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Topics - bigrigg

Build Reports / KL*N clones with mods (2 of em)
March 15, 2016, 11:19:59 PM
Hey now,
built by request for some friends.  One is the Olympus the other the Kong.  The Kong is an obvious tip o the hat to the original silver.
Mods being 2 extra clipping diode set options and a fat switch.  Mild, but noticeable and making this adapt to most any rig and offer some more variety beyond the "original."
Both pedals are identical builds for guts.

Build Reports / Milf Chubby (non MB content)
November 07, 2014, 02:33:27 AM
Hey there,
ok firstly please excuse the pubescent "theme" of the pedal.  This was a specific request from the customer.
Anyhoo, it's a modded MXR Blue Box.  Lots of fun!
The Load and Balls (level and blend) pots are both 100 k which gives more output and wackiness for adjustments.
The Choke is a power starve.  This is the SH*T!  After much testing I found this circuit does it's best with input voltage between approx 4 and 5 volts.  Above that and it just crapped out.  I put about 750 R in series for input and then to the Choke pot with about another 400 R to adjust.  Perfect.  Really adds to a ton of other fuzz and glitchy octave sounds.
The Stroke is a blend knob that allows to mix dry signal back in which is great to add musicality or a stronger signal, extra sustain etc in some situations. 
The upper switch is to allow 1 Octave down or both 1 and 2 Octaves down.  Very noticeable with certain Choke and Load settings.
The lower switch is the output cap mod (sometimes known as C11 mod)  Adjust to taste, but I used a 10 N cap and it goes from smooth, bass synth to raspy and bright output.  Very cool and polar opposite sounds.  Box is covered in Enviro Goo which seems fitting considering the theme.  hee hee
I will most likely make this for myself as it is very fun and buries the regular MXR Blue Box six feet under for options and fun.

Build Reports / EDDIE (non MB, Wampler Pinnacle)
October 27, 2014, 01:00:40 AM
Hey all,
3 guesses what this pedal sounds like and the first 2 don't count.  Amazing distortion pedal that is very versatile.  Much more than a brown sound in a box.
Layout at tagboardeffects.  It squealed like a pig until I used the shielded wiring.  Shielded on inputs, tone pot and boost switch.  Now it's dead quiet.  Quite a bit of off board wiring and a bit bulky with all the shielded cable.  Again, tons of useable tones from light to high gain and even some fuzz territory. Enviro coating on box.  Hope you like and enjoy!  Thanks to Brian Wampler, from whom I have purchased a few fine pedals.
Thanks to Madbean for many builds prior and good pedal learnings stuff.

Hello pedal heads,
I made this for my nephew who wanted a bass OD.  Sounds great and you could use this on guitar too.
Schematic from Tagboardeffects.  Thanks

Hi there,
here is The Dragon Slayer.  This is from J0K3RX project for the Amptweaker Tight Metal pedal he named Dragon Armor.
I named it Dragon Slayer for two reasons.  Firstly, this thing is a beast and could slay dragons and secondly as a tip o' the hat to J0K3RX and his Dragon Armor project.   Thank you.
You can read our little love affair back and forth in the members project area.
The pedal is outstanding.  Heavy as hell.  Tweakable tone, very good gate (this really sold me).
The original Thrash (my Mids) switch is very good for giving the classic "scoop" sound.  It will go from hard rock to of course the heaviest gain.  Incredibly silent and the separate adjustable gate is great to fine tune for your needs vs the Amptweaker which is paired with the gain knob and you have no separate control.
If you want a very heavy and TIGHT effect for chugging and riffery, then this is fantastic.  I've had many high end, high gain pedals and this thing is as good or better than any!  The tight knob gives you the ability to "tighten" the flub or low end response and again allows for a very tweakable sound.  Can't recommend this enough.
The build had a few headaches along the way, but that's par for the course.  I put the Envirotex coating over the whole box and it looks killer with the gloss over the sparkle however, (grrrrr) it slightly lifted my artwork for the "volume" font.  Oh well, gives it character.  Metal isn't pretty anyways.
Build it and bang your head into oblivion!!!

Build Reports / BUZZHEARD (Bumblebee)
December 10, 2012, 03:21:30 AM
Tadaa!  The Buzzheard.  OC75 for mofo mojo.  Sounds great.
Thanks Madbean.

I've breadboarded this schematic, but I just don't know how to power it all up?  I'm thinking 2 9 volts in series to give 18v supply.  Then to a 12 v reg and also a 5 v regulator for the circuit.  Do both regulators and all components share a common ground?  Does the (12 v -) from the chip go to the 12 v reg out or ground etc.  Ultimately, if someone knows or could draw the remaining power + and - supplies for the schematic, that would be fantastic.  Thanks for any help.  Schematic found here as well....

Build Reports / BAGOONEY (4ms Fuzz Jade)
October 24, 2012, 02:46:39 AM
The Bagooney!  It's the 4ms Fuzz Jade, discontinued by that company a few years back.  Why the name?  Our daughter makes "Bagooney's" in her diaper if you get what I mean.  The colour theme matches the name.  And so on.  Even the pedal can give you.....farty, dirty fuzz sounds.
It will give you basic and very low gain fuzz and OD and higher gain fuzz too.  Tone control works very well for wide range and the MUD control is working on the bias, not a starve.  This really changes things and lets you get some really harsh or spitty, splatty tones.  Not a noisemaker pedal.  Just some unique fuzz tones with quite a bit of variety available.  Enjoy and thanks to Madbean and the members.

Tech Help - Projects Page / 5 volt supply?
October 05, 2012, 01:11:26 AM
Hey there,  I'm sure it's not difficult (when you know how)  Need to take your standard 9 volt dc supply and create 5 volt for some IC's on a board.  How does one create the 5 volt supply?
I have used the road rage boards for 12, 18 v or negative supply but I simply need to drop the voltage.
Thanks very much.
Build Reports / Match Maker (non madbean mixer/splitter)
September 27, 2012, 12:34:56 AM
The Match Maker....excellent utility pedal for blending 2 effects or softening the blow of something over the top etc.  Add a little clean into your fuzz sound etc.  Tons of uses.

Fully CCW is completely Dry original signal.  Fully CW is completely Wet Send/Return signal.  Noon is a perfect blend of 50/50.  Switch is for inverting phase. No tone suck, quiet and lots of blend range.

Build Reports / WTF (doombutter with extra mods)
September 20, 2012, 01:00:29 AM
WTF.  Pretty much sums it up!  Madbean doombutter with some fantastic and highly functional mods.

Left switch is the standard "fuzz lift" mod.  Gives you a very light OD sound or fairly high gain fuzz.

Center swtich is the Feedback on/off.  When on it activates the FDBK knob.  Giving you....
Delay repeats!  No more one repeat only.  You can get 8 to 10 audible repeats and they slowly trail off for a very natural decay/reverb effect.  The knob is very functional.  All the way CCW for trailing repeats like a classic delay.  Slowly turning CW and it begins to enter the FDBK realm but completely controllable without oscillation.  Past 1 o'clock and it gives you the noise "wash" where you can play over the last line and it will slowly take over and begin to "swash" until you play the next line and so on.  Of course fully CW and you get into nutty oscillation fun.

The right switch toggles between the inner (standard) LDR and the exterior I placed to the right of the foot switch.  This is awesome fun. With your foot, you can totally control the tracking, warble, pitch shift effect AND with the feedback combo you can change each repeat differently.  It adds so much more to the pedal's ability and it's completely musical and controlled. (in a WTF kind of way)
Turn the blend knob for total wet signal and then use the LDR/FDBK combo for some completely unique sounds and effects.
I remember people asking "how to get more repeats?" from this guy.  This mod does it very well.
Thanks to Madbean as always and enjoy!
Build Reports / SAQQARA BIRD (Warhead)
September 02, 2012, 03:34:18 PM
Hello again,
here is the Saqqara Bird (Warhead).  Quck review....chorus options are nice with everything from subtle to seasick for sure.  Vibe is what I was really after.  It can do a nice swirl, but not over the top.  It's a little more vibrato than swirl.  Lots of tweaking with the trimmers to get your choice of vibe.  Speed is quite fast to almost no sweep.  Great.  It can definitely "throb" if you like that kind of sound.  Giving almost a choppy trem effect.  Very quiet and warm sounding for sure.  Super tight fit in this box and I had to "shave" some pcb board down to squeeze in the double gang pot.  No mods, just stock.  Pulsing LED is a nice touch.  Very happy with this result.  A+ unless you want big swirl.
Thanks again to Madbean and all of Santa's little pedal helpers here on the forum.

Build Reports / EL DESTRUCTO (Dirty Bird Moosapotamus)
August 25, 2012, 12:25:20 AM
What it is....Dirty Bird with some tiny tweaks / Rattle Crow from Last Gasp.
Why the name?  If you hear it, you will know why.  LOL  Also, it is a nickname for my little daughter, El Destructo.  Somehow she finds her way into my pedals quite often.
It would be unfair to place this great fuzz in the "noise" category.  It's not a noise box.  Yes, it can self oscillate, and make some crazy "chirping" sounds, but really it just has a sh*t ton of fun fuzz sounds.

I wish I could offer a demo, but my DAW etc is all shut down for now.  I will try my best to describe.

You can absolutely get some good med/high gain fuzz tones.  It's not a fuzz face/bender etc but why would it be right?  Definitely musical.  I have 3, 3 way switches and one 2 way switch and 2 knobs that are very interactive beyond the volume.  This leaves you with a ridiculous amount of fuzz and fun sounds.  Many I've never heard from any other pedal before.  One flick of some of the switches and it's instantly a different sound.  The kind of pedal where there are hours of experimenting.  To be fair about 90% of the knob, switch combinations deal out a useable and cool sound.

