
General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: madbean on July 03, 2014, 05:43:08 AM

Title: A small note
Post by: madbean on July 03, 2014, 05:43:08 AM
Some thoughts on things I am seeing happening.

I see many people plunging into the the challenge of designing their on projects, PCBs, and small business models. I want to let you guys know that I am extremely proud to see this community take that step. I honestly feel that this is a group of colleagues, not customers. We are all in a tiny endeavor together that isn't about our own personal egos, agendas or profit motives. I feel like there is a thriving community of folks here that are willing to donate their time and expertise for the greater good. And, that is important.

Let me share with you a small nugget of my personal philosophy with you. When I was 17 y.o. entering Berklee College of Music we had a series of commencement lectures. One of these was particularly inspiring. A lecturer asked for volunteers to come up to the stage and asked them, "Why music? What is it about music that inspires you?". One particular brave young rocker came upstage and said; "Music is a craft. It has to be be practiced and perfected. I don't care if it takes my whole's what matters to me most".

This has informed so much of my life. It seems silly but it's true. One little moment in time that was so inconsequential yet inspiring. My hope is that you guys will take some small nugget of inspiration, wherever you may find it, and help you in whatever way it can. Whether you find it it music, in pedal building, art, science, philosophy,  or whatever. Take what is meaningful to you and own it. It's yours. No one...nothing, can ever take that away from you.
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: lincolnic on July 04, 2014, 03:13:23 AM
Tell 'em, Brian.

Inspiration and meaning are what keep us going. For some of us, it drives our careers, and for others it drives us to create things we care about when we're done with work. I really hope that everyone here finds what's theirs, and keeps it close.

As always, thanks for giving us this space. Hard to imagine a better community.

(P.S. I didn't know you went to Berklee...I did too.)
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: Stomptown on July 04, 2014, 03:44:53 AM
So true Brian and thank you for everything you've done to build this amazing community. I'm constantly inspired and amazed by the kindness, creativity and innovation I see on the forum and I think that is a direct reflection of your philosophy and aspirations!
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: Leevibe on July 04, 2014, 04:12:00 AM
Quote from: Stomptown on July 04, 2014, 03:44:53 AM
So true Brian and thank you for everything you've done to build this amazing community. I'm constantly inspired and amazed by the kindness, creativity and innovation I see on the forum and I think that is a direct reflection of your philosophy and aspirations!

Title: Re: A small note
Post by: cooder on July 04, 2014, 04:48:42 AM
Quote from: Leevibe on July 04, 2014, 04:12:00 AM
Quote from: Stomptown on July 04, 2014, 03:44:53 AM
So true Brian and thank you for everything you've done to build this amazing community. I'm constantly inspired and amazed by the kindness, creativity and innovation I see on the forum and I think that is a direct reflection of your philosophy and aspirations!

+2 and more....! Creativity, fun and passion are the force!
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: blearyeyes on July 04, 2014, 06:23:32 AM
Your giving spirit and lack of being threatened by others entering your domain is inspiring. If all people could adopt this way of looking at others, wanting them to grow, prosper, and even at your expense wishing them well and helping, the world would be a better place to live in. There would be more innovation and advancement. There are very few people like you in this world. You are a good neighbor, and a friend to many people. Thank you so much.
Daniel Shattuck
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: muddyfox on July 04, 2014, 06:30:41 AM
What he said up there...

I made a few smd layouts (and offered kits to minimize the hassle) that peeps around here seemed to like but I would never have done it hadn't the folk around here made it so much fun. I think when all is said and done I'm a few bucks in the red and the missus still won't let go of one particular kit-parts-bagging-session that took place when she wanted to do something else but honestly... I wouldn't change a thing.

You have a great place going on here, B.! Not a single bad apple, in this day and age of the interwebz, that's saying a lot...
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: juansolo on July 04, 2014, 07:49:50 AM
I have seen a change in the DIY scene of late, and it's for the better. I don't know if it's just here on the Bean Board, but now there are a lot of people feeding the scene with new ideas and projects. Giving back. I love that. It reminds me of the computer scene before PCs, CD-ROMs and the internet took hold and it exploded, before it just became about making money.
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: gtr2 on July 04, 2014, 08:32:59 AM
Well said Brian.

Title: Re: A small note
Post by: raulduke on July 04, 2014, 08:49:33 AM
Nice statement and sentimentality. Rings true as well.

In one of the Guitar Moves videos (great fun videos IMO) Josh Homme is asked for what advice he would give to young guitarists. He says along the lines off 'don't expect anything out of it other than the pure enjoyment of playing and learning about music; that should always be enough'. I quite like that sentimentality.

This forum/community is the best. There is always some new project/development, and with the Amp and Guitar sub forums opening, I see a bright future in encouraging other guitar nerds to join in with the fun!

