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Topics - icecycle66

So, eh..

Which of the Mudbunny models start off most similar to the current EHX Bass Big Muff Pi?

Don't go making a hard thing of this, just if you happen to have already looked into it and know the answer.

Open Discussion / Secret Agent, man
July 02, 2012, 05:56:15 PM
I feel very Cold War spy like when I buy things such as Germanium transistors from the Czeck Republic.

I think once I finish my first series of learning builds I'm going to make an all Cold War pedal line up.
Open Discussion / Music to work to
June 30, 2012, 07:26:14 PM
What do you guys listen to, if anything, while you are building?

I've been stuck on Hypnos 69 since I started building.
Open Discussion / Low frequency roll-off
June 18, 2012, 06:00:23 PM
What causes low frequency roll-off?
How do I stop it?

As a bass player building all these pedals I would like to know what causes pedals, distortion and fuzz in particualr, to kill the low frequencies going through them. When I go through my pedals I want to keep the large low notes.

Now, I've seen descriptions of some pedals.  They talk about only applying the effect to higher frequencies while leaving the lower freqs alone, to keep the strength of the low notes.  That's not what I'm looking for.  I want the entire range of notes to be distorted, or whtever, but i want the strengtho of the unclean low note to be just as powerful as the clean low note.

It seem to me:

No effect = BOOM
Effect = *b*o*o*m*

I want:
No effect= BOOM
effect = *B*O*O*M*
Requests / A Seaquence pedal
June 05, 2012, 04:34:51 PM
I would like a pedal that does this.
It is probably way beyond the DIY realm, but this is the only place I could even think of bringing it up.
Open Discussion / Cave dweller playing in itself?
June 04, 2012, 10:07:10 PM
My cave dweller oscillates and shimmy-shakes on it's own.  It has a constant fuzzy hiss going through it.
Is this just because of the normal lack of buffering on the pedal circuit, or did I do something wrong?
Everything is built by directions.
I made this mod to it:
Here's a video:

Open Discussion / Pot problem
May 31, 2012, 05:25:48 PM
I built another Macheen last night. I bought duplicate parts for my first build and didn't need any so i had all the parts left to build another one.

Anyway, everything seems to work fine, but only when the Limit and Volume are all the way up.
When they are maxed out, the Gain and Trim work perfectly, but if either the Limit or Volume pot is anything less than maxed then the pedal goes silent.

I'm going to do simple troubleshooting at home tonight.
I was wondering, while at work, if anybody know why it would do this. So i guess my question is;

Why does the pedal go silent if the Limit or Volume pots are not maxed out?

Open Discussion / Square hole
May 19, 2012, 07:31:28 PM
Is there a trick to cutting square holes?

Like, is there  square cutting tool out there that I'd be willing to pay hudreds of dollars for. Or is it just practice?
Open Discussion / PPP extras
May 07, 2012, 12:13:37 AM
Does anyone else get as excited as I do when they get their PPP shipment in?  Not for the parts, but because that's the only time you ever get Jolly Ranchers.
Open Discussion / tactile switch leads?
May 03, 2012, 07:14:09 PM
I hate asking questions like this, I feel like i'm bothering people.

Why do tactile switches in Digitech and Behringer pedals have 4 legs?

All the other switches I find, and want for rehousing purposes, have two legs.

How am i supposed to cram 2 legs into 4 holes and have everything work the same?
This is my first pedal build.
A recap from the Learning pains thread thread.

I spent a few weeks trying to start a Macheen build and failed.  I eventually found out that the reason nothing was working was because of my circuit board.  Screw that, I'm not making my own anymore.

Madbean and Haberdasher will get a lot of business from me.

Tonight I finished putting all the wires and parts together.  The effect sounds great. My fingers hurt.  I've burnt the hell out of my left index finger.  I have a burn on the top and my tip is a little cooked.  That sucks.

I drilled my first box tonight, I think I need a bigger bit.

I have nice clean holes for everything but the foot switch.

Also, I don't think I'm going to be able to fit a battery in my box either.  Everything else is pretty crammed in.  You guys will see it all when I'm done and post the build thread.

Oh, here's the pain part of when I was drilling the holes in my enclosure.

I don't have work bench so I do all this work on the table outside.

What I was supposed to do, was clamp a small pieceo of wood between the box and the table.  That way everything is secured to the table, and there is a piece of wood betweeen the drill point and my wifes metal patio table.

Well, when I clamped everything together, I missed the table and only clamped the box to the piece of wood.  This wood is a 14 inches by 5 inches.

I went on to start drilling my holes.  Everything was going fine until my bit caught and twisted the box, which twisted the board (as it was not clamped to the table).

No crap, there I was standing over a spinning box clamped to a 14 inch board with jagged ends.  The board whipped around and slugged me right in the nards.  Luckily, due to shock delay of getting popped in the ping-pong balls, I was able to stop drilling and lay the power tool down before doubleing over. 

I fell back into one of the chairs, clutching my man purse and pondering how this could have ever happened to such a wonderful person.   

The moral is, make sure whatever you clamp to is firmly affixed to something else.

I finished up my first build today. 

And man was it rough, I had to just sort of cram a bunch of stuff in the enclosure.  I'll need to clean up my build technique and move to 125 enclosures.

Nothing too painful, although I did super glue my fingers together.  I'm just gonna use 3mm LED with fancy little metal holders from now on.

Also, I'm not to happy with the graphics, but that's what cheap spray paint will get you

It works!

This is my screaming robot.

Open Discussion / Learning pains
April 22, 2012, 02:47:28 AM
I spent a few weeks trying to start a Macheen build and failed.  I eventually found out that the reason nothing was working was because of my circuit board.  Screw that, I'm not making my own anymore.

Madbean and Haberdasher will get a lot of business from me.

Tonight I finished putting all the wires and parts together.  The effect sounds great. My fingers hurt.  I've burnt the hell out of my left index finger.  I have a burn on the top and my tip is a little cooked.  That sucks.

Next week I will move on to the enclosure.  Let's see how that goes.

Open Discussion / Changing switch types
April 18, 2012, 08:06:00 PM
Does anyone out there know how to change a Boss pedal switch to an MXR type of switch?

I'm talking about the on/off mechanism.

I want to rehouse all my pedals into the same size enclosures, for perfect pedalboard uniformity, but I have no idea how to work the Boss and Behringer switches into the new enclosures.
Hey folks.

I am building my first pedal, ever. 

This is actually the first time I am really doing any sort of circuit work.

I am building the Macheen.  I have all my parts and my circuit board etched and drilled; and I have started to place components.

I am doing th resistors first and

WHAT HAPPENED TO R16!!!...sorry, I'm just a little frightened.

So, what happened to R16?

I made my circuit board based on the prints on the bottom of page five in the project.
I purchased all my parts based on the list on page 2.

Now that I am putting everything in place, I see that the circuit board on page 5 is different than the boards on pages 2 and 4.

I can barely read schematics, but looking at the schematic I don't see anything labeled R16.

So, am I boned?
What do I do with the holes I have for R16?
Do I need to print and etch a new circuit board based on the ones on pages 2 and 4?
If so, does anyone have the printable art for etching?
Is there an easy workaround for this?