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Messages - DLW

The designer of these pedal is/was an active member of the DIY Pedal groups on Facebook. Super knowledgable and nice guy.
Open Discussion / Re: NGD dont judge me
June 12, 2022, 10:06:14 AM
She's a beaut!!
Quote from: elktronics on April 20, 2022, 05:46:28 PM
Quote from: DLW on February 04, 2022, 01:32:20 PM
I shared some SMD projects on oshpark, including a Sonic Stomp. All these boards are about the size of a US quarter.

Could I ask what size SMD is used for this project?

Thank you!
Mostly 805 with a few 1206 for larger caps.
I'm not sure. It is what Eagle exports. The file opens with "textedit" on Mac and should do the same with whatever the equivalent would be on a PC.
Open Discussion / Re: Bloviator RIP - Any alternatives?
February 04, 2022, 01:32:20 PM
I shared some SMD projects on oshpark, including a Sonic Stomp. All these boards are about the size of a US quarter.
Open Discussion / Re: Invader Distortion noise gate
January 31, 2022, 12:21:16 PM
That's what I see too, and it's also a mystery to me.
Open Discussion / Re: Invader Distortion noise gate
January 30, 2022, 03:32:27 PM
Could be a similar implementation as Amptweaker Tight Metal...
General Questions / Re: VTL5C3 how to role your own?
January 26, 2022, 07:56:12 PM
I'm not sure what your budget is, but cabintech has xvive VTL5C3 for <$7 a piece...
Open Discussion / Re: Rat palisades style
January 21, 2022, 11:42:50 AM
Is it just me, or are there a number of traces contacting pads?
Quote from: Muadzin on August 26, 2021, 12:33:35 PM
Quote from: alanp on August 19, 2021, 03:58:12 PM
I heard a good term for this kinda stuff -- "panic porn".

The other thing to remember is that journalists are people, too, with their own deeply held beliefs (whether that is Christian values, or completely open borders, or a love of Marx and Engels), so you should read multiple sources on the same topic, and try to pull together what's going on as an aggregate.

Word! Or avoid the most partisan news sources altogether. Or news altogether. Life is much better once you quit watching the news.

Quote from: Aentons on August 19, 2021, 11:26:42 PM
A buddy of mine has fully resisted getting vaccinated because his (mis)understanding was that "you can still get covid and give it to others, so what's the point?". His wife finally threatened to leave him if he didn't. He got vaccinated yesterday.

Oh yeah, emotional blackmail. That marriage is in for the long haul. NOT!

Quote from: pickdropper on August 20, 2021, 02:46:03 AM
I agree with your overall sentiment, so please don't take this the wrong way... almost no person with a solid understanding of the immune system expected sterilizing immunity any of the CoV2/COVID19 vaccines without high vaccination rates. All vaccines, including those against CoV2, improve immunity thereby resisting infection and reducing symptoms in individuals. The efficacy ranges at the individual level ranges from sterilizing to significantly reduced symptoms (i.e. MASSIVELY decreased risk of hospitalization and death). However, vaccines only reach "sterilizing" at the population level once a large enough proportion of the population has been vaccinated- this is the real concept of herd immunity. CoV2/COVID19 continues to cause problems purely because not enough people chose (when readily available) to be vaccinated and not at all because the vaccine is ineffective.

Actually, your mention of sterilizing effect of the measles vaccine is a great demonstration of what I just said. In 2017, an anti-vaxx sentiment polluted the Somali-American community in Minneapolis. The largest outbreak of measles in 30 years ensued, and ~20% of the 80 new infections were in vaccinated individuals. The same vaccine that provided sterilizing immunity to a population was compromised by a significant number of people that were corrupted by anti-vaccine propaganda.

Oh, I don't take that the wrong way at all.  My (not very well-worded) post wasn't against the efficacy of the vaccine but more about public expectations and the continued distortion of what the vaccine is actually designed to do.

Muad's comment "If they can still lock us down, even though we're vaccinated, then what is the point of getting the jab of an experimental vaccine? It's basically like nothing will ever change." echos a lot of what I've heard people complain about around here.  "Why should I get the vaccine if there are still breakthrough infections" or if there are continued mask mandates or lockdowns, etc.  The vaccine isn't an immediate fix, but it's a significant help as we all work together to bring order out of chaos.  It's just going to be a process and not a switch that gets flipped.

And yes, your measles example is solid.

They want me to wear masks again at the university where I work. Hell no! Back to working at home it is.

