Recently it has come to my attention that a member here was using more than one account. I don't recall if I ever explicitly stated this but that is a no-no and that should be obvious. Furthermore, this member's second account was affiliated with the sale of PCBs. Selling PCBs here is not a violation of the rules. I've made that completely clear over many years. But, not disclosing affiliations as it relates to a personal pedal-related business is against the rules. And, being deceitful about it (which happened in this case) gets you a ban. I don't like doing that but there has to be a reasonable amount of moderation here.
Just so it is clear-
-Do not register for more than one account.
-If you are selling stuff as part of a business that relates to DIY, pedal manufacturing, etc, then you need to disclose that in your signature. And, you are completely welcome here. We like you.
-It is totally okay to sell your own PCBs (or DIY related products) here provided they are your own designs and within the rules already spelled out (not a copy of someone else's PCB, or "original" project, etc).
-Lying to me is one of the few things that can get you please don't. Especially for totally unnecessary and dumb reasons that could have been avoided.
Whoops... in that case i've been a bit naughty with my signature, what about freelance work for a company, I do repairs for Analogman UK, do I need to include that?
Quote from: Scruffie on December 08, 2017, 01:38:22 AM
Whoops... in that case i've been a bit naughty with my signature, what about freelance work for a company, I do repairs for Analogman UK, do I need to include that?
No need to go crazy. Any business affiliation that is long-term or a permanent relationship is plenty enough. We don't need people disclosing their entire CV. I only want this so members know who they are interacting with.
Groovy, the other ones have no impact on my posting.
Just so everyone knows - I am a real softie. It takes work for me to bust out "rules" (I'm so anti-authoritarian it's almost sad). Just stick to the few simple rules of the forum and everything will be gravy.
Quote from: madbean on December 08, 2017, 02:09:10 AM
Just so everyone knows - I am a real softie. It takes work for me to bust out "rules" (I'm so anti-authoritarian it's almost sad). Just stick to the few simple rules of the forum and everything will be gravy.
Ja, Ja, Obersturmführer Aldsworth. Das rules must be followed. ;D
OK, full disclosure; I'm Sparticus, Jimmy Hoffa and the Lindberg baby. I may or may not know the location of the Maltese Falcon.
That should cover most of it.
It's a good reminder nonetheless, I didn't have the pickups listed, and though the food forest is in its infancy, there it is in my disclosures.
So.... was this person using their 1st account to hype up the PCBs being sold by their second account?? :-\
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on December 08, 2017, 12:12:15 PM
So.... was this person using their 1st account to hype up the PCBs being sold by their second account?? :-\
In so far as I can tell not exactly but perhaps just shy of that. The individual posted in the same thread under both accounts at least once.
I've updated my signature to more clearly state my lack of affiliation, not even with Oatey, makers of fine paste flux. ;)
My avatar pic happens to be of a tin of flux that I've been using for over 20 years. It's pretty scary looking inside:
( (
Apart from the resistors and metal it sort of looks like a chocolate biscuit.
Quote from: EBK on December 08, 2017, 01:02:18 PM
I've updated my signature to more clearly state my lack of affiliation, not even with Oatey, makers of fine paste flux. ;)
How strange. "Fine Paste Flux" is the name of my Hall and Oates cover band!
I was hesitant to add my affiliation because, it's new and may not pan out, and I didn't have any intent to sell anything on this forum. I wanted to keep my side project separate from all the learning I get here. But, at the same time, this site, the Madbean projects and documentation, and all you gurus here are the reason why I am where I am and I was afforded an opportunity to design, build, and sell some pedals. It's way more fun than my day job.
I did suddenly realize that there were a few times that I suggested Nordstrand pickups to members here... I'm not at all affiliated with his pickups, I'm just really good friends with him and truly believe that his pickups the are bomb. A real life fan boy.
I wouldn't affiliate with anyone that would affiliate with me, I don't trust me. As groucho marx once said: I wouldn't be part of any club that would have me as a member.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's weird that someone would have two accounts and be active with both. I'm no psychiatrist,
but it seems to me that it shows a lack of confidence in one's self. And it's not cool. But I'm just
an old fart that doesn't use a cell-phone and sees no need to have a facebook account.
Ralfg, I thought the same thing. I haven't sold a single pedal yet.
On the other hand, I think I would want to know if someone else was involved in the industry.
I don't know when I'm going to get over treading lightly and asking permission before posting things even vaguely related to what I do on the outside.
I have just been treated so well, almost without exception, by the members her that I loath getting sideways with anyone.