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Messages - tagwap

I'm interested in using this layout for clickless switching. Can someone please explain where on the vero do you put the jack in/outs and the effect pcb in/outs?
Thanks very much. That's very helpful. I was confused because the pics you posted still had the extra filtering board in there.
I'm about to build this project for use with a one spot.

As yours works well i'd like to follow your advice. Quick question though. You say you used 220uf caps on the filter board. Is this correct? the build doc calls for 470uf caps there. Did you try those and decide that the 200uf worked better?

Your build looks and sounds awesome by the way :-)
Is it just my eyes or are there no diodes on your vero layout?
Cant remember the box code. Its from maplin. It measures 188x120x53.
Build Reports / Re: "Lord Parkour" Fat Pantses
November 29, 2012, 12:17:22 AM
I love the way the wiring on the first pedal looks kind of like a handlebar moustache! Fitting for the theme on the front and just in time for movember still! ;-)
Many thanks for all the kind words of encouragement. Feel free to copy any ideas you like. I'll only be flattered!

As for the size of the enclosure, I can't remember I'm afraid. I could measure the dimensions. I got it from maplins which is an electronics shop in the uk.
Thank you very much. I thought that circuit wasa lost cause. I'll stick it in a 1590b now :-)
Wow thanks for that! Can you tell/show me which those 2 pins are so I know which ones to join please. Thanks for your help on this.
Build Reports / Re: 40 week build, beautiful result!
November 23, 2012, 03:36:03 PM
Congratulations and God bless you all for the future. I hope she'll be artistic so she can join in the pedal building process :-)
Yep it was. Occasionally I could get it to work by 'tickling' the ground section of the board but I have no idea why. The delay would start to work but once the power supply was cut off the next time I powered up the delay wouldn't work again. Do you know what causes this problem?

Hey this is my 100th post. Wooooo!
Build Reports / 4 in 1! my most ambitious project yet.
November 23, 2012, 01:50:33 PM
Problem: I play guitar in church as well as in a rock band and I was taking up too much space in church with my large pedal board.
Solution: Build the 4 circuit's I use in church into a single enclosure.

Here goes:
drilled and sanded.

The finished guts: It's a Klone into a double flush tremolo, into a P90 phaser (with added depth control) into a sea urchin. An awesome collection of circuits. I added in a loop (out and then back in) between the Klone and the modulation effects so that if i need to I can add extra drive/crunch etc. This is simply jumper-ed if i'm using it stand alone.

and finished:

The LEDs are ultra violet purple but for some reason they photograph red.

My new homemade mini pedal board:

And all ready to go:

I have a wah into the 4 in 1 and then a boneyard into a TS808 in the loop and then back into the big box for the mod and delay. A whole gigready gig rig on a board less than 2 A4 pieces of paper in size! Before someone notices and comments I know there are no patch cables attached yet in the last pic, I know! I just dropped everything on there quickly for the photo. I reckon this project has taken me over 24 hours! (mostly due to a non working sea urchin circuit that would work occasionally when it wanted to. In the end I gutted another sea urchin from it's small enclosure and dropped in it here. Problem solved!)

Very satisfied with this build :-D
Build Reports / Re: Moon Angel
November 10, 2012, 11:16:33 PM
That is stunningly professional. The etched enclosure looks amazing and I think 6 knobs and a switch is a record for 1590A.
Super neat job buddy. I recently rehoused a danelectro chicken salad. Rehousing is the way forward!
Hi. I intend to make a multi fx with 4 circuits in it. I was thinking of using 1 dc jack and a strip of vero from the ground and +9v lugs so that I can power all 4 circuits with it. Will this be ok or will it need 4 separate dc jacks; one for each circuit?