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Topics - Hexjibber

General Questions / Jubal Orange Goblin BOM
April 19, 2021, 10:46:52 AM
Hi all,

Just found one of Jubal's Orange Goblin (EQD Monarch) boards hidden away down the back of my desk which I thought I'd long since lost! I think I must have bought it around 2014! I'd like to build it, but while I found the original post that Jason/Jubal did at the time on the forum, the BOM link is now dead :( Bit of a long shot but does anyone happen to have it? I did send Jason an email but not sure if it's an old one as no reply as yet.

If anyone can help that would be great!

Build Reports / Phase 90
March 21, 2021, 08:14:20 AM
Phase 90 on Fuzzdog board. Wanted to build one of these for ages and despite having made a couple of other more complex phasers (Lovetone Doppelgänger, Small Stone) I've found myself wanting something simpler. It's such a classic phaser sound and nice and minimal so just what I was after and takes up less space on my board!

Decided to give Tayda's UV enclosure printing service a go and I am really impressed with the results I have to say! For the price and how quickly they turn it around plus no minimum order it's really pretty amazing! The artwork required a bit more effort when compared to etching but it was totally worth it IMO!

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Build Reports / SFT + SHO
January 17, 2021, 08:09:17 AM
Latest off the blocks is a request from a mate, it's an SFT with one half of a Super Duper 2 in 1 (so an SHO with a volume control). Includes an order switch and charge pump toggle. Lots of shades of dirt available on tap, I love the SFT and these extra bells and whistles worked really well I must say!

Being honest though this build was a nightmare, all of my own doing! You know those ones where nothing seems to go right?! Just poor planning on my part as well as numerous other mess ups! I persevered though and glad to have it done as well as being pleased with the end result despite weeks of frustration!

Anyway, some pictures!

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Build Reports / Modded Micro POG
October 05, 2020, 08:50:55 AM
Quite proud of this one so thought I would share with you guys..

Its a modded Micro POG ( which I thought I would give a new box job while I was in there!

The mod is really useful for me as I mainly use two settings on this pedal when playing live so the channel switch swaps between the two rows of pots, effectively giving you two presets. I'd seen the JHS mod and a few other similar ones so decided to see if it was DIY-able and turned out to be the case! I can't say I enjoyed the process all that much, lots of nerve wracking desoldering, wondering if I'd destroyed the thing and then a boat load of fiddly wiring for the actual mod. To say I was relieved when it worked first time is an understatement!

Etched with NaOH/Caustic Soda/Lye and painted, really happy with how it came out in the end.

Build Reports / Aquababy
September 25, 2020, 01:51:48 PM
First post in a while on here and first actual Madbean build for good while!

Here we have an Aquababy, been wanting a proper analogue delay for a while and this seemed to be the only logical choice! I can see why this is a classic, just has a lovely warm feel to it, haven't had a bad sound out of it so far, really happy!

Had a brief hiccup with what turned out to be a dodgy MN3101 but thankfully Brian leapt to my aid, found the problem and I got it working.

Etched with NaOH/Caustic, then painted the etch, sanded back before finally applying some red stained glass paint so you can see the design underneath which worked a treat! Picked up that trick from Gholas/Handsome Beard on Instagram after seeing an etch of his, he was kind enough to share how he'd done it, top man!


Tech Help - Projects Page / Aquababy No Delay [SOLVED]
September 23, 2020, 07:52:36 PM
Hi everyone, just finished up my Aquaboy build and was going through the calibration steps but I'm not getting any delay on pin 3 of IC3, only a quiet high pitched oscillation, despite much tweaking of the bias trimmer. Audio is reaching the output when the effect is engaged but just no delay. I've made no substitutions in terms of parts, been through and checked my IC and electro orientation but currently can't see any issues there. I have to admit I am guilty of boxing it already, I always do and I suppose I've built so many pedals with no issues I've become complacent! Hoping if I post my voltages something may stand out, would appreciate it if anyone can cast a knowing eye over them, thanks!

