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Messages - jghfslk

General Questions / Dirtbaby Dry/Wet
September 13, 2017, 05:33:45 PM
I have a dirtbaby and really like the sounds it provides but I'm not a fan of blend controls in general.  I am hoping there is a way to have individual controls for the dry signal and delay signal.  I was thinking it would work to replace the level pot with a fixed resistor and remove the blend pot and instead have C4 and C38 connected to R6 with their own volume pots.  I have it hooked up that way now but unfortunately it isn't working the way I had hoped.  If the dry volume is turned down it cuts both signals entirely.  The wet volume is loudest when the dry pot  is turned almost all of the way down and the wet pot is turned all the way up.  The way I have it hooked up is a 1M trimpot instead of the Level pot.  C4 is connected to lug 3 of a 100k pot.  Lug 1 is connected to ground and lug 2 is connected to R6.  C38 is connected to lug 3 of a 100k pot and lug 2 connected to R6.  Can anyone tell me why this isn't giving me individual control over the wet and dry signal and they are still interactive with one another?  Is there a better way to accomplish what I am going for?

General Questions / More Volume from splitter
August 07, 2017, 01:52:14 AM
I just finished a pedal with a splitter and blend so I can put effects in series and parallel. 
I used this splitter:
and this mixer:
I would like to get some more volume out of either the splitter or the mixer.  Is it possible without adding an additional circuit like an lpb-1?  I seem to get unity gain when using my effects in parallel but in series there is a noticeable drop in volume compared to bypass.
Anyone have any ideas?
General Questions / Re: Dirtbaby Tone
June 28, 2017, 04:39:35 PM
I now have it to where I am satisfied.  I increases R13 and that took care of the clipping.
General Questions / Re: Dirtbaby Tone
June 25, 2017, 08:09:30 PM
I tried adding a capacitor between R30 and C29 and it did darken the repeats but not the first one.  I'm thinking if I want the first repeat do be darker, I could increase the value of C8 but each repeat would not get darker than the previous.  Could anyone explain why the signal clips when increasing C13?  Is it because more bass is let through which then increases the outup?  Is there something else I can change to keep the tone control in that spot?

General Questions / Re: Dirtbaby Tone
June 23, 2017, 03:18:44 PM
Thanks for the help!

I looked for the tone control in the etcher's paradise but didn't see anything.  Ideally I would like to have a tone pot to fine tune the EQ and because I already have an enclosure drilled for a pot.  I was trying to add a tone control similar to the one in the De Profundis delay  and it works great except for the clipping.
General Questions / Dirtbaby Tone
June 23, 2017, 02:42:21 AM
I've recently built a couple of dirtbaby delays and wanted to add a tone control for darker repeats at longer delay times.  I tried replacing C13 (from the 2015 build document)  with a much higher value and a pot between the capacitor and ground.  It works like I was hoping but unfortunately I am getting distortion on the repeats when the repeats are darker.  Is there a different capacitor that I could have replaced or a better way to add a tone control?

I do know about the phantom pain and contacted Chris to see if he has any boards left.  I also thought it might be nice to add this option to the paramix.  I like having the phase switch as an option and is especially helpful when trying different pedals.  Do you know if it is possible to add a phase switch to the phantom pain?
I have recently built the paramix from GuitarPCB:

and am hoping to add the option to have the option of having the loops in series as well as parallel.  Is there a way to modify this circuit to add a series switch?  Perhaps something like this:

Or is there a better project to accomplish this?

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: More Depth Pork Barrel
October 09, 2016, 03:19:30 AM
I used a switch to toggle through a few different capacitor values and it works just like I was hoping!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: More Depth Pork Barrel
October 07, 2016, 07:06:17 PM
Thanks for the help!
Tech Help - Projects Page / More Depth Pork Barrel
October 01, 2016, 08:44:29 PM
Hey everyone

I just build a pork barrel, but am hoping to get more depth out of it (especially for slower speeds).  I've seen threads for earlier versions that accomplish this, but haven't found one for the latest version.  If anyone knows a mod to get more depth, and is willing to point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Moodring noise
June 25, 2016, 12:37:02 AM
I am not getting any noise any more.  I had a lot of alligator clips connecting things and things spread out on my table and my guess is somehow it was picking up some noise.

I do have one more question though.  I'd like to have the option to bypass the pt2399 to have no pre-delay at all.  Could it be achieved by lifting the negative side of C9 and adding a switch to have the option of going straight R19? Would there be a better spot to place the new signal (maybe somewhere after R19?)
Tech Help - Projects Page / Moodring noise
June 18, 2016, 06:33:21 PM
Hey everyone

I've been working on and modding a moodring for a while and am getting a lot of noise with it.  I used the input level control mod from this thread:  I also added an extra space pot for fine tuning the time (25k and 5k).  I also added an insert loop.  I have it wired so I can switch between having the loop inserted at lug 3 of the dwell pot or lug 3 of the ring pot.  I wired the trim pot externally and added modulation to the pt2399.  I had everything working with no noise except the input level wasn't doing anything.  I replaced the pot and it is now working but I am now getting a lot of noise even with the input level turned down low.  I checked all of my voltages and they seem to be fine.  I probed it and the noise starts at the first TL072 (pin 1).  I tried replacing both TL072 chips, the pt2399, and the 7805 but that didn't fix the issue.  I noticed that if I have one hand on my test box and another on my table the noise is a little reduced but there is still a lot of it.  I tried  using a 470k resistor instead of the input level pot with no luck.  I tried the same power supply with another pedal and that one works perfectly.  Does this sound like a grounding issue?

I will try to get a video up soon

Any help is very much appreciated!