So I am wiring up a tremshifter and the filter and trem rate pots in the existing schematic are wired such that the highest rates are full counter clockwise. I would like that to be fully clockwise for my simple brain to more easily grasp the function of the controls. The recommended wiring for these controls treats the pot like a variable resistor if I understand correctly (one wire to lug 1, the other two to lugs 2 and 3 as shown in the link below). Both controls use an A1M pot.
So, if I want to reverse the sweep, I believe I can just modify the wiring to have the first wire connect to lug 3 (instead of 1) and the second wire connect to lugs 1 and 2 (instead of 2/3). However, since it's an "A" log-taper pot, would i need to use a "C" reverse-log-taper pot as well to get similar performance? I am thinking I would but am not sure and was hoping someone smarter than me could shed some light here.
Could anyone verify/clarify? I know I could test one with my multimeter and plot the results but would rather know before ordering. Thanks madbeaners. ;)
Yes. You can get the pot to work in the direction you want, but as you suspect, you will also need to use a C taper pot to get the same response curve.
Thank you sir -- looks like I need to order more parts... so it goes.