
Projects => Tech Help - Projects Page => Topic started by: trickpony on October 21, 2012, 08:09:27 PM

Title: Double Flush ldr range
Post by: trickpony on October 21, 2012, 08:09:27 PM
So I now have my double flush working but was wondering what kind of resistance range I should be seeing in the ldr.

Currently the sound is good if I put the balance all the way to one side and the volume all the way up. At that point I get about equal to bypass. The range goes from fairly slow to nice and fast. But the actual "wetness" does not seem nearly as high as the youtube examples out there. I am thinking my ldr might not be giving the resistance range I need. What should I be looking for?

Title: Re: Double Flush ldr range
Post by: trickpony on October 22, 2012, 06:12:47 PM
I've been seeing some other information on peoples success using non-red leds. I have green and red diffused 3mm and also superbright clear, in white ,green and blue . Seems like with the int adjustment the superbrights might work if I sand off the top....has anyone tried this?

Maybe I should socket it and try it all

Title: Re: Double Flush ldr range
Post by: midwayfair on October 22, 2012, 07:16:33 PM
Actually, this doesn't sound right. This effect has quite a bit of output and it should be very choppy at the top of the intensity range. The LED doesn't make THAT big of a difference (more in a sec).

If I had to guess, I'd say check R12 and R10, with the likelihood that you may have used 470K instead of 470R for one or both.

R10 is a series resistor with the output, and a 470K (with the 100K to ground after the output cap) would have formed a voltage divider like a 500K pot being turned pretty far down.

R12 is a series resistor with the LED and constrains how much voltage is allowed, which in turn affects how much the LED blinks.

The color of the LED has more to do with how much light you can get out of any particular forward voltage drop, with certain colors having a *typically* brighter output. Blue or white being the most extreme, but be aware that very high voltage drops sometimes simply don't work at all.
Title: Re: Double Flush ldr range
Post by: trickpony on October 22, 2012, 10:48:29 PM
Ok, I verified that r10 and r12 are 470 ohms, I also checked my ldr and get a resistance of 180K in complete darkness and in very bright light about 0.2K.....does this seem a good range?

Title: Re: Double Flush ldr range
Post by: trickpony on October 22, 2012, 11:36:57 PM
Problem solved.... socketed  both and put a new (shielded type) ldr that ranges from near 0 to 2M and a superbright green led and WOW....toooo much of a good now I just need to fine tune.

Thanks for the help