I'm starting to think focusing on a vaccine was the wrong strategy altogether. Because this thing keeps on mutating faster then John Carpenter's The Thing. It's like trying to come up with a vaccine to the common cold. Maybe pouring in all that money on a medicine would have been better? One that mitigates and shortens the effecst. So you can call in at work:
Hey boss, I got corona today.
Okay, you know what to do. Take 2 pills and come back next week.

One thing I do know, Australia and New Zealand are showing us what to expect for the winter, just like they did last winter. Expect a lot more lockdowns to come and more repression and shaming to get you to do what the PtB want you to do. And divide and conquer of course. Have the vaccinated be angry at the non-vaccinated. Instead of the real culprits, the airlines, who keep on flying all these variants all over the world.

You are 5x more likely to be infected and 29x more likely to be hospitalized with COVID19 if you have not been vaccinated.

The vaccine is remarkably effective against CoV2 variants, and the only reason COVID19 continues to cause problems is due to people not having access to vaccines or refusing vaccination. Full stop. Your opinion is uninformed and dangerously misguided.
Quote from: pickdropper on August 19, 2021, 11:48:03 AM
Quote from: Muadzin on August 19, 2021, 08:14:32 AM
Quote from: alanp on August 17, 2021, 06:38:48 AM
Someone in NZ has the Delta variant... naturally, he decided to jump in his car and go for a drive (before he had symptoms, to be fair.) I'm starting to wonder if one of the early symptoms is itchy feet and the desire to go for a wander.

So, we're at Level 4, full lockdown. It wouldn't piss me off so much if *I* got a holiday too, rather than continuing to work at the slaughterhouse while other people stay home and play Xbox.

If they can still lock us down, even though we're vaccinated, then what is the point of getting the jab of an experimental vaccine? It's basically like nothing will ever change.

I think a lot of people thought the vaccine would provide sterilizing immunity, like the smallpox and measles vaccines do.  It would be wonderful if it did, but unfortunately it does not.  Therefore, there's likely going to be a bit of a balancing act about when to lock down to minimize damage and when to keep things open.  With so many folks not vaccinated, it further complicates the calculation.  Since we're still learning in real time, it's likely not always going to be smooth.

I think the main thing is trying to avoid the full industry shutdowns that we saw in 2020 if at all possible.  The global supply chain is really messed up and it might take 1-2 years to stabilize even if there are no further shutdowns.  There are a lot of partial shutdowns going on in parts of Asia right now as the vaccine supply still isn't where it needs to be globally.  It's going to be a mess for a while, I fear.  The effect of all of this will be more than just financial, so hopefully things even out soon.

I agree with your overall sentiment, so please don't take this the wrong way... almost no person with a solid understanding of the immune system expected sterilizing immunity any of the CoV2/COVID19 vaccines without high vaccination rates. All vaccines, including those against CoV2, improve immunity thereby resisting infection and reducing symptoms in individuals. The efficacy ranges at the individual level ranges from sterilizing to significantly reduced symptoms (i.e. MASSIVELY decreased risk of hospitalization and death). However, vaccines only reach "sterilizing" at the population level once a large enough proportion of the population has been vaccinated- this is the real concept of herd immunity. CoV2/COVID19 continues to cause problems purely because not enough people chose (when readily available) to be vaccinated and not at all because the vaccine is ineffective.

Actually, your mention of sterilizing effect of the measles vaccine is a great demonstration of what I just said. In 2017, an anti-vaxx sentiment polluted the Somali-American community in Minneapolis. The largest outbreak of measles in 30 years ensued, and ~20% of the 80 new infections were in vaccinated individuals. The same vaccine that provided sterilizing immunity to a population was compromised by a significant number of people that were corrupted by anti-vaccine propaganda.
Open Discussion / Re: NGD - Gibson Non-Reverse FB
June 02, 2021, 10:55:09 AM
That's awesome!
Seems like the building was empty and the loss won't be a bad as it could have been.
Quote from: EBK on April 28, 2021, 08:16:30 PM
Quote from: DLW on April 28, 2021, 07:40:07 PM
Swollen pit lymph nodes occurs in almost everybody with arm vaccines, but only few people may notice. Not a problem at all. That's the location of the draining lymph node where T and B cells are making shit happen.
If I can feel my T and B cells "making shit happen", it may actually help my general anxiety level.  (My first shot is Friday morning.)

NGL, that second shot kicked my ass, but 1. that means it's priming a strong immune response and 2. the side effects go away 100% in short order. A week after your final dose, your life can return to normal. Let that sink in... As an example, you can run to the store to get a snack and not have to question whether or not that little snack is worth putting yourself or a friend/family member in the hospital.
Swollen pit lymph nodes occurs in almost everybody with arm vaccines, but only few people may notice. Not a problem at all. That's the location of the draining lymph node where T and B cells are making shit happen.