
General => Global Annoucements => Topic started by: madbean on January 12, 2018, 01:08:45 AM

Title: BOTY/New Board/Donate/Sale/VFE
Post by: madbean on January 12, 2018, 01:08:45 AM
Coming up this weekend:

-- BOTY voting: The voting thread and final prize list will be posted by Saturday. Tomorrow if I can swing it.
-- New Board: Moodring 2017 is in and will be made available probably Saturday. I guess I should have called it Moodring 2018 but I forgot to change the silkscreen. There is a demo of the 2017 version here:
-- Donate: Since so many people responded positively to the idea of a "donate" option I will make that available this weekend. I still have plans to get some stickers made but I will have to wait just a bit longer for some positive cash flow. I plan to get like 1000 this time.
-- Sale: I've got a bit of overstock on some boards so I am going to put a couple on sale. For sure the Total Recall. Maybe one or two others. I'll update when I know.
-- VFE: If I can get my sh*t together I will get the Dark Horse released with the Moodring. If not, it will come next week for sure.

Honorable mentions: more prototype boards in. Things to stuff happening!
Title: Re: BOTY/New Board/Donate/Sale/VFE
Post by: gordo on January 12, 2018, 03:27:39 AM
Nice.  Thanks Brian.  I'm good for pretty much all of the above because: