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Messages - bigrigg

Build Reports / Re: KL*N clones with mods (2 of em)
March 18, 2016, 11:26:47 AM
Thank you, yes vero board.
Build Reports / KL*N clones with mods (2 of em)
March 15, 2016, 11:19:59 PM
Hey now,
built by request for some friends.  One is the Olympus the other the Kong.  The Kong is an obvious tip o the hat to the original silver.
Mods being 2 extra clipping diode set options and a fat switch.  Mild, but noticeable and making this adapt to most any rig and offer some more variety beyond the "original."
Both pedals are identical builds for guts.

Build Reports / Re: Milf Chubby (non MB content)
November 07, 2014, 11:09:59 PM
Quote from: Nicht Bernd on November 07, 2014, 10:50:43 AM
please post the vero, looks interesting.
You can find a few layouts online like Tagboard and Sabro.
Try this one here
Build Reports / Milf Chubby (non MB content)
November 07, 2014, 02:33:27 AM
Hey there,
ok firstly please excuse the pubescent "theme" of the pedal.  This was a specific request from the customer.
Anyhoo, it's a modded MXR Blue Box.  Lots of fun!
The Load and Balls (level and blend) pots are both 100 k which gives more output and wackiness for adjustments.
The Choke is a power starve.  This is the SH*T!  After much testing I found this circuit does it's best with input voltage between approx 4 and 5 volts.  Above that and it just crapped out.  I put about 750 R in series for input and then to the Choke pot with about another 400 R to adjust.  Perfect.  Really adds to a ton of other fuzz and glitchy octave sounds.
The Stroke is a blend knob that allows to mix dry signal back in which is great to add musicality or a stronger signal, extra sustain etc in some situations. 
The upper switch is to allow 1 Octave down or both 1 and 2 Octaves down.  Very noticeable with certain Choke and Load settings.
The lower switch is the output cap mod (sometimes known as C11 mod)  Adjust to taste, but I used a 10 N cap and it goes from smooth, bass synth to raspy and bright output.  Very cool and polar opposite sounds.  Box is covered in Enviro Goo which seems fitting considering the theme.  hee hee
I will most likely make this for myself as it is very fun and buries the regular MXR Blue Box six feet under for options and fun.

Build Reports / Re: From The Deep - Happy Halloween!
October 31, 2014, 08:58:35 PM
Spooky! Nicely done.  It should give you a 9 volt shock when you hit the foot stomp.
Build Reports / Re: EDDIE (non MB, Wampler Pinnacle)
October 27, 2014, 10:06:28 PM
Quote from: brejna on October 27, 2014, 07:07:44 AM
Nice build! Did you match fets or?
No matching with the mu-amp circuit.  Didn't seem to matter.  Some find the drain resistor on Q5 is about all you need to play with for a voltage adjustment.
Build Reports / EDDIE (non MB, Wampler Pinnacle)
October 27, 2014, 01:00:40 AM
Hey all,
3 guesses what this pedal sounds like and the first 2 don't count.  Amazing distortion pedal that is very versatile.  Much more than a brown sound in a box.
Layout at tagboardeffects.  It squealed like a pig until I used the shielded wiring.  Shielded on inputs, tone pot and boost switch.  Now it's dead quiet.  Quite a bit of off board wiring and a bit bulky with all the shielded cable.  Again, tons of useable tones from light to high gain and even some fuzz territory. Enviro coating on box.  Hope you like and enjoy!  Thanks to Brian Wampler, from whom I have purchased a few fine pedals.
Thanks to Madbean for many builds prior and good pedal learnings stuff.

Quote from: jimilee on October 22, 2014, 01:13:48 PM
Killer. How's it sound???
It does emphasize the bass.  The tone will let you get real bright, but you never lose the low end at least on guitar.  Makes sense since it's for bass.
You can do a clean boost with volume up and drive down, get just on the verge of break up.  Drive past noon is a solid crunch distortion and dimed it's easily a medium gain.
Think OCD or Tubescreamer gain levels.  AC/DC bla bla etc. 
I suppose if your rig is a bit woofy, flubby or bass heavy it might not be ideal.....otherwise it will do great on guitar and of course bass.
Unity gain is about noon for all knobs.  There is volume on tap for sure.  It is dead quiet.  Very good.  Even drive dimed it's very low noise.  Impressively low.
I did notice last but not least....a ton of sustain on hand.  More than the average OD pedal.
Hope that description will suffice.
Quote from: Leevibe on October 22, 2014, 04:22:02 AM
Good job. Nice and clean and I like your graphic. Did you enviro the top or is that a clearcoat?
Thank you.  It's enviro for the finish.  Love that stuff.  It's bullet proof super thick clearcoat that looks killer.
Hello pedal heads,
I made this for my nephew who wanted a bass OD.  Sounds great and you could use this on guitar too.
Schematic from Tagboardeffects.  Thanks

Build Reports / Re: Loophole
January 17, 2014, 01:49:03 AM
Got the chip from China, only took about 2 weeks to Canada.  Works perfectly in the pedal.  90 seconds of Infinity.
If you want to replace you original 20 second chip, this will work perfectly.  Good luck, luck..luck.....luck......luck.......(see what I did there?)
Build Reports / Re: Loophole
January 02, 2014, 12:40:52 AM
Quote from: bcalla on December 30, 2013, 12:51:37 AM
If anyone is holding back on the Loophole because 20 seconds isn't long enough, I just put a 90 second chip in mine and it works perfectly.

I originally used the recommended ISD1020AP that Small Bear carries.  But a few weeks ago I was placing an order with a Chinese eBay vendor and noticed that they carried the ISD2590P, so I bought one and it works.  I'll post a link to the item if anyone is interested.

Thanks for the info on the 90 second chip.  I'm going to order one for my "Infinity" build I made about 2 yrs ago.  Here is an ebay link I found for anyone interested.  It's about $17 with shipping worldwide.

Build Reports / Re: Jok3r X's Tight metal
November 18, 2013, 01:46:58 AM
Nice build congrats.  More Dragons, more!!
Build Reports / Re: Onyxia
November 17, 2013, 12:22:41 PM
Congrats.  Another Dragon to join the family.  Anyone wanting very high gain with excellent gate control needs to build this pedal.  Glad you got this one finished.  Is the font laser etched or sharpie? lol
Quote from: J0K3RX on October 28, 2013, 03:26:21 AM
Quote from: bigrigg on October 28, 2013, 01:29:56 AM
Unfortunately, my family is moving into a new home in the next few weeks and demo equipment etc is all packed.

Ahhh... The good old "my family is moving into a new home, equipment is packed" excuse... Nicely played but of course you know we don't believe you, right?  ::)  :D

hahaha ok.  I will add some photographic proof come moving day(s) By the way does anyone else HATE moving all their home gear??  PIA to set it all up again, plus the sleep losing concern something will be damaged.