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Topics - Guitarmageddon

Build Reports / 808, Trem & Champ
April 03, 2016, 01:40:56 AM
A few things off the bench...


No cab yet, might put it in a head shell. For fun, I've been running it through a Slant Marshall 2x12.
Man, only 5 watts, but it sure can push some air!

Optical Trem
I've built heaps of these, love 'em.

TS808 with mids and clipping options on toggles.

This is a BYOC board filed down to fit a 1590B. You have to sacrifice the outside pairs of traces, but other than that it works fine. I had to put the board face down to get clearance on the toggle switches, so it's not very pretty. I just cover the whole lot with a business card.   ;D

Build Reports / Zappa for President!
March 22, 2016, 12:23:25 AM

Karate Chop/ Harmonic Energizer.

If you're not familiar with this circuit, it's the rare, powerful and gritty notch filter used a lot by Frank.

Build Reports / Barn Owl
March 18, 2016, 02:39:49 AM
I love the different things I get asked to do, especially when it is finished with; "Oh, and can you etch a barn owl on it?"

Codtone "Bunyip" Overdrive paired with a TH Parametric EQ.

Yes...I did put the ICs into the Od...eventually.    ::)

Build Reports / A Star Wars related Pedal...
March 13, 2016, 04:44:59 AM
Forgot to add this one to my last post...
I've observed a long lineage of Star Wars themed pedals over the years I've been on these forums, but somehow never wound up joining that club...until now!
The Darkside, a SHO  into a Muff...they really just go together so well! (it's something that seems to work an anatomical level too... :wink: )

Snagged that image a while ago and had been waiting for the right moment. Reverse etched well.
Muff is a hybrid Triangle with Civil War tone caps and a scoop/flat/hump toggle.

Had quite a busy month...A couple of these are things I've built before, (Britannia,Party Mammoth and Machete) but they're cool so I'm posting the Mk II builds.

Britannia AC 30 emulator paired with with a Stratoblaster Booster...

Party Mammoth II
Wooly Mammoth & Pseudo Ring Modulator with an optical control.

A Rat with variable Ruetz, Whiteface/turbo/you dirty  clipping modes and a clean blend.

Dream Weapon III
A dual optical tremolo and Vox Repeat Percussion.
Rej/CJs Electric Boogaloo and a modernised Repeat Percussion with an extra stomp to switch between two rate controls. The VRP and Dream Weapon is all thanks to forum member KayCee who has built all this several times before. Thanks for referring this client to me mate!

Build Reports / Mind Bender
April 09, 2015, 04:15:54 AM

Russian NPNs.

A really rough demo. Mics were clipping and out of phase...  ::)
Build Reports / A Perky Pair
April 05, 2015, 04:06:10 AM
...of Harmonic Percolators.

I'm really blown away by this circuit. I'd put off building it for a long time because of it's "vagaries," but it's  really unique, has a squishy Ge feel, but a clarity with chords that I've never come across in a fuzz before.

Used Russian PNP Ge (about 70hfe) and a BC109 for the NPN. I have some 2N3565 (as per the original) but found them too noisy.

Scored some beautiful glass NOS 1N695 diodes, (again, as per the original) they have a really low forward voltage- under 200.
I can part with some- $1 usd a pair + $2 for postage worldwide, if any of you diode junkies want to try some shoot me a message.

Build Reports / The Growler
April 02, 2015, 06:43:07 AM
A super tonally-neutral overdrive of my own devising. This one has an extended range for bass, (though it sounds just as good with guitar) and does a great Entwistle type grind.

Got a 3-way switch for a few different clipping modes.

Build Reports / Party Mammoth * Demo added
March 26, 2015, 06:14:35 AM
A Woolly M***moth Fuzz, but with a second stomp for "Party Mode"- which adds a Logan 5 ring-modulator.
Ring modulation can also be controlled by waving a hand or a foot over the optical sensor. 

Transistors are nice BC109s in the fuzz. Guts a real mess I re-worked them a few times. Originally it had a feedback loop, then I added the ring mod but found I had carrier noise issues. Shielded the input line and rearranged things now it's nice and quiet.

Oh... and the party hat lights up when the Ring mod is active.


Build Reports / Micro Amp
March 19, 2015, 06:13:12 AM
MXR Micro Amp clone
Hadn't heard one before , but it's nice, very LOUD! (26db) with a very flat frequency response. 10k has a chub. ;)

Build Reports / Tube Driver
March 15, 2015, 05:07:15 AM
My build of the THcustom Tube Driver.
Sounds nice, I've kinda missed the boat on these valve designs I'm seeing around.  I've had people asking "why don't you build something with a tube in it?" for so long. Never thought it worth the trouble at low voltage. The charge pump in this one puts out 70v from a 9v supply, or 100v from my 12v one. It's a really fun project and Thomas is a nice guy to deal with.

Spent about a week debugging it because I stupidly soldered the tube socket to the wrong side of the board.  ::) Thanks for you help Thomas.

I've run through a bunch of them, and some were definitely nicer than others, but find a 12AX7 to be too much gain for my taste, got a 12AU7 in there at the moment which I like much more, but getting some 12AT7. I think they will strike a nice middle ground. Decay can be a bit fizzy, I'm hoping tweaking the bias will fix that. Added a 100pf cap to ground to shave off a little brightness too.

