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Topics - nmbb

Build Reports / Mudbunny and doppelganger
January 01, 2020, 05:50:47 PM
Hello all. Now that I hbe a little free time, I started to build some stuff, some of the boards date from 2014! Work in progress, bigmuff aka mudbunny and doppelganger. Still waiting from stuff from banzaimusicto finish...

Let's hope the rest of the material arrive soon!


General Questions / Box for projects
June 18, 2016, 07:51:56 PM
Good night (well, for some not really!)

A friend found this on eBay and gave me the link, already bought one, looks nice for some small builds.

Don't know if is the correct place to post, if not please move the topic!
Build Reports / Switch looper
August 22, 2013, 05:57:29 PM
Another build, using Arduino technology! Only the remote unit for now, after holidays it will be the relay unit. It was built from something I found on freestompbox dot com!

A picture of the assembled unit:

Build Reports / Tap tremolo (Non MB)
August 21, 2013, 10:01:17 AM
Hello everyone! For now, tap lfo is working on breadboad, and making what is suposed to! Hope next week, make the pcb and then I share the results with you! Anyone already try to build something like this?
Build Reports / Harbinger One (One more...)
August 19, 2013, 06:12:04 PM
Hello. Just finished with sucess, one more madbean pedal! (And enjoy it so much that already orderd another board!)

Still lot work to do, but for now it works. Perhaps next week I try to record a few samples.

The little one: