
Projects => Tech Help - Projects Page => Topic started by: HailToTheBlues on April 30, 2015, 07:48:44 PM

Title: Musket Fuzz clone issues
Post by: HailToTheBlues on April 30, 2015, 07:48:44 PM
Hi guys,
I'm working on a Musket fuzz clone from Blackout effects, and i'm experiencing a couple issues:
- the tone pot has a big volume drop as soon as i start to roll it clockwise
- the effect seems to be lacking gain, a lot of gain, it's way less powerfull than the original, and if the fuzz and the pre-amp are at their lowest setting, i get almost no volume at all, i have to turn them way more to get acceptable volume.
I've asked another member here that build the same layout, and he didn't get this kind of problems. I suspect it could be related to the active parts, the transistors for instance, not getting enough voltage.

I'm doing this on veroboard, and the layout is the one that's attached here.
So, any help here guys? I'm doing this for a person, and i wasn't expecting to get this kind of problems at all.

Thank you and best regards
Title: Re: Musket Fuzz clone issues
Post by: pryde on May 01, 2015, 02:28:51 AM
Hi again. I guess first check x10 every row and column for correct connections. I tell you i have looked at vero builds for days and swore they were correct until suddenly there was a mistake right there the whole time. Really have to go over these a ton to be absolutely sure.
Title: Re: Musket Fuzz clone issues
Post by: HailToTheBlues on May 01, 2015, 03:13:04 AM
I've already checked a lot, but i guess it's never enough! The thing is, there's a couple people experiencing the same issues that i am, and so i started to think it was a layout error, but since you didn't had this issues that wouldn't make sense. Also, what would be the right voltages i should have on the transistors? Because i measured them and not even one was having more than 8v in the C leg, is that normal?
Title: Re: Musket Fuzz clone issues
Post by: HailToTheBlues on May 01, 2015, 01:26:25 PM
Any thoughts guys?
Title: Re: Musket Fuzz clone issues
Post by: HailToTheBlues on May 04, 2015, 03:39:35 PM
So guys, i made it work, i had the transistors mirrored, because i'm soldering the parts on the oposite side of the vero where the copper is, and made a mistake with the trannies positions, had to desolder and solder them correctly. Now it works, but after a few minutes, or even a couple seconds, it suddenly stops working, like if something shorted, but i don't make any movement at all. If i leave it alone, for a bit, and start it again, it works, but stops again after a minute or so. Is this a sign of what? Any clues?
Title: Re: Musket Fuzz clone issues
Post by: pryde on May 04, 2015, 07:32:10 PM
you must have a very small solder bridge or weak/cold solder joint somewhere. Have you scraped between the tracks with an exacto knife?

While the effect is working (or not working), poke, pull, and prod everything while running a signal through it. You should identify the spot.