Build Reports / Fender Blender *demo added
March 05, 2015, 07:43:46 PM
Has some old 2N3391 transistors, all the way from Bulgaria, and an octave defeat on a stomp instead of the tone switch. Very loud, very versatile, very nuts too.

Rather than do the octave defeat the usual way, breaking the connection of one of the half wave rectifier diodes, the switch alternates between the diode and a 1uf cap. Makes for a much better sounding fuzz with the octave off.
If you're having a slow day at work, play "spot the missing wire."   ;)


Build Reports / Evil Twin
March 01, 2015, 08:04:38 AM
The Evil Twin, a pair of Swamprats (Plexidrives)

Great individually, but they stack together well too.

Open Discussion / Companion Psychadelic Machine
February 19, 2015, 10:29:51 AM
A RARE univibe/Superfuzz combo, also does a nice tremolo. Thought some of you might be interested in seeing it. It's here for repair, I've got it going now though and think I might do a little cloning. :D

Hey all! Here's a bunch of recent builds.


The Harmonic Sink (Harmonic Energizer)

Added an expression jack for the Q control.

Syncrotron ( Mega Chorus.Vibrato)

A baffling number of parameters, so I gave them appropriate- and real, thematically related names. 

I built it with MN3007 and a bigger regulator for maximum head-room.

"el Segundo Primo"- working up my "useful" Spanish for my imminent trip to the US!

Made a few mods, but really dig it!.

Love these resin knobs!

Hadn't boxed it, but posted this demo a little while ago.

CMOS Theremin

Guts are a mess, originally I had a stripboard Rub-a-dub reverb in there too, but it was too noisy. I don't know what the enclosure is, but it measures 170x120x55mm, so it was fun to have that much area to work with. The large and quite thick enclosure seems to make a good aerial.

Build Reports / Cod Cat & Moose Milk
January 05, 2015, 12:04:20 AM
Cod Cat (black cat OD-1)

Simple little opamp od. Fairly dark/warm, IMO probably more suited to the single coil crew. Nice tho.

Moose Milk's big, hairy and creamy.  :P

A fuzz loosely based on the Colorsound Bass Fuzz. Something of hybrid of a Tonebender and Muff, known for it's huge low end and chewy fuzz.
I've increased the available gain and output, used leds for the clipping, added a bias control that yields a variety of splatty and gated tones and a toggle that kicks in a Stratoblaster type boost at the front for even more fuzz and sustain. Really like how it sounds.  :)

Build Reports / Octo Drive, BYOC Vibrato and Swell Comp.
December 17, 2014, 10:01:10 PM
A few 1590BB builds...

A pedal for me! Be my go-to dirt box ...for a while.  ;)

Rej's great Catch -22 and the modified Thor from TH Custom.

Love Jfet drives, the TH version of the Thor has a Baxandall tone stack, a really nice addition.
Didn't fit them in the box very elegantly, but as it's for me I don't care.  :P

BYOC Vibrato

Fantastic sounding vibrato. I have two of these so this one's for sale if anyone wants it.

Swell Comp

This is an optical compressor/slow gear combo for a guy on the Kurt Rosenwinkle forum. Kurt has been using a new sound, probably an axefx patch, with a swelled attack. Sounds cool, and this pedal is to emulate it. I'm building one for myself too, but using the new parametric compressor.

Happier with the guts in this one.  :)
That's it for today!
Build Reports / KIT Boost, Dalek Delay & Slap Comp
December 14, 2014, 11:58:41 PM
Here's a few recent ones;

Slap Comp (bear hug)

Dalek Delay
PT delay with modulation

The K.I.T Booster
Kantana Boost with a stomp for the "turbo" mode.

Has sequenced LEDs.  ;D

Build Reports / Woody-Vibe & (another) Supro
November 15, 2014, 03:41:30 AM
The "Woody-Vibe."
MB Harbinger, Woodstock etch. Runs on 9vDC useda darlington at Q13 works great.

Light shield is a replacement toner cartride plug for my cannon printer, usually I use the metal top off a champagne enclosure, (prefer Marlborough region NZ wines, when possible...) but this as a bit tight in a 125BB so I went with something non-conductive.

Supro (ROG suprodeaux)

I get asked to build these a lot, great circuit and I'll only do it on these beautifully designed licenced boards
(possibly the first I'd seen with test points?- pretty cool idea!), anyway,I'm down to my last one. Pick them up second hand whenever I see them- if you've got 10 or so , message me! :D

Build Reports / B G Fuzz
November 08, 2014, 11:28:14 PM
Haven't had a new fuzz kit from BYOC since the dawn of time, so I was super excited about this one...actually, so excited I couldn't wait for a kit.
Was one of those vero builds that was a complete bitch too, so... buy the kit folks! :lol:

Sounds great, excellent range of tones from warm to mosquito, cleans up nice too. Got a BC109 at Q1 and a LM380N is the opamp, was out of TL071 which would probably worked fine too. Highly recommend Ge diodes too.

Damned if I was going to put no Gibb Brothers on this though.  :P

Not a fan of "three-strikes", not a fan of the music either (more a "Black on Both Sides" guy), but hell, if it came to selling a brother an illegal firearm, seems Christopher has enough integrity to do 14-40yrs for me.
Couldn't think of a single living politician who'd do that. Integrity is a rare commodity it seems to me.