1 - 4.62
2 - 4.62
3 - 4.59
4 - 0.00
5 - 4.59
6 - 4.62
7 - 4.62
8 - 9.26

1 - 0.98
2 - 1.78
3 - 1.78
4 - 0.00
5 - 1.79
6 - 1.76
7 - 3.10
8 - 1.79
9 - 1.79
10 - 2.97
11 - 2.98
12 - 1.79
13 - 9.25
14 - 1.78
15 - 1.78
16 - 0.16

1 - 9.23
2 - 4.31
3 - 6.73
4 - 6.75
5 - 0.00
6 - 4.38
7 - 1.38
8 - 8.04

1 - 8.63
2 - 4.31
3 - 0.00
4 - 4.31
5 - 4.31
6 - 4.32
7 - 3.90
8 - 8.05

E - 3.74
B - 2.99
C - 9.26

E - 2.50
B - 3.00
C - 9.25

E - 6.18
B - 6.51
C - 9.26

E - 5.56
B - 6.05
C - 9.26
Build Reports / Aztec Factory
May 29, 2020, 10:12:52 AM
Aztec Factory built on FuzzDog Filth Fack board.

This was a request from a mate and I'd not built one before despite being curious about them. Have to say I loved it when I fired it up! Knarly fuzzy goodness! Added the fat switch for extra boeuf. Need to build my own one now! Think I might go for the more knobs version though.

Reverse etched and painted then glitter sprayed

Build Reports / Dead End FX Grimafuzz
May 28, 2020, 08:42:36 AM
Hellooo out there, hope everyone is staying well!

Latest project is the Grimafuzz from Dead End FX. I recently built the PedalPCB Super Heterodyne Receiver and really liked the fuzz section of it, a Madbean forum member was kind enough to point me in the direction of a DeadEndFx board of just that section of the PLL so got on it straight away! It's a thick, nasty, somewhat gated fuzz thing and I dig it! The board also has some cool features such as a blend pot so it can be used on bass.

Reverse etched and then painted, also tried some splatter painting for something a bit different, I really like how it came out.

Build Reports / EAE Mojo Titan
May 10, 2020, 12:27:36 PM
My latest endeavour is a Sonic Titan built on the EAE Mojo Titan board. Saw the project come up a while back and thought it looked a bit of fun but only just got round to building it.

Found a cool slanted box to put it in. Was a little challenging to etch to slanted bit in terms of keeping it level so the etchant didn't all run off but managed it!

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this when I fired it up, has a really cool thing of its own in terms of distortion. Tried both a J201 and 2N5457 in Q1, the 201 swung it for me, just seemed to have more clarity.

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Build Reports / OCD v3
April 11, 2020, 02:08:22 PM
Hey everyone!

Latest build is an OCD v3, built a few of these in the past and always fancied one so finally got round to it. Nothing fancy but it just rips! Sounds great in my Twin Reverb, looking forward to using this at practice volume the first chance I get!

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Build Reports / Death by Fuzz (Fuzz War)
April 07, 2020, 06:26:07 PM
Hey all, hope you're staying well!

This one is a DBA Fuzz War, v1. It's the infamous 7 transistor version and one I've always been curious about. I've built a couple of the Big Muff based newer ones but this one has until now eluded me! There's a lot of opinions on the circuit design out there, personally for me I like the sound of it and I'll just leave it at that!

Took a bit of fine tuning to get the best out of it but really happy with the end result, it's brutal!

Etched with NaOH and painted then treated to a coat of glitter spray because space!

I did a video too if you're curious about the noise it makes!

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Build Reports / Coda Effects Black Hole
March 29, 2020, 10:10:00 AM
Seem to be spending more time indoors of late here in the UK for some reason so I'm rattling through the builds!

Here's a Sunn Model T preamp from Benoit at Coda Effects. Has some nice crunchy overdriven tones and you can dime the gain and let rip into some sludge doom! I also tried a Rat before it because SunnO))) and is probably what a lot of people associate with the amp that the pedal is based on. I played a chord for 4 minutes and 42 seconds whilst meditating on humanity's inexorable decline into chaos so I think it works as intended!

Reverse etched and painted black then I found this cool 'hologram' glitter spray for some added cosmic vibes!

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Build Reports / PedalPCB Super Heterodyne Receiver
March 27, 2020, 01:17:09 PM
Hullo!  :) Been ages since I posted (or had anything to post), hope everyone is well out there!