The Knobbies and switchies explained:

Damage (Sensitivity)  Fallout (Frequency)  Devastate (Volume)

Mayhem (Flutter)  Burn (Bright)  Carnage (Q)  Ruin (Chirp)

I added 2 positions for the Ruin.  100 n cap into the volume out / 100 n cap to ground and none.  Really adds some different "bright or burn" characterstics to any and all sounds.
I used different resistor values than the schematic for the "Carnage" placing approx 1.47 m and then combos of parallel resistors off the other 2 switch positions.  End values about 470 k / 1.47 m / 3.47 m. 

I can't recommened this enough if you like "odd" different, whacky experimental fuzz.  Again, not a useless noise box that blirps and chirps and farts by itself.
I will still thank Madbean as I've learned so much from this great site.

Also, my first Vero board.  Pretty cool and a heck of a lot less time involved than doing my etches.
Not the neatest gutshot, but honestly, I just wanted to get it rock'n and have fun.

Build Reports / MOTHER FUZZER (Ugly Face)
August 07, 2012, 10:35:45 AM
You Mother Fuzzer!  That's right.  Non Madbean, Ugly Face circuit.  PCB from  Good service from them folks.
This thing is nuts.  Harsh fuzz with lots of crazy sounds from cocked wah to octave up and down, added static, oscillates, sputters or gated etc. You can still get a regular fuzz with tons of sustain. I only added a few minor mods which were:
Changed Frequency pot to 250 k from BOM of 100 k.  More range.
Added a 1 N cap to input which eliminated some of the high end screech sounds here and there.
Added a 1M resistor to the volume pot as it was MEGA loud.  This tamed the beast.
Highly recommend this build if you like any whacky fuzz stuff.
Hope you enjoy.

here is what I've got......
volume pot works, track pot effects LED sensitivity to playing.  Fuzz and fuzz lift work.  Bypass works.

No response from depth, delay or blend.  Tried the pulse LED from lug 2 of track pot with no result.
Have tried 6 different LDR's.  Tried the "5 pack" from radio shack.  Don't see or find any obvious shorts or grounds.

Where the heck do I start to de bug?
Your help is greatly appreciated as always.
Mods / Doombutter "totally clean" mod??
August 02, 2012, 08:39:39 PM
Hey there,  I'm aware of the fuzz lift mod which seems to give slight fuzz vs high gain fuzz BUT do we know of a way to give us a completely fuzz free clean signal like the newer Clari pedal can offer?  Thanks very much.
Build Reports / Sound Hammer (Firebomb)
July 28, 2012, 04:26:35 PM
here is the latest...The Sound Hammer.  Great clean boost and crunch tones with MASSIVE volume on tap.  Use the master volume "strike" wisely.  Pushes those tubes like no other.
A little build note, had no signal and it was the zener diodes.  Apparently they are not all created equally.  Measured approx 250 mv for both zeners = no sound.  Replaced with other zeners at 750 mv = SOUND!
Thanks as always to Madbean.

Hello,  on the single side etch version there are R1 and R10 in the circuit board diagram yet not on the BOM.
They are resistors on the signal input along with the first capacitor.
Should they be omitted as I don't see them in the schematic for slambox or firebomb.
Please advise.  Thanks
Build Reports / FUZZ PUZZLE (shoegazer with mods)
July 17, 2012, 01:36:40 AM
Hey there, first off I want to thank member irmcdermott.   I etched the board from his pcb layout.  Worked very well.  Thank you kind sir.
This is the FUZZ PUZZLE.  It's the Devi Ever Shoegazer made of Tornspeaker and Sodameiser left to right.  Additionally I added a few mods with 8 switches and 4 knobbies so I thought the name made sense.

Knobbies are volume and texture.
Swithces - Aenima, turns the TP into the Aenima pedal.  Much more gain and sustain.
VFM - turns the TP into the Vintage Fuzz Master.  Hardcore octave up pedal.
Chaos - well...ya kinda creates chaos.  Sort of the oscillate crazy stuff.
Noise - yup, odd fuzz sounds from real spitty to other crazy stuff.
TP / ND - turns the TP into a Never Drive, another flavour of octave pedal.
Stack - this is my effect stack switch allowing the TP to feed into the SM ...... or the SM to feed into the TP.  Changing how the left and right stack in order.
So all in all there are at least FIVE Devi effects plus a few tweaks and mods and then the whole world of stacking any of them in all their FUZZ PUZZLE glory.  This is one freak'n fun fuzz pedal.  Enjoy!

Build Reports / ANUNNAKI DRIVE (Fat Pants 2012 Ed.)
July 02, 2012, 12:04:48 AM
Finally got this boxed up over the weekend.  Great pedal with lots of boost and drive options for both clean and dirty amps.  Should be in everyone's collection.  It's name and look comes from the stars. Thanks as always to Madbean.