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Messages - das234

I do.  The green LEDs light up and change frequency and intensity and the red LED lights up when I push the right stomp switch.  It looks like it's dying to work for me but I need to figure out where the signal goes astray.

I did do the revised wiring on the switches due to the fabrication error so that should be ok.
I wired in the jacks and still nothing with the pedal on so I'm going to have to do some checking.  Darn.
Thanks again.  I'll check into Small Bear.  Another quick question- Should I be able to test this like any other pedal on my test box before boxing it up?  I plugged the thing in to my test box this morning and I get no signal with the pedal on, only in bypass.  Before I start the troubleshooting, I want to make sure there isn't some reason my standard 4 wire test box won't work.
Thanks, Droogie.  Is it just that one wire that's supposed to be shielded then?  It looks like there are a couple other shielded wires in the photo but I think maybe those are for the pedal jacks that I don't plan on using.  And, do you have a good source I could get a few inches of shielded wire from because I don't have any shielded at all. 
I'm FINALLY finishing up my Doubel Ganger 2.1d build but I'm confused about something in the build doc.  On the wiring guide there is a note under the Output jack that says "Shield connect to GND at Output Sleeve" and there looks to be a jumper drawn in between the tip and sleeve of the jack.  Maybe it's me (probably) but I'm confused by what that all means.  Can someone help clarify for me?
Build Reports / Re: Class of '77
December 30, 2014, 02:03:11 PM
I'm totally awed by the final results, like everyone else, but what really impresses me is the ingenuity and courage it takes to attempt all those "firsts" coming up with something like that.   
Open Discussion / Re: NCDTD - New Cheap Dinged Tele Day
December 28, 2014, 02:06:39 AM
I think Juan's idea of filling it with some envirotex is good.  Otherwise, I would have suggested doing a steampunk project or maybe covering the whole thing with little tiny mirrors like a 6-string disco ball.
Open Discussion / Re: How do you guys feel about the Pod?
December 28, 2014, 01:57:08 AM
I don't know about the new pods but I have a 2.0 myself and I loved playing that thing through my old Polytone SS head.  I even have the floorboard foot controller for it.  Since then I picked up a new amp that I really like all by itself (it's a Hughes and Kettner Tubemeister) and now I'm not sure if or when I'll use the POD again.  Still I can't bear to get rid of it just yet.  If nothing else, it's a great little practice tool to take wherever I want.
Oh, and I forgot... the guys who walk over to the fuse box and unscrew the plug fuse to the pedal board circuit.  Probably not many of those guys around.
I know. Stupid question.  I figured there were 3 camps (the unpluggers, the power strip togglers, and the leave-it-on-ers)  I was just wondering where people fell.
Just wondering.  How do you guys provide power to your pedal boards and how do you turn off the power when you're not using it?  Or do you just leave the power on 24-7?  I've got a Voodoo PP which provides lovely power but there is no switch to turn off the power when I'm done.
The Wind Cries Mary might be more toward your style. 

Or Crazy Train. 
Open Discussion / Re: NBD
November 12, 2014, 02:27:06 AM
Quote from: flanagan0718 on November 11, 2014, 03:41:19 PM
Awesome bass, awesome playing, and awesome dog!

Agreed.  That's a fine dog and a nice axe.
Open Discussion / Re: Good delay project for a newb?
November 12, 2014, 02:18:33 AM
I haven't built as many projects as many of the other guys so I won't try to steer you on the delay project.  The deep blue delay is fine, the Multiplex is a great project and the Hamlet is still in my box waiting to be built but I expect greatness.  Just make sure you post whatever you build when you're done.

As for the PT2399 source, I'm sure I've seen some threads about that out there and people seem to have strong opinions.  Personally, I've used cheap ones from Tayda and haven't been disappointed yet.
Open Discussion / Re: n00b advice needed
July 21, 2014, 01:51:34 PM
I don't see it mentioned yet but I love my Buzzaround.  Mine's built on the MB Bumblebee with a Road Rage to make it run on a standard power supply.