Well, one good thing about all this is plenty of time to catch up on pedal builds! This is based on the EQD Data Corrupter which in turn is based on the Schumann PLL for anyone not aware. It's pretty bonkers but fun, I liken it to a POG on crack! The fuzz section is awesome, I'd have that just on it's own. It can be really musical though, it's not just unusable random weirdness!

Decal and clear coat for this one, pics:

Did a video too for anyone who is curious about this one;
Finally got this built after having purchased the board in 2015! Where does the time go??

It's everything I hoped for from a phaser and more besides, love the range of sounds and LFO features! Almost had it boxed before I realised I had all the LEDs the wrong way round, d'oh! So glad I spotted that!

Etched with NaOH/Caustic/Lye and sprayed in metallic orange, really pleased with how the detail came out.


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Build Reports / Spaceman Effects Gemini III
August 17, 2019, 06:39:34 AM
Here's my latest build, the Gemini III by Spaceman, built on Deadendfx 'Fuzzimile' board.

I'd like to say it was an easy build but I reality was one of those where nothing went quite to plan! Also lots of oddball components, to me at least, things like weirdly specific resistor values (21.5k?) and less common cap values. I stuck to the BOM though, as always if something is worth doing...

Tried my best to get transistors in the spec'd range and the voltages were as they should be so think it worked! Sounds great I have to say.

For anyone not familiar its a germanium and silicon fuzz with a blend pot to mix the two plus some switchable gain options. Loads of sounds in there so need to have a proper play with it.

The etch isn't my best so I roughed it up a bit with wire wool to try and give it a worn in look haha!

Had a request for one of these from a band mate so was happy to oblige thanks to finding a board from m-Kresol/Felix, great work!

After reading the various circuit analysis posts I was expecting trouble with it in regards to the weird reversed transistor set up but it ended up being fine.

For me it sounds great, kind of an overdrive with a fuzzy edge to it, pretty gnarly but definitely usable into a clean amp. Didn't get any of the gating some build reports mentioned using all 2N5089s however I tried swapping Q1 out for a 2N5088 and thought it sounded better, almost richer so left it in.

Etched with NaOH/caustic as per usual, would have liked it to be cleaner in places but my mate was happy so job done!

Hi all,

First off, just wanted to say a big thanks to bsoncini for their post on adding an expression pedal control to the Octagon, it was really clearly written as well as just being a great idea! I thought I'd give it a go and I'm glad I did!

I really like the pedal itself, the different effects are great and I can tell I'm going to have a lot of fun with this one!

Etched with NaOH as per usual with a few coats of clear for good measure. Originally I tried colouring in the octagon spiral with loads of different coloured sharpie pens which looked cool but as soon as the clear coat hit it the colour sort of melted off! I'm guessing they don't play well together! Anyway, here's the pics...

Build Reports / Dunwich Modded HM-2
June 13, 2019, 10:26:01 AM
Hey all,

Managed to find some time to complete another build, where does the time go these days?

This is one is a Boss HM-2 on a Dunwich Amplification board which contains a few mods to the original. I've still got sockets in a few places while I try out some of Nick's suggestions like increasing the gain and using two red LEDs and a BS170 for the hard clipping section, fun times! It already sounds brutal though, has the classic(?) grindy Swedish death metal tone in there of course but I've also got some massive doom sounds from it, subtle it aint!

Managed to wire all the pots in reverse initially in a late night stupor so that was fun re-wiring them all!  ;D

Reverse etched and sprayed matt black with an orange LED as a wink to the original! Pics...

Build Reports / Afterlife Compressor
December 17, 2018, 10:10:42 PM
Considering I frequent this forum a fair bit it's actually been a while since I've built a pedal using a Madbean board!

Despite the small format this was a breeze thanks to the layout and daughter board for the pots, nice one Brian!

Compared to some of the crazy 1590A builds on here this is pretty spacious but it was fiddly enough for me! I dig those Lumberg jacks and also got a mini 3PDT from Banzai, it made the switch wiring pretty minuscule though!

Gold box, no artwork, nice and simple.

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Build Reports / Hot Snake Boost / Naga Viper
December 17, 2018, 10:00:44 PM
Hullo! Been a while since my last build...

Hot Snake Fuzz Dog board, artwork from one of my favourite albums by Hot Snakes. Looking forward to giving this a go through my rig!