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Topics - CurlyMo

Build Reports / Because I can't have enough fuzz
August 22, 2016, 03:42:19 AM
"Kiwi Face" Hipster:
Q1- 2nXX33N at 82hfe
Q2-BC108A at 178hfe
Actually lower fuzz than my germanium Mangler similar enough in tonality. Love the Fuzz Face circuit, no matter how it's sliced.

"Colour Blender" Tonebender:
Q1-2n2369A at 72hfe
Q2-2n2369 at 79hfe
Q3-BC108 at 187hfe
First time experience with a Tonebender circuit and I'm digging it. Super nasty

Really digging the fact that these aren't as susceptible to the GA heat and humidity like my Mangler and Bumblebee, too.

Sent from my XT1030 using Tapatalk

Build Reports / Peacekeeper is Noms
April 01, 2016, 01:13:34 PM
Did the lower, medium gain mod to the Peacekeeper. Digging these JFET OD projects! And I've always wanted a Phase 90 so why not build a nerdy one?

JFET tester for the Nom Nom/Right Angle. Ended up with 2 x 4 piece sets, multiple 2 piece sets, and a couple of 3 piece sets (saving for a 1776 Cardinal Trem or 2)

Sent from my XT1030 using Tapatalk
Build Reports / Fractured Screamer
March 16, 2016, 05:35:29 AM
8-Ball -> Green Bean -> 8-Ball...buddy of mine that bought my old Aristocrat off me when I switched to the Sparkplug Rev. 1 wished that he could have a Tubescreamer sandwiched between the 2 channels. I'm not normally a TS fan but it does blend/mix well with the 8-Ball. I'm going to have to build me an 8-Ball now...

Right to left on bottom row below the Fractured Screamer: Flabulanche (awesome), Sparkplug Rev. 1 (awesome), Barber LTD SR (still one of my favorites of all time, I'll never sell it)

Sent from my XT1030 using Tapatalk

Really enjoying this one so far. Very different flavor to the Spark Plug Rev. 1 that I've been enjoying for the last year or so. Still tweaking it out but I like the looser feel compared to everything else I've played, reminds a good bit of when I get to run my tweed Super clone into power amp drive...similar feel, anyways.

Gonna compare it head on with the Brown Sugar (Spark Plug Rev. 1) and my old favorite, the Barber LTD SR on Thursday night at rehearsal.
First up is the "Harmonically Percolated Roast" that I did for my brother's birthday. It is done to the "stock" specs and sounds pretty cool...I of course had to test it out at rehearsal before wrapping it up for him, can't have a gift pedal that is a lemon ;). This was my first build doing the "mojo" parts thing and it was fun I think they look cool, so cool that I got too excited and wired the 1776 breakout board upside down.

Next is the "Tres Leches" Lavache. Started with the 2n3565, moved to the 2n5088, and finally settled on a BC550. 2n3565 didn't really jive with me, the 2n5088 sounded tinny, but the BC550 makes it good enough to live in the practice board rotation.

Finally, the beast...eventually to painted and labeled as the Brown Sugar DLX.
1 - Cream & Sugar Boost with mini chicken heads: Rangemaster with a range pot instead of a T/M switch.
2 - Brown Sugar, Jr. with cupcake knobs (2nd switch, 3rd set of knobs...why? Because I'm crazy): Egghead
3 - Brown Sugar with "BOSS" knobs and the top knob (3rd switch, 2nd set of knobs, and the pot and switch next to the jacks...again, crazy): Bacon Bits pushing a Sparkplug Rev. 1. My first Sparkplug Rev. 1 always sounded better when being stacked with a boost in front so I saved myself a little tap dancing.
So yes, I am crazy and I prefer the Egghead in front of the Sparkplug Rev. 1 but I didn't like the look of the the Sparkplug vomit of controls over the 3rd since I wasn't using board mounted pots I was going to wire them anyways, so switch 1 with knob set 1 - switch 2 with knob set 3 - switch 3 with knob set 2. Whatever, I'm crazy so without further adieu, the spaghetti monster of frustration!

Following some disappointing job news yesterday I decided to do a therapy OD pedal build, the Brown Suger (label to come later):

Right side is an Egghead and the left side is a Sparkplug rv. 1.

It is a veritable rats nest inside, but it works. Not sure about the Presence switch yet...hence the fact that it is just laying on a bed of wires instead of being accessible from the outside. Also used a pre-drilled box from Mammoth so I had to just make things fit as best as possible with the space available.

