
General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Max on July 31, 2018, 04:56:58 PM

Title: Bass Cab Sim (or speaker response)
Post by: Max on July 31, 2018, 04:56:58 PM
Dear All,
I'm thinking about getting me a cheap kit bass guitar just to have some fun. With this idea obviously comes the following: what pedal can I build for it ;) ;) (but this is not my question)?
I don't have an amp, I only have a Condor cab-sim for my guitars that works wonderfully, so, first thought was, what if I play a bass through my Condor? But, hey, I still have two PCBs for the Condor, what if I adapt the Condor to the different frequency response of a bass amply speaker? It shouldn't be too difficult, but I don't know where to find a frequency response to start from.
Any suggestions?

Title: Re: Bass Cab Sim (or speaker response)
Post by: Aleph Null on July 31, 2018, 11:21:05 PM
You certainly could tweak the filters in a Condor to emulate a bass amp (though I can't help you with this :P). However, a cab sim isn't strictly necessary for bass; there's a long tradition of just running bass straight to the mixer. Generally this will sound fine unless you are using a ton of fuzz or overdrive.
Title: Re: Bass Cab Sim (or speaker response)
Post by: Muadzin on July 31, 2018, 11:24:11 PM
You want to record? Or gig?

As a former live sound engineer I can say that most of the time we just had the bass player play into a DI box. And my fellow sound engineer didn't even bother to mic their bass amps up, so all he had was bass guitar into DI, no cab sims or even miked up bass amp whatsoever. And he was a way better and more experienced sound engineer then I was. The only time we had cab sims was when the bass player came with an amp with DI out or a sansamp pedal.
Title: Re: Bass Cab Sim (or speaker response)
Post by: Max on August 01, 2018, 08:20:35 AM
Hi All, thanks for you answers. I'm not going to gig with this, and if I were going to record I could use some plug in, that wouldn't be a problem. I'm only playing at home for the fun of it and I would like to have some nice sound through a small headphone amp, like I do with my guitars, something portable that doesn't require a PC nearby, like a little (!!) pedalboard.
After I posted this question I found some frequency response of some bass cabinet speaker, and unsurprisingly it's not very different from the one used in the Condor cab sim. A bit lower peak frequencies, a little less notch around 400Hz, it shouldn't be difficult to get close to it, but I think first I might try the bass directly in the Condor and see how it goes.
But first I need a bass :D :D
Title: Re: Bass Cab Sim (or speaker response)
Post by: Max on August 01, 2018, 11:57:02 AM
In case someone else is interested, I found this nice tool in the Jensen web site: