
Projects => General Questions => Topic started by: trailer on March 07, 2018, 05:28:35 PM

Title: Mudbunny - Which Version For A More Classic Rock/Bluesy Sound?
Post by: trailer on March 07, 2018, 05:28:35 PM
Sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything in the forum search.

I have a friend who wants a Big Muff fuzz but is looking for a 70's blues rock sound. Which version of the Mudbunny (triangle, violet ram's head, civil war, green Russian, mayo, creamy dreamer) would be the closest to this? Any other tips? I plan on socketing a bunch of pieces so I can try different parts.

Sorry for my fuzz ignorance. I feel like that is blasphemy around here. haha.

Title: Re: Mudbunny - Which Version For A More Classic Rock/Bluesy Sound?
Post by: Soup39 on March 07, 2018, 05:34:20 PM
check out the PIG/P19, sounds great and the pedal description includes: "Specifically tuned to the sound of a block-buster 1979 album (okay, it's "The Wall") and emulates the "magic" 70's era fuzz pedal"
Title: Re: Mudbunny - Which Version For A More Classic Rock/Bluesy Sound?
Post by: selfdestroyer on March 07, 2018, 08:45:02 PM
The Big Muff sound is pretty subjective. What I would do is check out YouTube videos of the variants from the build doc and see what one sounds good to you. know that all the variants in the Mudbunny build doc can get very fuzzy sounding but.. you can back the sustain knob back to 5-10% and get a great heavy OD/Light distortion. You can also do some reading about the clipping diodes in the Big Muff pedals as these will effect the aggressiveness of the distortion/fuzz in some cases. You could also use sockets for the diodes and try a few in there and see what ones you like best.

Hope this helps.
