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Messages - dulcetpine

I did check it and it seems to, however this sort of thing happens over the course of 15 minutes as the sound degrades.  I soldered the 7805 direct to the pcb, so I removed it and socketed a new one in it's place as well as added a new pt2399.  Sounds great right now, I will let you know how it goes.
Guys, I built two of these pedals and they both are suffering similar fates.  There aren't any delays on clean mode, and with the fuzz on I get one buzzy repeat that doesn't seem to react to the delay time pot.  There is also a crackle and pop akin to a vinyl record.

I am going through pt2399 chips and I do not know why.  The 7805 seems okay, so what else could I look for?
Quote from: ch1naski on May 14, 2013, 02:30:53 AM
It's possible the regulator is bad killing the delay chip....I've heard stories of the 7805 getting really hot and failing...maybe swap that out with another, or check that it's only giving out 5 volts with a dmm

This was also my first thought, I will try this tonight.  Thanks!
Guys help me out, I built a second one of these for my brother because he loved it.  After assembly I tested it out and it worked fantastically.  I gave it to him and he brought it to practice and he started getting distortion constantly.  I troubleshooted this and found the PT2399 was bad, I put a new one in and figured it was a lemon component, tested it and it sounded fantastic.  I gave him a standard boss power supply just incase the one he was using wasn't proper.

He just brought it to practice and aparantly he is having the same issue which is leading me to believe there is something wrong with another component elsewhere in the build.  The thing is, it sounds awesome when it is working.... can ya'll give me a strategy for finding what the real issue is?

Thanks kids!
Quote from: selfdestroyer on April 25, 2013, 05:06:40 PM

Does your fuzz lift clean up the signal 100% or is it still a bit dirty?

Difficult to tell since I normally have an OD pushed later on in the chain.  I would say it is clean enough... I do notice that it isn't as expressive/glitchy without the fuzz which is a little disappointing, but not the end of the world because it still sounds amazing.
Quote from: jimilee on April 25, 2013, 02:51:54 AM
That's a lot of knobs on that boy

I drew some iconography on there with sharpie so i knew what they were, but I did not photograph that.

From Left to Right
TOP:  Volume, Depth, Tracking
MID:  Wet/Dry, Delay Time
BIG:  Feedback
Switches:  Top=Fuzz Lift, Bottom=Feedback Toggle
Build Reports / Re: WTF (doombutter with extra mods)
April 25, 2013, 12:55:40 AM
First pedal build ever, worked on the first try.  Very proud.  I used the feedback loop mod and I have to say it really makes it a very musical pedal.  I had to use a 1M B pot for the loop because radioshack didn't have the type A pot, but it works fine, just touchy.  They also only had a HUGE pot so I figured I would use a huge knob for it, it actually improves the overall aesthetic IMO.  I find that modification to be very interesting, and I now have it first in my chain.  The oscillations start when I lower the volume on my guitar which makes it very expressive... I love this pedal.

As promised.

Build Reports / Re: WTF (doombutter with extra mods)
April 16, 2013, 12:10:24 PM
By the way, I wanted to post this because I am still in shock that I built this and got it to work on the first try, but I did!  This build was my first attempt at pedal construction and everything I did to put it together was the first time so I was slow, deliberate, checked everything 10 times before soldering or cutting wire, checking components... drilling!  But it was great fun.  I took some photos that I will include later.

I will add that when I first fired it up i didn't think it worked because I plugged it into the front of my amp that had two cables going into the effects send/return but nothing plugged into them so there was a break in the chain, but once i figured out that bone head mistake she sounded gorgeous! 
Build Reports / Re: WTF (doombutter with extra mods)
April 14, 2013, 03:29:55 PM
Guys, I am looking at the v1 plan.  I am now trying to solder my capacitors and i noticed that only the electrolytic ones have a +/- designation, how can I tell which is the +/- for the ones that aren't marked on the sheet?
Build Reports / Re: WTF (doombutter with extra mods)
April 07, 2013, 11:04:53 PM
Guybrush, thanks man!

Is the SPST necessary?  Couldn't you just turn it all the way counter clockwise for single repeats?
Build Reports / Re: WTF (doombutter with extra mods)
April 06, 2013, 02:55:31 PM
Can someone explain the wiring of the feedback to me a little clearer, I am good at following directions but I have not yet gathered the comfort thinking conceptually with effects circuits.