
Projects => General Questions => Requests => Topic started by: stevewire on December 22, 2010, 06:05:12 PM

Title: Remote True Bypass loop box
Post by: stevewire on December 22, 2010, 06:05:12 PM
A year ago I bought a remote true bypass loop from Analogman.  This was before I started playing around with putting things together myself.  I am a little afraid to disassemble it, being that it is an important part of my set up.  I do understand that it involves a relay.  There is an AMZ project that looks like it could work similar, but it functions with a momentary switch.  Built with that type of switch it won't integrate with my set up.  I need the regular on-off toggle type switching.  I am real surprised that there isn't more interest in this type of project on the internet. 

Actually I would love to learn more about relays and what can be done with them.  Like maybe some way of switching on specific effects in line with switching a multi-channel amp.

Title: Re: Remote True Bypass loop box
Post by: stevewire on December 23, 2010, 02:56:38 PM
No ideas or thoughts on this one?  Is there something more complicated about this that I don't know?  And that is possibley why I haven't seen information about such things?
Title: Re: Remote True Bypass loop box
Post by: aziltz on December 26, 2010, 06:23:32 AM
this article is about Boss FET switching, but it touches a little bit on driving a Relay from a Flip-Flop triggered by a momentary switch.

The flipflop could be replaced by a regular on off switch that drives some small transistor based toggle between 4.5v and ground to drive a relay.
Title: Re: Remote True Bypass loop box
Post by: stevewire on December 27, 2010, 05:53:15 PM
Hey aziltz,
How are you?  When you refer to "this article", did you mean to include a link?  I am not sure what you are referring to.
Title: Re: Remote True Bypass loop box
Post by: Marcelo on December 28, 2010, 05:41:16 AM
Hey Stevewire,
I do not know much about this but I am very interested. I'd been searching info about remote loops but without much luck. I'd like to build a remote loop box for my rig as well as a good amp switching system. I am currently using 4 heads and planning on adding 1 or 2 combos for getting different sounds. I have a custom switching box build by a well known guy (I'd rather keep his name out since he's great and tried really hard to solve my issue), but it does not work well. tons of out of phase problems, noise, etc. I was told I need to build a switching box with relays but I am on the same boat as you...i know nothing about this.
so... for everybody out there, there are at least 2 guys trying to lean more about this.

any help will be appreciated!
Title: Re: Remote True Bypass loop box
Post by: stevewire on December 28, 2010, 05:31:38 PM
Hey mdc,
How are you?  You might want to check out the link I posted in the original post for the AMZ project and PCB board or maybe have a look at this project from R.G. Keen - (

Besides the AnalogMan remote loop I also use a Wobo Midi 4 Looper.  It's intigrated with some of my other gear.  Right now I am just trying to figure out a single remote loop triggered by a toggle on-off switch.  The AMZ project involves an on-on momentary switch.  I can't imagine that this should be very complicated; although, that R.G. Keen project is a bit over my head at this point.
Title: Re: Remote True Bypass loop box
Post by: aziltz on January 06, 2011, 04:40:21 PM
sorry i meant this article,
Title: Re: Remote True Bypass loop box
Post by: B_of_H on January 13, 2011, 06:28:07 PM
Jack Deville makes a great product for this that I use in my jamrock band board: