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Messages - gordo

Very nice!!! I'm finding I'm using the AL a lot lately, it's become my fave compressor. Fatpants isn't on my board yet but will be. I ran my Line6 Variax (the cheap one) thru the Current Lover and Afterlife and into my Vox Night Train & 412 this evening at rehearsal and the sound was just sick. The NT is proving to be a superb little amp to show off pedals.
For old farts like me, I can still recall seeing Paul Dean with Streetheart playing at Jack's in Saskatoon.  Don't recall the tune off the first album but he got a killer live sound using the Mutron Octaver, a homemade strat, and a 50w Hiwatt.  Crazy good sound.
Build Reports / Collosalus Build
September 13, 2012, 03:59:54 AM
Here's a few pix of my completed Collosalus.  Great flanger and I figured: "if it has to be may as well have landing lights..."

Lighted pots and clear knobs, water-slide decal over white powdercoat, all from SmallBear.

Build Reports / Re: It's not a pedal but it is a Tele
August 23, 2012, 05:17:06 PM
It's a shame you couldn't get the finish any smoother  :D

Wow, that's just spectacular.  I'd be scared to touch it!!!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Collosallus chips
August 07, 2012, 08:45:30 PM
Scruffie, thanks for the help but I eventually threw in the towel.  I believe the problem is around the trimmers but if I unsolder anything else the board will fall apart.  I ordered another one and it went together without issues.  I may revisit the old board when I have lots of time on my hands but don't see that happening anytime soon. :P

Great sounding flanger.  Not as deep as I recall the original being but then again it's been a bajillion years since I've played the original.  Very cool and will be a regular on my pedal board.
Open Discussion / Afterlife Kudos
August 03, 2012, 02:47:53 AM
Don't know if a lot of you've tried the Afterlife but it's been on my board for a few days now and it's pretty cool.  Most compressors I've used sound great in my room but in a live situation get thin and pump too much.  The AL is in the category of "ummm, is this thing on?" effects but in a live rig adds a nice bit of sustain and fatness.  Plus a good bit of boost if needed.  It's kinda similar to the compressor circuit in my old Lab Series amp (although the Lab compresses at the power amp).

I'm really liking the Baby Boards.  This one sits in front of my Smoothie.
General Questions / Re: Vox in a Box?
July 30, 2012, 12:58:12 AM
I've had the Cranked AC on my board for the better part of a few years and it's one of my goto pedals along with the MB King of Tone.  There's nice boards at  Put a Karate Shop in front of it and it will be as subtle or squirrelly as you want.
Audio/Video Demos / Re: Marsha
June 24, 2012, 10:33:53 PM
I love the sound of this thing!  I'd really like to see a '86/12AX7 two channel version too.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Collosallus chips
June 18, 2012, 01:13:03 AM
I've got all voltages on track but the LFO is not LFOing...  I think at this point after 10-12 hours of troubleshooting that the board is pretty much pooched so I'm going to pack it in on this one.  I thought I had pretty good troubleshooting chops but this one is a head scratcher.

I think I jinxed myself by finishing the case first and then building it.  :-\

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Collosallus chips
June 15, 2012, 10:39:43 PM
Scruffie I'm back.  Good to be busy, but it's eating into my pedal building time  :P

Anyway, here's the report so far.  I'm running the pedal from a regulated 9V source.  All is in spec till I get to the front of IC4:

1 - 2.222v
2 - 2.222v
3 - 2.010v
4 - 0
5 - 7.36v
6 - 7.39v
7 - 7.44v
8 - 14.78v

It all goes goofy from that point on.  All components before IC4A look good.  Any ideas?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Collosallus chips
June 04, 2012, 06:18:09 PM
Sounds like a new Frito-Lay product.  Anyway I've built up the Collosallus and I can hear a distinct short delay but no modulation.  My voltages on IC4 and beyond are pretty messed up and all controls don't really appear to do anything.  Board and parts are triple checked so I suspect a chip or trans. Could the 4013 be creating the havoc? I'm getting delay so suspect the MN4007 is good (although voltages are off).  I've swapped out multiple 4049s.  I'm banking on the fact that I haven't torched the 4007...

I can post numbers if needed but before I order more 4013s (only have one on hand) I thought I'd see if anyone else ran into this.
Open Discussion / Re: Good God...(mild rant)
March 07, 2012, 07:11:24 PM

Move to Canada and then look into ludicrous costs for shipping...


Ha!  Worse yet have them spell Saskatoon, Saskatchewan!  I moved to Chicago...much easier to spell...and better shipping costs.  ;D
Open Discussion / Re: Amplitube - Guitar Rig - Etc
January 13, 2012, 06:36:16 PM
I've been using Amplitube 3 free for practicing and learning tunes.  I got the THD BiValve model and it sounds really good, and the whole setup is nice and simple.
+1 with the Mammoth ones.  It's been sporadic (so far only a few out of an order of 50) but it seems to be based on a loose connection with the rivet holding the ground lug.  If you squash it (carefully) with a pair of vise grips, channel-locks, or pliers it should solve the problem.
Global Annoucements / Re: HoneyDripper Recall
December 19, 2011, 05:13:17 PM
You could be like Microsoft and just call it HoneyDripper Vista... :D