
Projects => Tech Help - Projects Page => Topic started by: KCTigerChief on April 28, 2013, 06:23:17 PM

Title: Mudbunny build - No bass on trouble side normal?
Post by: KCTigerChief on April 28, 2013, 06:23:17 PM
So I just completed the mudbunny build, and I'm having the same problem I had on my Pastyface build too...Hoping someone can guide me to some answers.

When using the tone control, and going all the way to the treble side, all of the bass is sucked out...To me, it seems like it should just add treble to the mix, instead of add treble and cut bass.  It seems most distortion pedals I've used are setup this way, so that it doesn't sound ballless on the treble side.

Is this how the tonestack is supposed to work?  Is there a mod I could do in order to fullfill my quest for bass staying on the treble side? :)

Thanks all!
Title: Re: Mudbunny build - No bass on trouble side normal?
Post by: selfdestroyer on April 29, 2013, 12:59:58 AM
Sounds like the normal BMP tone stack to me... embrace it :]
Title: Re: Mudbunny build - No bass on trouble side normal?
Post by: KCTigerChief on April 29, 2013, 01:34:15 AM
Haha, thanks man.  I just wanted to make sure! 

I do dig the flexibility, but hell, fully clockwise is unusable unless ones ears are broken  :o ;D
Title: Re: Mudbunny build - No bass on trouble side normal?
Post by: juansolo on April 29, 2013, 07:55:28 AM
The BMP tone is more of a tilt (If you download Duncans tone stack calculator ( you can actually see it).

If you want a regular style tone stack muff you want to build yourself a Manx Laughton clone ( which uses a Baxandall stack. I don't think anyone has done a PCB for that, but I've built one on vero.
Title: Re: Mudbunny build - No bass on trouble side normal?
Post by: RobA on April 29, 2013, 08:57:05 AM
You can change the resistors and caps used in the Big Muff tone control to tune it more to what you want. The Duncan calculator is really useful for playing with values to test. You can do a bunch of things in the tuning of the tone control profile including mid boost and cut and where the tilt occurs.

The Tone Stack Calculator is a Windows program, but it does run fine under Wine if you are Mac or Linux based. It's a really useful tool.
Title: Re: Mudbunny build - No bass on trouble side normal?
Post by: KCTigerChief on April 29, 2013, 01:49:39 PM
You all are awesome! Thanks so much for the help and suggestions.

I'm just getting into this DIY pedal thing, and I'm pretty sure judging by the 40+ PCBs I've bought from Brian that I just dove head first.

The mudbunny is my 3rd pedal.  The first one I did was the pastyface.  Then I got curious and did a Suhr Riot vero board that, much to my surprise, worked on the first try.  I haven't looked at how much money I've spent yet, and probably won't...Between the PCBs and the thousands of components, I'm sure I'd rather not know lol!!!

Seriously though, thanks for the suggestions, I will look into these tools!
