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Messages - BricksnBeatles

Quote from: madbean on December 05, 2024, 12:50:35 AMI'm going to make one more push for at least a small release before the end of the year.

How small is small? Very small? Might you even say micro? Microsynth?
Open Discussion / Re: Moonn Electronics shipping times?
September 26, 2024, 05:42:56 PM
Quote from: Beedoola on September 26, 2024, 04:21:32 AMUnfortunately, still no word on this. Looks like the guy's IG hasn't been updated since 6/28. I've sent a few emails via the website and no reply.

Gonna have to file a claim with PayPal. Bummer.

He's had recent updates on his instagram story. I also found him to be more responsive to Instagram DMs than to emails, if you want to try contacting him there
Global Annoucements / Re: September release update
September 22, 2024, 03:18:42 AM
Looking forward to the drop!

Any chance you can update the archives with the docs for all of the pre-"2024 update" versions of the boards from the past few releases and the most recently discontinued 1590a boards?

Im trying to tackle my backlog, and realized I don't have many of the docs downloaded
Build Reports / Re: Peacock Parallel Fuzz
July 30, 2024, 05:51:23 AM
Count me in
Global Annoucements / Re: July 2024 releases
July 22, 2024, 05:04:21 PM
Enclosure for the honey dripper should be listed as 125B, not 1590BB, right? Or is the build doc drill template for an older version?
Global Annoucements / Re: 2024 outlook
July 07, 2024, 03:55:38 AM
Quote from: madbean on July 07, 2024, 12:05:26 AM
Quote from: jwin615 on July 06, 2024, 02:42:55 AMBrian, I know you plate is extremely full. But if there were to be a stripped down micro synth that was just the square wave and resonance, I think it would be kind of a big deal. I won't pretend to know the architecture of the circuit or if it's even possible but yeah. That would be awesome. Just saying.

That's actually a lot of the circuit, so I don't think it would be practical. I have prototyped a 1590B version of just the sub-otave portion of the Microsynth b/c I thought it would be an awesome project. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out why it is not working. I did convert it from +/- power to single ended, so that might have something to do with it.
If you happen to revisit this stripped back version and have to start the layout from scratch for whatever reason, I think it would definitely be well worth it to add the upper octave too if possible. Would be an awesome alternative to the Pearl oc-7 (which iirc you're also planning to bring back your board for at some point)
Global Annoucements / Re: 2024 outlook
July 01, 2024, 03:24:53 PM
How's that microsynth looking? ;)
Super interesting build! I love 2399 based modulation. Sounds nice :)
Global Annoucements / Re: 2024 outlook
June 21, 2024, 08:04:08 PM
Quote from: madbean on June 20, 2024, 01:47:53 AMHere's the list of restocks coming in a couple of weeks. Mostly modulation. My plan is to have new restocks every couple weeks until the store is fully stocked again.

You cannot view this attachment.

Stoked about that restock list! Especially cool to see a new HoneyDripper revision!

Are any of the flangers— Collosalus, Current Lover, Fraudhacker, or Kingmaker -laid out for 125B (stacked boards?) by any chance?

Any changes between the new 2024 versions and the previous most recent versions of the Burly Bear, Charlatan, Kezurokai, or Tone Virus?
Global Annoucements / Re: Forum issues
May 05, 2024, 08:03:09 PM
in safari on desktop, the 'unread posts' tab at the top just logs me out. not an issue on safari for mobile.

Edit: doesn't work on mobile either now
Quote from: madbean on April 29, 2024, 05:07:31 AMSoon, I hope. I really wanna make it happen. I've also been working on a 1590B octave down project pulled from that circuit.

Rad! Can't wait to see what that octave circuit is like!

Quote from: madbean on April 29, 2024, 05:07:31 AM(But, gimme a little break here cause I spent a few months on this release, for better or worse  ;) ).

Haha of course. Just joking anyway— excited for it but you def need a break after rolling out these releases and all the new web stuff. Picked up a few of the new boards, and I'm already getting started on UV graphics for em!
Microsynth when?  ;D
Global Annoucements / Re: Forum issues
March 17, 2024, 05:19:25 AM
Congrats on the overhaul!

Only weird thing I noticed is that 'updated topics' is showing me just five threads that seemingly that range from their most recent post being over a year ago, to a month ago.

Not sure how to embed an image anymore but I could DM you a screenshot on instagram you'd like to see what I'm talking about.
Global Annoucements / Re: 2024 outlook
February 05, 2024, 06:24:22 PM
Quote from: madbean on February 05, 2024, 03:15:38 PM
I think the order switch thing would work out pretty well. But, it is a bit of a pain to bypass if you don't want to use it.

Just three jumpers, right?
Global Annoucements / Re: 2024 outlook
February 05, 2024, 02:04:40 AM
Quote from: madbean on February 05, 2024, 12:34:39 AM
Actually, 125BB with top jacks for the duals, I think. Might be possible to do 1590BB with side jacks but then the bypass switches have to be moved close together. With 125BB everything lines up just right.
What about 1590BB2? Does the extra height help top jacks much for how you're planning it?
With the double bypass switch, how about an order switch between the two footswitches too?