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Topics - shay1510

Mods / Loophole Momentary switch
March 30, 2013, 11:20:42 PM
(noob question)

1. Can I change the 3pdt (record/stop) to a momentary switch so I can record only while the button is pressed?

2. If so, can I have the loop played immediately after the release of the button?
   (instead of pressing another button)

General Questions / pork barrel question
December 04, 2012, 01:18:37 PM
hey guys,
Did you ever get something working when you know it realy shouldn't be?

I've modded my pork barrel so I would be able to choose between R39 (4.7k) and 22k (depth mod described in the pdf) using spdt.
Then, while trying to fix my ticking problem, I've removed the 22k resistor+wire and I was left with what you see in the lower image. The big surprise here is that the mod still works! I use the switch and have a greater depth added.
Can someone explain to me why/how does it work?
Hey guys,
I was just about to solder the parts when I've noticed that there's an option in the instructions to change
the resistor R39 for an lfo indicator/depth mod.
Would you recommend this mod?
Thought about using a spdt switch to change between the two options. What do you think?

Tech Help - Projects Page / LOOPHOLE problem -- fixed--
October 24, 2012, 04:32:47 PM
-------never mind, it was just a bad solder joint on 1 of the pots, thanks anyway. ------

Hey guys,
Need your help with the loophole project.
Built it, tested it once, it worked. the red light appeared when I recorded and the green light when I played it.
Now I've put it into an enclosure and it's not working right. I'll describe: when I press the record button both lights (red/green) are on (is that OK?), and when I try to play the loop nothing happens. Checked the connections - seems ok.

Someone got an idea?

*BTW I used a isd2560 chip and soldered legs 7 and 8 to 6 (ground) - like some1 suggested in another thread.
Hey guys,
Before I start I have to say that my knowledge about this stuff is not that good (yet :)) .
I'm working at the moment on the LOOPHOLE project, and wanted to be sure of some stuff
before I solder the components:

1. Capacitors: I know that one should usually choose a voltage rating of 16v-35v. I've used voltage 
    ratings between 16v-100v. I assume that it's not a problem, right?
2. Capacitors 2: I've used some ceramic caps instead of polyester film caps (according to the PDF's picture)
    I know that in general ceramic is the least favorable type, But should it work?
3. Regulator: I've got a 7805 but it seems a little big. I can also see from the picture in the PDF that
    maybe a 78l05 is being used. Which one to choose?
4. The layout diagram shows that there are two jumpers underneath the IC's. I just solder them as the   
    diagram shows? maybe it's better to put them on the opposite side of the PCB?

Thanks U for your kind help.