
General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: madbean on December 18, 2020, 12:21:04 AM

Title: Ben Bova Bummer
Post by: madbean on December 18, 2020, 12:21:04 AM
Just found out that SF legend Ben Bova died Nov. 29th and that COVID played a part. He was never a giant like Asimov or Clarke, but I've read most of the Grand Tour series and enjoyed them. Actually, I had quite a collection of paperbacks at one point. His later novels diminished in quality but there is a lot in that GT series that really stands out as fun, hard sci-fi. He still has one more Grand Tour book coming out in 2021.
Title: Re: Ben Bova Bummer
Post by: drezdn on December 18, 2020, 01:53:21 AM
I really liked some of his stuff when I was teen. Sad to hear of his death.
Title: Re: Ben Bova Bummer
Post by: atreidesheir on December 18, 2020, 06:46:45 AM
I enjoyed the harder science aspect of his stories.
Title: Re: Ben Bova Bummer
Post by: Max on December 18, 2020, 08:24:11 AM
Dammit, in another life, when I was reading tons of SF books, I discovered Ben Bova (I tinhk The Dueling Machine and then The Multiple Man) and then I read everything I could find by him, but I just realised that I missed a lot of stuff.
What amazed me was that at about page 100 I felt like: OK, it's finished but, hold on, there's 200 pages more! What the hell is going to happen more?