that George was selling and I just finished wiring up the first one.  I'll have to wait till tomorrow to fire it up, but so far it I'm really digging the boards for ease of build.  I'm not one for putting much of a finish on the enclosures so this one will most likely get the standard labler treatment.

I've also got a couple of his Pastie Drive boards in the pipe.  I'll post them once I'm done with their builds.

I'm trying to wrap up my Honeydripper build, and I just realized that I can't find the LT1054 I bought for this project.  I have an ICL7660SIPA on hand and was wondering if that would work for this?  I know the LT1054 has 100mA output current rating and the 7660 has a 45mA rating, so I wonder the 7660's rating will be enough?


Open Discussion / Warhead enclosure?
March 27, 2012, 02:25:43 AM
I'm looking at getting an enclosure for my Warhead build and I have a question.  What enclosures are you guys using?  I have a 1590BB here, but I've seen where guys were using a 1590C.  The 1590BB looks like it will be really tight.


Open Discussion / Bipolar Power Supplies for OD pedals?
January 19, 2012, 12:48:47 AM
I've been looking at the Boneyard schematic and it got me thinking about bipolar power supplies for overdrive pedals.  I've been enamored with the clips I've heard of the Providence SOV-2 and I see that they are running that pedal with a bipolar +/-15v supply.  I was wondering, if the chip supports it, would this provide a bit more headroom on other overdrive pedals?  I know a typical single rail power supply running at higher voltages gives a bit more headroom, but I was wondering if a bipolar supply would allow for an even greater voltage swing before clipping?

I've not explored anything like this before and am a self proclaimed neophyte when it comes to solid state electronics, so if this question is worded incorrectly I apologize  :-[


General Questions / Lowrider question...
January 05, 2012, 01:15:48 AM
I just got done putting my Lowrider board together and so far so good.  I do have a question though:

I'm experiencing some gate-ing on the decay of notes.  Is this normal for this type circuit?  The note will sustain for a bit and then start getting blatty and cut out.  Would I benefit from running a compressor in front of this guy to help with this?

If this needs to move to the Tech Help section let me know and I'll move it over there.



Build Reports / Klone Overdrive (Sunking)
December 29, 2011, 02:59:33 AM
Out of the several dozen or so pedals I've built over the last few years this is the first one to actually get any kind of labeling treatment.  After perusing the amazing builds on display here on the forum I finally got up the gumption to try my hand at etching.  I figured I would start out with something simple, and I'm glad I did.  I managed to make a few mistakes, but overall I'm really happy with the way it turned out.

Also, I want to thank Madbean and all of the rest of you guys for giving me the motivation to take this next step, and for also providing me with motivation to really dig back in to pedal building!


Tech Help - Projects Page / MN4047B for Dirtbag Deluxe?
December 24, 2011, 02:54:12 AM

I've been trying to compare the data sheets between the MN4047B chips that I have and the CD4047BCN chips specified in the build docs.  What I'd like to confirm is that the MN4047B's that I have here will work in place of the CD4047. 

I think they will, based upon my beginners interpretation of the data sheets, but I would feel better if I could get a second opinion.



Open Discussion / PTAP2 Documentation...
December 22, 2011, 04:12:42 AM
Hi everybody,

I recently found the PTAP2 PCB/ICs that I bought way back when, but I cannot for the life of me find the schem/layout docs.  Does anyone out there happen to have these?  I would appreciate it alot if someone did and sent me a copy.  All of my searching has turned up nothing.