In short: keep up the good work Brian!
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: alanp on July 04, 2014, 10:05:20 AM
Quote from: juansolo on July 04, 2014, 07:49:50 AM
It reminds me of the computer scene before PCs, CD-ROMs and the internet took hold and it exploded, before it just became about making money.

I don't know if you were ever into this, but all in all it reminds me of the demoscene, back in the glory days of Triton, Future Crew, and Scream Tracker ][. When 486 DX2's were hot, and Doom was genuinely, shit-your-pants scary (especially if you had a Sound Blaster.)

I'll admit this is partly because I found the synth-diy mailing list hugely fascinating back in the 90s. (IIRC, Magnus hosted Gene's ASM-1 construction page.)
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: juansolo on July 04, 2014, 02:01:13 PM
Yeah, a little earlier than that as the demos were on Amigas and 486s weren't around yet, but yeah.

Doom was a stratospheric leap in gaming. Shame that other than prettiness, there's not really been another since.
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: jtn191 on July 04, 2014, 04:08:03 PM
Such a nice sentiment, Bean! I feel like diy has given all of us more confidence in the craft and practice in creative expression.
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: LaceSensor on July 04, 2014, 04:33:10 PM
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: GrindCustoms on July 05, 2014, 06:44:57 PM
There's something to be really proud of here, Brian. What you've accomplished personnally through the year and how you have transmitted your passion to other enthusiast is to me, an effigy of DIY!

Rock On! and thanks everything you did, do and upcoming!

Title: Re: A small note
Post by: spin on July 05, 2014, 09:39:19 PM
word, big ups to everyone. I may not big a big poster on here, but this (this=the community in general) is the best community I've had the pleasure of being part of. Nowhere have I seen so much support and encouragement as I have with the pedal building community. We are not competitors, just colleagues in the same industry. I love how we all buy each others products and cross support everyone involved. There are too many to name specifically, but the big guys have no problem with standing shoulder to shoulder with the newcomers and long time builders alike.
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: selfdestroyer on July 06, 2014, 12:42:34 AM
I have said this before, I have lurked many DIY forums or music forums with DIY sections and this is the only one that feels like "home". The attitude of all the members and the free-flow of advice from our super knowledgeable members have really helped me excel in this hobby. Its also the little things that makes huge differences like the PIF sub forum and the holiday gift exchange. I really think that Brian set the precedence/bar here and it is up to all of us members to maintain it. I continue to praise all the active members here and Brian for all the help and heaps of information available to all of us.

Thanks for making a welcoming home for people like me to share ideas and inspire each other. Not a build goes by without thinking of this place and the people on here.

Another really cool dynamic here is the fact that we show compassion to others and truly want to help each other. I have seen it with builds and with personal matters. I am happy to be a member at this forum and hope it never ends.

(time to wipe the tears from my eyes and do some man stuff really quick before the wife walks in)

Title: Re: A small note
Post by: pickdropper on July 06, 2014, 04:10:01 AM
Quote from: spin on July 05, 2014, 09:39:19 PM
word, big ups to everyone. I may not big a big poster on here, but this (this=the community in general) is the best community I've had the pleasure of being part of. Nowhere have I seen so much support and encouragement as I have with the pedal building community. We are not competitors, just colleagues in the same industry. I love how we all buy each others products and cross support everyone involved. There are too many to name specifically, but the big guys have no problem with standing shoulder to shoulder with the newcomers and long time builders alike.

Yeah, I agree.  The majority of the folks in the community are friendly and helpful and the overall vibe is much more accepting of people, regardless of skill level.  That's not always the case on hobbyist forums.
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: HailToTheBlues on July 06, 2014, 03:26:03 PM
Totally agree with everything said here! Everyone here is willing to help, it feels like this is not just a forum, but a brotherhood. This place turn out to be my second home, it feels weird if i don't come here at least one or two times.
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: Bret608 on July 07, 2014, 04:51:44 PM
I feel like participating in this hobby via this forum has finally helped me put into practice an ethos that was present in a lot of the '80s underground music I grew up on. The Minutemen said it best with the quote "Our band could be your life," i.e. the DIY spirit present in punk music could be a model for living in general. I may not be able to participate in this hobby quite as fully as I would like sometimes, but I still feel that doing this has helped me be more self-reliant in daily life. Example: I changed out a sink faucet, did not have to call a plumber, and my wife was extremely proud of me!

The quote in Brian's original post regarding music being a craft resonates with me as well. Mike Watt had an article in Musician magazine back when it was still around ('94 maybe?). He discussed the difference between practicing and rehearsing. Food for thought if anyone can dig it up.
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: culturejam on July 07, 2014, 05:34:59 PM
That's deep, bro.  8)
Title: Re: A small note
Post by: upthepunxxx on July 07, 2014, 05:45:40 PM
Amen, preach on my brotha! I just think its so cool how rational, practical, & ego-less that was. I hope I can give as much advice as I feel as I have taken from this place. One day!

Stay Punk!