Fired up right off the bat and just in time to make a trial by fire run at a gig this afternoon/evening. After the first song, I knew that the Aristocrat that I had been using the last year and a half or so had been booted from the pedalboard. I didn't even take any time to adjust the Bass & Mid trimpots...they're just wherever they were set at when I received them in the mail. This combination plays much more nicely and blends a whole lot better with my Little Dawg Super Dawg (5F4 in a head). Lots more personality and doesn't kill the tweed-ness by tightening up the low end and cleaning out the mids (Aristocrat was almost annoyingly clear throughout the whole tonal range...I like it a lot better through a Blackface amp). I also found myself using less drive on each side than I normally would (Egghead is set up as a low gain drive like I used to use my Barber LTD SR and the Sparkplug is set up as a higher medium gain drive like I used to use my Barber Super Sport). Both are great sounding circuits and I can't wait to fire them up again!
General Questions / Naga Viper'd Rangemaster?
February 23, 2013, 07:38:13 PM
I've been a fan of the Rangemaster circuit for years. Done OC44 straight up, OC44 with cap toggle, OC77 with cap toggle, and settled down the last few years on a couple OC77 builds with Range controls. I would like to include the Naga Viper's Heat control in my next build (how many different versions do I need? Need has been out of the equation a long time...I just enjoy building these). Ideas on how/where would I add that control using the Madbean Rangemaster board?
General Questions / Pork Barrel Speed Question
January 09, 2013, 10:16:54 PM
I've been gigging with my trusty Boss CE-2 as my chorus since '99 and after a few fuzzes, boosts, and a couple of overdrives it is time to torture myself in attempting to build up the Pork Barrel board that i purchased a while back as a replacement. Don't get me wrong, I love the CE-2 but I somehow ended up with one of the highly coveted "long dash, silver screw Japanese" models that everyone seems to want to get their grubby hands on and I'd rather not get arrested for assaulting would be thieves with a deadly weapon (the CE-2 itself).

Is there a way to have 2 separate speed pots to switch between on one board? I use the same depth settings on the CE-2 no matter what speed I set it so I'm perfectly fine with just Depth, Speed 1, and Speed 2 if this is possible.

Would it just be better to build 2 Pork Barrel boards (soldering deities willing) and throw them in the same cramped box?

I guess I could just build a stock one and continue to bend down and turn the speed knob, but where's the fun in that?
General Questions / Cut highs out in Aristocrat?
May 17, 2012, 06:07:04 PM
I built my Aristocrat to "stock" with the exception of doing the high gain and C1/C12 mods (47n) and the low-end sounds very full. That being said, the high-end has a piercing fizzle anywhere after 9-10 o'clock on the tone pot (anywhere before that cuts the volume/gain like rolling the volume back on a guitar without a treble bleed setup). It's bearable through my Celestion 2x12 cab, but any of my dad's fender cabs (various 12s and 10s) are painfully bright. I noticed with a Tweed Super clone that it was dramatically thinner and brighter in the high-end in comparison to the clean tone...good bass response though no matter the amp.

Where would I go to address just the treble response? I've got the presence control bottomed out. Would raising C7 or C8 help or should I try larger caps in C1/C12? Look elsewhere? I'm extremely noobish when it comes to modifying anything other than a Rangemaster...
Build Reports / Dual booster
February 28, 2012, 04:33:04 AM
The "Space Ranger" name came from the Galaxy Purple PPP box that I threw my first Rangemaster in. This is my 3rd time building this circuit, first time with a Madbean board...I'm really loving these boards! The 1st did use a switch to go between treble and mid caps and the 2nd and this version have a pot to roll between a treble and full-range cap. I've really preferred the pot version as it allows me to adjust to the room/guitar/amp.
Fluff Boost is the first GGG Boutique Boost that I've built for I can stop borrowing the one I made for my dad. The combo's name came from riding around and hearing "Space Dye Vest" by Dream Theater...

Once again, quite messy

Build Reports / Aristocrat and others...
February 18, 2012, 03:50:20 AM
Finally finished my first of 2 Aristocrats! I've only had the boards for over a year...
Through my ZT Lunchbox it sounds pretty good but I'm giving it the full test drive with my Li'l Dawg Super Dawg at tomorrow nights gig...I can't wait!

My first 1590A...I just cannibalized one that I had in a 1290.

Not a Madbean but my second GGG "Boutique Boost" that I finished for a friend.

The Mangler is a little darker than the GGG germanium Fuzz Face I built previously, but this build has more sonic mojo. Very big and thick sounding. The Bumble Bee is very cool and cuts nicely. It's really a wall of doom when I run both together, but who doesn't enjoy a bit of "that sounds like it's going to explode at any second"?

Super messy insides, especially since I used a separate RR board for each effect...something i will probably not be doing again when I throw a Mangler and a Range Master together in box.
Will this layout work for my dual fuzz that I am building including a Bumblee Bee and a Mangler? Both using a Road Rage for negative ground power supply...

Build Reports / First Madbean Build - Mudbunny
January 30, 2012, 04:17:54 AM
Kind of messy, but I'm always so happy when they work that I waste no time boxing them up. Went with the Mayo parts list and the mid control. Not as gainy as I thought it would be, but I'll save real judgment for when I'm able to test it out somewhere besides the 10pm...through an Orange Crush at basically zero...