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Topics - jonnygreentrees

General Questions / D*A*M Ezekiel - weird issue
September 01, 2019, 04:59:41 PM
Just built the DAM Ezekiel for a friend and I'm having the weirdest issue.

The first time after you connect the power and engage the effect there is no sound - however if you play a low chord aggressively the effect springs to life and then you can happily switch the effect on and off as normal and it works fine.

If you disconnect and reconnect the power the issue reappears - play a loud chord, effect starts working, effect works normally until you remove and reinsert the power again.

Any ideas?

I am testing with a guitar if that matters
General Questions / Spring reverb driver
May 21, 2018, 09:31:37 AM
I've fished the spring tank out of an old Peavey amp and want to use it to make a standalone outboard reverb that I can use as a send effect.

Apparently I need to make a driver to connect to the reverb tank, does anyone know where I can get a PCB for one of these?
Build Reports / Demo Tape Fuzz
February 19, 2017, 04:30:28 PM

Just boxed this up, sounds pretty cool for that direct into the mixing desk sound as well as more conventional distortion.

It seems like the EQ section cuts and boosts frequencies BEFORE the distortion stage as cranking the bass can cause the circuit to flub out in a cool way, was wondering if anyone who knows about circuits can confirm this?
General Questions / Wire question
February 13, 2017, 11:24:13 PM
What's the sort of wire the people use to get the really clean guts where you can bend corners in it and it stays bent? I'm guessing it's some sort of single core stuff?

I normally use stranded core which works fine but my guts always end up looking like a real rat's nest.

I did try some single core wire that I bought on eBay but I found it impossible to get the solder to stick to it, not sure if I bought the wrong sort? Any recommendations on the right stuff to use?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Pork Barrel clock noise
February 09, 2017, 08:10:12 PM
Mentioned this in my build report but thought it was worth mentioning here too.

Just finished my Pork Barrel and I'm getting a quiet ticking that is audible even when the pedal is bypassed. The ticking changes speed with the rate knob. It was much louder until I wiggled the bottom right transistor and then in got quieter but it's still there

Any ideas?

Build Reports / Pork Barrel
February 09, 2017, 07:55:39 PM
Just boxed this up, bloody hell it's a tight fit in a 1590B!

Guts are a total rat's nest  :-[

Question: I'm getting a quiet ticking sound (clock noise) even when the pedal is bypassed! Is there anything I can do about this?

Thinking about bunging a bunch of circuits in a big box and linking them together to get a warped record/Boards of Canada style effect.

My plan is one of these for pitch bending:

A couple of these for high and low cut:

And one of these for bit crushing:

Can anyone see any reasons why this won't work?

Thinking of doing high band eq > low band eq > bit crusher > vibrato
General Questions / NKT 212
February 01, 2017, 12:03:10 PM
I've been given some old NKT  212 transistors. What can I build with them?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Pork Barrel dry kill
February 01, 2017, 10:19:06 AM
I've now got a working Pork Barrel but before I box it up I was wondering if it is easy enough to add a dry kill switch so I can turn it into a vibrato as well?

Finished up my Pork Barrel last night and I'm not getting any effect. When I engage the effect the signal gets slightly brighter but there's no chorus. I've tried adjusting the trimmer to no avail.

Here's some photos of my build, any idea where I should start looking for issues?

This sort of translucent effect? Is it a coloured lacquer?

General Questions / Demo Tape Fuzz build question
November 24, 2016, 06:03:20 PM
Just finished a Demo Tape Fuzz clone on a board from Jed's Peds and weirdly the gain/trim pot does full gain fully clockwise but also fully anticlockwise with different shades of gain in between. Is this normal?
Build Reports / FuzzDog Pitbull
November 17, 2016, 09:52:28 AM

Just rehoused this, one of my favourite fuzzes! It's a silicone tonebender with control over the transistor bias, voltage and input caps. Able to get a massive range of sounds from heavy fuzz to weird oscillations and gated fuzz
Build Reports / Box of Hall
November 13, 2016, 06:30:23 PM
My friend actually built this (I'm helping him get into building pedals) but I did the artwork and I'm really pleased with how it turned out. Built on the FuzzDog PCB

General Questions / Reliable UK source of MN3007
October 31, 2016, 12:01:55 PM
Currently building the Pork Barrel, does anyone have a good source for an MN3007 in the UK?
Build Reports / Univox Super-Fuzz
October 16, 2016, 05:45:56 PM

Built from the pedal parts kit. Pretty frustrating build this one, messed up the decal and tried out single core wire for the offboard wiring which was a real pain to work with!

Anyway, at least it works and it sounds massive!
General Questions / Pseudo Biphase
October 03, 2016, 12:23:48 PM
After my Mutron Phasor II build I'm thinking about sticking two in an enclosure to make a pseudo Biphase.

Would be missing some of the features of the original but one thing I would like to replicate is a switch to have the phasers running in parallel or series. How would I go about wiring a switch to do this?
Build Reports / My kit builds
September 27, 2016, 10:54:37 AM
As a follow up to my Mutron thread I thought I would post pictures of my previous builds. All built from kits from FuzzDog in the UK

Rauschkrieg (Fuzz War clone)

Double Boost (Super Duper clone)

Blood Eagle (Great Destroyer clone)

Footprint (Fingerprint Fuzz clone)

Forest Fuzz (tweaked silicone ToneBender)

Timepiece (JHS Morning Glory clone)

Twin Peaks Overdrive (Timmy clone)

Build Reports / First Madbean build
September 26, 2016, 12:43:49 PM
Bangarang's Mutron Phasor II clone.

I've built quite a few kits before but this is my first build (forgetting about my failed Clarinot) on single sided copper etch and my first build where I drilled my own enclosure.

Pretty pleased with how it's turned out
General Questions / Lifted pads
September 21, 2016, 11:32:18 AM
Whenever I make a pedal on single-sided copper etch I always seem to get a couple of lifted pads. Is there a better way to repair these than just use jumpers/solder bridges to the next component along?