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Topics - redkurn

General Questions / Imp v2 help!
December 16, 2024, 05:51:50 AM
So I built this pedal like 3 years or so ago, Brian has the sales record so he could confirm roughly when. 😂

Tested in a plastic container, worked great, boxed it and broke the tone pot. Too rough.

Fast forward to today, I replaced and confirmed the tone pot was bad, tested the new one, installed and it is stuck wide open.

So need to know the traces to track my issue down so I can finally put this one to bed. What else could be causing it to stay open?

I'm thinking a short, I was careful installing my input jack, it might be touching, doubtful, what else could be preventing the sweep?

Side note the forums don't like letting me reply on my phone or computer.

I keep getting a you already posted error. 🤷
General Questions / 1/4 mono jack with switching
November 22, 2024, 07:43:15 AM
Long time no post, think about you guys every time I plug in one of my mad pedals. 😉

I've got a little project I may be working on that's a very simple box and I want to make sure I select the appropriate jack to handle switching the path of the signal to a cable plugged in or continue on to the output.

Basically I am making essentially a fx loop box to tame a hot rod deluxe, but am going to affix it with Velcro and want to add a send and return to the box.

Have yet to decide if the pot should be first, but I think it should be, goal is to tame the pre amp and let the rest of the signal continue onward, but also add fx and not reduce their volume.

Aiming for compact and no cables except those going to pedals.
Open Discussion / 80’s computer tester
April 04, 2023, 01:13:08 AM
Found one on the side of the road, spent a hour breaking it down and stripped ribbon cable, wiring that is appropriate pedal building size.

If I post pics of the boards can anyone help identify useful parts?
I see some that looks very useful, transistor, caps and diodes, but there are old IC chips to attempt to salvage if useful for a pedal. 😃
General Questions / Fuzz pedal components
January 22, 2022, 04:59:46 AM
Is it just me or are most fuzz pedals loaded with unobtainium?

With small bear gone or soon to be, where are we to get good parts for things like a vintage fuzz face?

Even a builder of a pedal that sounds really good and has some unique aspects has discontinued it, the Silicon Phuzz, though I don't know if it is due to locating parts or other reasons, but I'd like to see a schematic.
General Questions / Bazz Fuss into Fuzz Face like pedal?
December 17, 2021, 07:16:20 PM
I have a bazz fuss pedal I built last year that has issues, at first it worked great, then over time it started to act funny so I have repeatedly opened and fixed it.

Due to all of the repairing, the wiring that came with the kit has continuously fallen apart and broke, been resoldered etc.

The kit came with more diodes and transistors, I was thinking I have extra parts laying around and some transistors I could look up and match, some I have 2-3 of and I think I have another 1n34a laying around which would give me two total.

Is there any way I can make a pedal from salvaged parts, a simple fuzz face or something similar?
Most of my spare resistors are the 1/8w from the greenbean project, I do have some 1/4w, but mostly 100 ohm to 1k ohm and a couple 1 Mohm, a few 250k and 500k pots I pulled from guitars I was working on and upgrading.

Let's make a Frankenstein pedal.  :D
General Questions / Combining projects to one box
December 17, 2021, 07:09:51 PM
I've been thinking about this for a while, but I am wondering if it would be fine to daisy chain internally or best to build a isolated power strip into the box so all effects get the full 9v and 100mA available and how to do this with a 9v input.

As for combining the effects I was thinking of doing it the simple way, solder output to input between them and basically treat it as individual pedals.

Kind of like this pedal, youtube must be able to read minds since it recommended this video while I was thinking about it.
Open Discussion / [SOLVED] Interchangeable tubes?
December 10, 2021, 07:07:23 PM
Seems the proper place to ask...

So I know you'd need to bias, but I've been wondering what output tubes I could use to get breakup earlier in place of 6L6?

Would a EL34 fit and make a difference?

I have 2 amps using 6L6, both are super clean amps, but when I want that sweet tube break up one falls flat and the other gets over driven a little.

Bugera V55HD infinium (automatic bias which I wonder if it's just set by resistor)
Fender hot rod deluxe 60th anniversary (loud boy, using a volume knob in fx loop)

I'm not sure if either would benefit, but what options are available?
Seems like a reasonable question with far too few answers, makes me wonder if tubes aren't standardized by pin out and some wires would need moved around to begin with.
Mods / ZIIDOO 2.4GHZ Wireless Guitar System
November 27, 2021, 07:07:55 AM
Already started modding these cheap guitar wireless transmitter and receiver.

Tacked on an antenna extension and wow, no more dropping out.
Made it 1 1/2 inches long and didn't include the length I soldered after scraping the trace a little.

So what I am wondering is what should I look for to brighten it up a bit, it's very dark sounding and affects tone worse than a crybaby. XD

I'm thinking it's probably a capacitor.
General Questions / Guitar Pedal Power Supply
November 21, 2021, 12:27:31 AM
So I've had this for a while and I am wondering if I can daisy chain off the 500ma and be fine?
Most of the pedals I have don't go over 25ma and I've been reading not to use more than 75% capacity to keep the power supply in a happy zome.
So I would say I could get away with 4 per 100ma jack... I'd like to power every pedal I have at some point so I don't need to swap them out of the loop anymore.

