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Topics - billstein

General Questions / Low profile jacks
May 08, 2015, 06:08:28 PM
Hi all. I was just looking at the baby board guide that Brian put out. In it he uses low profile 1/4" jacks that came from Smallbear. I just checked and it doesn't seem like they still carry them. Do any of you have a source for these?
General Questions / MLCC caps from China
May 06, 2015, 10:26:15 PM
Was browsing Ebay and saw all these great prices on MLCC caps. They are the yellow ones that look like Tayda's. Anybody have any experience with these?
Build Reports / Smoothie 1590a
May 05, 2015, 11:29:18 PM
Stock Smoothie decal and Envirotex. I'm starting to get used to the ridiculous size of these things. Like others have said, they are a bit addictive. Oh yeah...Great sounding pedal.

Top by billfoote752, on Flickr

Right Side by billfoote752, on Flickr

Guts by billfoote752, on Flickr
Build Reports / Suhr Riot 1590a
April 28, 2015, 06:00:43 AM
Here's my second 1590a. This is a PIF I got from Billy (wgc) in December that I'm finally getting around to boxing up.
I'm pleased with how this came out. I took a photo I found from riots in England and just started playing with it in Photoshop.
I'm still trying to figure out if I actually like building these little guys. I'm really surprised when they actually work after cramming everything in there. So far both have fired right up.

Straight on by billfoote752, on Flickr

Riot Right Side by billfoote752, on Flickr

Top side by billfoote752, on Flickr

Riot Guts by billfoote752, on Flickr

The Growing Family

Growing family by billfoote752, on Flickr
General Questions / Good preamp for bass
April 27, 2015, 05:28:52 AM
Hi all. The bass player in the group would like a pre-amp. Any suggestions which one to build?

Hi all. Just a quick question. What resistor values do you use for Led's.
1. For diffused?
2. For waterclear?

Thank you
Build Reports / First 1590a
April 22, 2015, 07:11:02 AM
Stock Bloviator. Vinyl Decal and Envirotex. All I have to say is "Man that's small to work on." Fortunately it fired right up.

Top View by billfoote752, on Flickr

Left Side by billfoote752, on Flickr

Top View 2 by billfoote752, on Flickr

Gut by billfoote752, on Flickr
I've been wondering for quite awhile about the Klone dual gain/clean pot. Is there a reason why nobody uses two separate pots for gain and clean rather the dual pot?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Difference in pot tapers
April 12, 2015, 10:56:28 PM
Hi all. Building a tusk which calls for a dual 100k linear gain pot, so I order dual 100k audio pots. What difference will there be if I use this?
Open Discussion / Another Question about Decals
April 10, 2015, 08:33:57 AM
This one is for you who use decals and envirotex. Do you usually drill the box before you put the decal on or after you've put the decal on and the Envirotex?
Open Discussion / Self adhesive decals
April 07, 2015, 05:59:29 PM
Hi all. I know some have gone from waterslide to a paper that has some kind of adhesive on it. Where are you getting this from? Links?

Open Discussion / 2PDT stomp switch
April 01, 2015, 10:43:27 PM
With all this talk about opto switching I'm going to have to purchase some 2PDT stomp switches. Does anybody have any suggestions for good deals on these?
Open Discussion / Store bought Multi-effects
February 22, 2015, 05:02:41 PM
I know this is probably close to blasphemy but does anybody have any experience with a multi-effect? Boss GT-100, Line 6 HD-500, I think Zoom has the GT-5 etc.

The context is playing in a worship band. I know the individual boxes are better but I'm thinking of ease of setup. Being able to store individual settings for songs. Maybe running straight into the board. I think the better ones have an external loop I could put pedals in.

What do you guys think?
Open Discussion / Great resistor code calculator
January 27, 2015, 09:21:40 AM
If you have an iPad this is a great tool. Best layout I've seen for putting in the resistor color code.
Hey all. I've never built a pedal for anybody else so this is new for me. I have somebody who is interested in a Cornish SS2 and G2 combo and a Klon, compressor combo.
The prices for these used are insane.

Any suggestions on what you would charge for each? This would include the time of graphics and envirotex etc.

Thanks in advance.
Open Discussion / Welll it's official. I'm in a slump.
January 21, 2015, 08:56:39 PM
I've gone from being able to build all these pedals the Bean classifies as genius builds. Harbinger, Aqua Boy deluxe, Sharkfin, Stage Fright, Low Rider etc. All fired up first time, after I remembered to put the transistors or IC in of course.
Now it seems like I can't build anything. Every stinking pedal fails. Even something simple like a Fatpants.

What the heck!

Rant now officially over. Just had to vent.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Fatpants 2013 question
January 21, 2015, 05:46:22 AM
Hi all,

Just finished up a Fatpants 2013 and tested it and nothing. Quick question. Because that is buffered and isn't the usual wiring that I'm used to, would I test it the same way as every other pedal just the in, out, 9v and ground? Or, do I have to do something with the SW on the board? Does the LED have to be hooked up? I'm confused.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Volume level on Beast build
January 13, 2015, 06:12:48 PM
Hi all. I've just built the Beast by electricb. The Klon Maxon, OD-820 combination. On both sides I'm getting unity when I just barely turn the volume knob up. On a scale of 1-10 I'm probably reaching unity below 1.

Before I spend time trouble shooting I thought I'd ask to see if that is normal.

Thanks for your help,
Open Discussion / Setting up my pedal board
January 09, 2015, 12:18:57 AM
Hi all,

I know a lot of you play in worship groups at church. Last Sunday was my first time in over 20 years. For Christmas I got a new pedal board (Pedaltrain 2). I want to be very intentional in setting up.

So my question. What do you feel is the essential pedals for playing in a worship group? What are those pedals you couldn't do without?

Just a side note. That was the first time I played at any kind of volume. My guitar, amp (Fender Blues jr.) and pedals sounded so good. I was stoked!

Thanks all,
Build Reports / Small Clone and Porkbarrel in one
January 07, 2015, 01:37:05 AM
My second build of 2015. One thing I really enjoy from this hobby is not being forced to make a choice. Small Stone or CE-2...BOTH!

Tonepads Small Clone and Bean's Porkbarrel both on 15v. Vinyl sticker and Envirotex.