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Messages - JackSkellington

General Questions / Re: Condor or...
May 09, 2016, 02:45:46 PM
I never built or used a cab sim. I would like to use it with another new (for me) project, a MXR Headphone. (Eventually this cab sim could be useful for recording, but my PC has a basic audio card.)

I'm afraid if I build an any cab sim, I could dislike it, instead if the cab sim has more controls, maybe it will be hadred to set, but I even can get more sounds.
Mods / Re: Best/Favorite Boss MT-2 mod(s)?
May 08, 2016, 05:17:54 PM
Did you make something with your MT-2?
I wanna try the Diezel Mod.
General Questions / Re: Condor or...
May 07, 2016, 06:43:00 PM
Yeah, indeed, I'd like even me to know how much difference could to be between the two. I'd like to know before to build it, but that's ok.

I'm planning to build the Multicab. I prefered the four knobs versatility to the optional one-switch (Condor/Marshall) of the Condor.
I let you know, but the waiting will be long, my order of the material will be place next month.
General Questions / Re: Condor or...
May 06, 2016, 02:57:13 PM
I watched the videos. Well if the "basic" MultiCab works like that... it's pretty good.
Ok, today the winner is MultiCab. ;D Tomorrow?
General Questions / Re: Condor or...
May 06, 2016, 01:05:42 PM
I have the tagboard veroboard layout of the MultiCab. Of the evolution you posted here we can't find the schematic, I guess.

Condor or MultiCab? I change my mind every day. ::)
General Questions / Re: Condor or...
May 06, 2016, 07:29:59 AM
I considerated Marshall cab, but I find it little versatile with just the gain control.
I also found Simplecab Sim. I wait your testing, buddy.
I need the video link of Multicab, I didn't find it :-\.
General Questions / Re: Condor or...
May 05, 2016, 06:12:29 PM
Yeah, I would just built the right one for me. ;D
MultiCab, probably it is a bit expensive because the four knobs.
Anyway I'd like use it to play with phone, I'm gonna build a MXR headphone.
Someone use the condor for recording.
General Questions / Condor or...
May 05, 2016, 02:25:53 PM
Hi everyone.
I have to choice a cab sim. ROG Condor is one of most famous, built and well documented. It has some great mods, too. But someone seems to get a bit of overdrive in some cases. I'd like a cab sim clean, more than else. A "saturation" could be an optional, maybe, but not an issue.

I need some information about your experience with the Condor Cab Sim, and a possible alternative. One above other about the MultiCab Sim, it seems to be ok and versatile, too.

Thanks! ;)
Quote from: rpack78 on May 02, 2016, 04:15:33 PM
1.  With the Cut knob fully clockwise, I wish it had more highs.  With it even in the 12 o'clock position it's practically unusable because it sounds too muddy and bassy.

Oops! Sorry, I've read wrong ::).
Try to reduce some those caps.
You could get a less wide range of the cut knob changing the value of: R7, C8, C12 and the pot itself.
The pot should be a 50k, R7 from 1,5k to 2,2k, C8 from 3,3nF to 4,7nF, and maybe even C12 an higher value. I didn't remember well this changing, I'm building a Rat clone, and I didn't try these mod for the moment.
You could try put some sockets and test around it.

Or, if you want simply move the range in lower frequency, change the C12 from 22nF to 47nF. I tried it, and seems work.

Let us to know.
General Questions / Re: Muff Clipping Diodes
April 09, 2016, 05:55:01 PM
The Pharaoh pedal, Big Muff based, swap out the second stage diode, indeed.

Why do you want LEDs? Pharaoh, for example, swap the silicon diodes with germanium diodes.
Quote from: JackSkeletron on March 23, 2016, 03:10:23 PM
Good! Thanks! ;)

A question about the rotary switch I have to get, with 4 positions instead 3.
According the layout I have the input of the switch from the lug 1 of the Filter pot. On the board I have the connection fromthree poles of the rotary with the stripes for the three modes, getting silicons, leds and germaniums (+mosfet) clipping.
With the fourth position I would get a "no clipping" mode. Should I connect a fourth pole of the rotary switch with the ground stripe?

I need just a little confirm. I would cut the board. :)
Sorry, I can't help you, but it seems interesting. What is your layout?
Check tha connections of all wires, and be careful, the solder side of the board doesn't have to touch the metal enclosure.
Need a bit help, please. :(
Thank you.