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Messages - twin

Problem solved ! I finally found that my two 1N34A diodes were fried.... clipping was only coming from the IC !
Thank you guys  ;D
Quote from: mauman on September 26, 2022, 05:11:38 PM
I would suspect a cold solder joint on one or more lugs of the foot switch.  Give it another round of soldering, it should look more like this pic from the build doc, with the holes filled with solder.

Thank you Mauman ! As I said the pedal does work and there's plenty of volume at the output... even if there is a cold solder joint there, it should'nt affect the drive.
I'll give it a try anyway.

The back side is OK, I checked every joints... it doesn't look neat but I couldn't find any cold joint or jump.
Tech Help - Projects Page / The Imp V2 - not enough gain
September 26, 2022, 04:04:59 PM
Hi Beans !

I just finished an "Imp V2" build and everything works fine, except for the gain that seems to be very low. Even with the knob fully CW I can hear a dark distorted fuzzy sound in the background, but the core sound stay in the "mild drive" range.
I can't compare with the original but from demo's I've watched online, this pedal should go from clean to pretty aggressive sounds.
Volume knob's boost range is huge on the other hand... is it normal ?

I messed with D5 and D6, swapping 1N270 with 1N34A but nothing changed.
Sounds like the dirty and clean signal are not blended correctly together.

Anyone experienced something similar with this build ?
Build Reports / Re: Pedalboard pics megathread
November 01, 2016, 10:39:47 AM

Here's my new homemade pedalboard with some integrated routing tricks (tried to explain this on the picture... :P).
I built it in a suitcase style to be easily moved and well protected.
I like the fact that I can plug the input, outputs and power cable and still let the top on it.
The Lunar Crash autowah (modded Meatsphere from Musicpcb) can be controlled by the Maze LFO section or with the expression pedal.
Thank you everybody for your comments, I'm glad you like it!
It works like expected with my Meatsphere (optical circuit) and with the ring thing with no artefact so I won't go any further.

Thank You  :)
Here they are.
For the CV out I just insert a switching jack before the tap LED.
Tap LED is off on the pedal when a jack is plugged on the CV output.
Should I filter this output?

Thank you!
Here's a first sonic exploration.
Classic phaser sounds > vibrato > tremolo > messing with VC output and other boxes (ring thing, meatsphere, madbean lowrider, fuzzfactory)
Nothing really musical in there, it's just a few bits of available textures.

Build Reports / Maze : Liquid Mercury Phaser & more
April 05, 2016, 05:48:22 PM

This is my version of Drolo's Mercury Phaser : The Maze (treMolo + phAZE, so many options it's easy to be lost :) )
It's basically the Liquid Mercury (sounds fantastic!) with the Electric Druid optical tremolo circuit in series. Both are controlled by the tap tempo and the same LFO circuit. I expanded the waveforms option to the eight ones available from the chip.
I also added a VC output to control external pedals with the LFO (my EHX Ring Thing or my homemade meatball). It works like a charm and allow to achieve really weird synth sounds! 8) Thanks to David for this awesome circuit!
Here's the picture of the controls and artwork. I had some difficulties with etching but it finally looks OK for me...

I've build the meatsphere a few weeks ago, boxed it and spend some time experimenting on it (damn good sounds in there).
But there's not enough sensitivity when playing single not with my strat.
Reducing the value of the 4K7 resistor (after "sens" pot) may alter balance frequency response (am I right?).
So I'd like to increase sensitivity using feedback loop of the op-amp.
Anyone can help me on this?

Thank you (hope you'll understand my frenchie english)