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Topics - DanRaggedy

Hi All,

I'm new here and wanting to build myself a Mudbunny pedal. I've ordered the PCB and I'm trying to get all the parts for the build. I've found most of the parts, but I'm struggling with a few of them. Specifically, I'm not finding some capacitors. The 560p, 50n, 4n, etc. are missing from and the other sites I've "found" them on seem a little sketchy (I've tried converting 'n' to 'u' and 'p' numbering as well). I don't have any local stores that have experts to help me, so I thought I'd throw the question out here before I fall down a massive research rabbit hole. I'm hoping there is an easy solution or alternative someone might have for me.

Again, I'm new to all of this, so if there is any good advice someone can bestow on me about buying parts or if there are variety packs, alternatives, or general advice. That would be SO helpful. I want to get into this long-term, so I'm all ears.
