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Topics - gabu1306

General Questions / BC549C for Quadrovibe
July 20, 2011, 05:52:26 AM
I cant seem to find the BC549C transistor at smallbear. Is there another equivalent value i could use? Is the BC547B ok?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Sunking Pot Question
May 14, 2011, 09:48:31 PM
I just finished building a sunking and had a question about the pots. My gain pot is 16mm dual gang, but my volume and tone are both 24mm because small bear was out of 16mm. Is this going to make a change in the sound of the circuit? I also have not put in one of the resistors yet on the switch (broke) but i wanted to see if it worked. It sounds good, but not alot of gain, so i was wondering if this is because of the pot size differences or what? Here's the guts..

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Build Reports / Aristocrat
April 17, 2011, 04:00:22 AM
My first madbean build, my fourth build total. This one was very fun. High gain on the right side. Sounds great with my rig. Purple and Blue LED's.

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