So would it be best to put my daisy chain into the 500ma jack and have at it?
I think the chain has 8 connectors.
Requests / EHX Silencer project
November 16, 2021, 07:25:59 PM
We really need one of these projects, I've searched the forums and people have asked for the one knob solution, but this is the one.
General Questions / Alpha Dog BOM missing parts?
November 12, 2021, 10:18:07 PM
BOM lists 1 470R, but build pic and board call for 2?
General Questions / Messing around in LtSpice
October 28, 2021, 01:57:51 AM
Figured I'd mess around and see what happens if you stack a Bazz Fuss onto itself and from the look of it, fuzzy distortion ensues.

The main reason I'm doing this is because I can't find any designs that use a few resistors, transistors and caps that I have laying around and I have the soldering itch.

Anyhow, got to start learning somehow, thoughts?
General Questions / Imp v2 tone knob
October 27, 2021, 04:18:39 AM
Decided today to check the tone knob since it hasn't worked since I boxed it... pot tests good, testing from solder point on main pcb.

What could be the culprit of not getting any play through the pedal for tone?

I would think bad cap, but it was fine until I boxed it and I assumed I broke the pot when I pulled on it a little aggressively.

Pulled everything out of the box except the power/audio jacks, tone still isn't working and wiring appears fine, no obvious sign of it having grounded.
Thinking bad cap?
Which cap controls tone, I see a few in the trace diagram, looking at C13 and C14.
General Questions / Jimmy Page/42 tones wiring?
October 20, 2021, 02:16:23 AM
So I've been trying to wrap my head around this diagram for a few days, colorized it so I can follow it a little better, but having a hard time putting it together in my head.

Looking at Seymour Duncan single pickup diagrams the phase appears correct and the series/split/parallel as well, but is it correct with the placement of the ground?
In all of the diagrams SD shows green and bare are together...

Attaching the colorized diagram as well as the link to the original.
So my v3 tube started to fail Saturday, I went out bought a full set from a local shop, same price as tube depot which is cool.

Installed it and all was well, today I installed the rest and now I have no gain or overdrive and hissing white noise that gets louder with volume and even louder with gain, Guitar signal sounds like a loud clean.

I'm wondering if reseating v1, v2, v4 and the pre's would possibly solve it or if I have a bad gain tube in v1 or v2 or if pre's can cause this.

V4 is a phase inverter.
General Questions / Looking for eq pedal
October 08, 2021, 04:17:17 PM
I know I can get a boss ge-7 and pretty much be happy, but I've come to find out they can be very noisy, the mod I found to correct that is for the through hole versions and they now make them smd. I could do the mod with ease, but am only interested in adding a low mid high to my dark terror and since there is no room to mount more knobs for that on the little amp I won't be asking to mod the tone stack.

Apparently if placed in the fx loop the dark terror becomes a whole new beast, I've been eyeing the mxr 6-10 band, boss ge-7, JJ's clover, joyo 10 band (blueish green) and can't pull the trigger on one.

I'd like to find one that doesn't alter tone by being in the chain, very low noise or none at all, not expensive as much as I'd like to get the empress parametric eq.

Any ideas come to mind?

I was hoping Madbean had made a project for one and I could wait for it if it were on the list. I'd just like to find out if I can make this dark terror as nice clean as my bugera v55hd and maybe replace it.
General Questions / Crybaby manufacture date
September 26, 2021, 02:27:37 AM
Got my hands on a crybaby, serial starts with AA. board sticker says 40528I with E in lower left and 7 in lower right, pot is metal type EJ and has 100k - 9429 stamped.

Seems to be a 90's, but early or late I don't know, thinking early.

Post the pics whenever iCloud decides to work...
General Questions / Morely Bad Horsie 2 modding
September 19, 2021, 04:59:51 AM
I traded my VFE Triumvirate for this wah, the pedal just wasn't doing it for me.

I've googled a bit and found lots of people sharing mods for this wah, but the files are dead ends, all broken links.
Apparently it's the same circuit as a crybaby, but uses optic sensors to activate, some say it's tone sucking and I don't really care.
I want to extend the range like a video I found that at half pedal it tops out at stock and full you get more out of it, this one looks like the first BH, but all of the components are through hole.

So if anyone has some ideas...
For reference:
General Questions / Looking to build a amp
September 04, 2021, 09:04:01 PM
I want to build something that can overdrive easy, do blues -> metal easily. Not sure if el34/84 are best for that. Something that a rx loop can be added to or is in the design.

Was thinking jcm800, but what else is out there that was really good and maybe more gain? 50w is a perfect area for my use, but open to better options with obtainable parts.
Open Discussion / Speaker cab wiring, dual input amp head
September 04, 2021, 07:05:04 PM
So I've replaced the speakers in my cab and am thinking of adding a second input, any considerations I should take with plugging two amps into the cab, but only using one at a time?

Also might add another two inputs to drive two sets of speakers separately.