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Messages - Willybomb

Open Discussion / Re: What are you playing? (games)
January 24, 2025, 07:28:06 AM
Currently still working through Baldur's Gate 3,, got Gears of War 1 off the Microsoft Store for AUD$7 as I couldn't find a pirate version that worked, and have Armoured Core 6 installed to play through one day.
Open Discussion / Re: ToneX
October 14, 2024, 10:02:51 PM
Before it died, I captured my ADA MP1 rack, Plexitone, Plexidrive, Zendrive and HT-Dual pedals into my Mooer Preamp Live.  It can certainly be done.
How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Re: tc1044 squeal
September 02, 2024, 06:07:19 AM
Quote from: bradg on September 18, 2020, 03:59:05 PMPhase-inverted buffer FTW! No more squeal. Thanks, everyone!

Well..... that's something I'm going to have to try in the future.
Build Reports / Re: KTS - Effectslayouts Kentauride
August 25, 2024, 10:48:49 PM
I've built the Loyalist as well, wasn't bad actually but sold that off (they're in series, btw).  I haven't played that much with this, I don't find either to overpower the other.
Build Reports / KTS - Effectslayouts Kentauride
August 15, 2024, 11:00:16 PM
Gudday all, here's KTS, using Effectlayout's Kentauride pcb.  It's a TS-10 into a Klon.

There's a post here somewhere from me where I've had all sorts of issues with the pcbs I got initially.  One grounded the signal at the input, and the other two have a fairly low gain and volume on the TS side.

With this one, I looked up high gain mods and did a few component swaps and these brought it up to where I thought it should be.  Then, somehow, I killed a trace so I had to jumper across to get the output.  Anyway, it works now if a little messy and I'll socket those components in future builds (I have another 2 to build).

This was weird as the schematic and values are the same for any other TS.

I may or may not trim those leads to a shorter length.

Tayda drill and UV print, using stolen internet images from somewhere.  I'll probably try and find aluminium red/green knobs for the next one.
Open Discussion / Re: Belgian customs sucks!
July 21, 2024, 07:09:29 AM
A couple of PCBers have set up Australian distributors.  PCBmania have someone on Bairnsdale (lol, dunno why you'd pick that podunk town, but anyway), and Guitarpcb are using Pedalpartsaustralia as resellers.
Open Discussion / Re: Odd pickup combos that work
July 07, 2024, 09:56:19 AM
The stock neck and middle single coils in the Player strats are really, really good.  Like, good to the point where I wasn't going to replace them even though I had Lace Sensors ready to go in.

My not so wacky pickup combination was a Dimarzio Megadrive (bridge) and a Dimarzio Humbucker From Hell (neck).  It was all wired to a superswitch so the selections were Megadrive (series), Megadrive coil, Megadrive blade, Blade + HFH, HFM (series).
Now with knobs:
Quote from: Bio77 on June 28, 2024, 11:43:05 AMWell done, those are great!  8)  Hope you made a pretty penny, they are worth it.

I think I charge a fair price - enough to fund the builds themselves and the next few for myself.  The funny thing is, I generally quote relatively highly with half up front before I start anything and people still want them....

Certainly, getting the Tayda paint/drill/uv enclosures has made it way less stressful.
QuoteWork backlogs aside, Tayda is pretty firmly fast and cheap with Good being more like "Good Enough"

Yeah, I find it's absolutely best practice to with a one colour print (white on a black enclosure in my other orders) or to get a white enclosure and just put the whole pic into the colour layer.
Quote from: Aleph Null on June 26, 2024, 09:03:03 PMThe clipping diode key on the south face is really smart!

Thanks, that was a request by the client - I can't claim it, lol.
While selling off my old builds on FB, I often get people wanting commission builds, usually for something (rare, obscure, expensive) that they don't want to pay for.  This is one of those times.  I had a bloke wanting a couple of Jimilee's Megarats but in an enclosure and styled more like the original Rat.

Anyway, this is the result, 2x Megarats in 1590bb2 boxes.  The desired layout means that the pcbs are only mounted by the clipping rotary switch and everything else is floating.  Not how I'd do it by choice, but whatever.  Leads are intentionally left a little long so I have something to work with if something goes wrong.  I've also started heatshrinking exposed solder joins on pots (not just on these builds either).

Tayda powdercoat, drill, and UV print.  I took a lot of time getting the white under the text properly aligned, but I think they struggle a bit with registration on the smaller fonts - ref the clipping list on the bottom panel.

Knobs will be the black/silver boss style.

One is going to Scotland, the other just up the road from me.  The client has a fair bit of experience with some other vector design app (I use Illustrator) and I learnt a lot doing these two.

Thanks Jimi for letting me do this and supplying the board docs.
Open Discussion / Re: NGD.....
June 17, 2024, 11:33:23 PM
Quote from: lars on June 14, 2024, 11:39:26 AMI think this is the first time I've heard of somebody getting an "SL by Aria Pro II" stolen. That must have been the roughest neighborhood in the world. The pawn shop value in 2006 must have been north of Twenty...five dollars.

In all fairness, it was in a hardcase and they wouldn't have known what was in it.  They also stole the bass and rolled the car out into the street with all the doors and and hatch open.

It may not have looked like much, but it had it where it counted.  The floyd *never* went out of tune, and the Dimarzio Megadrive rocked.  I used to just run into my amp via the crybaby and used to get complements on my sound constantly.

QuoteThat's a fun one. You know what it's made of?
They're marine ply dipped in some sort of sealer plastic.  Fairly common for budget korean guitars in the 80s.  Imagine this without the stain:
Open Discussion / NGD.....
June 14, 2024, 01:33:14 AM
Going back to 1992, I got an "SL by Aria Pro II" and modified it by painting it black and later getting it stripped, floyded, and routed for HSH moving the bridge to the neck position and putting a Megadrive in the bridge.

Fast forward to 2006 and it gets stolen out of my car after a gig.  I always kept an eye out for it afterwards, and would browse ebay and marketplace for a similar one.  One turned up a couple of weeks ago with a HS set of EMGs and equipped with an ibanez floyd so I grabbed it.  The bloke reckons he's gigged it heaps but it's a little rough.  Someone has dug out the side fret markers and the paint has yellowed over time but there's nothing insurmountable happening.

I think I'll put some 80's fluro stripes under a black base on it at this stage.
Open Discussion / Re: What are you playing? (games)
June 06, 2024, 10:09:57 PM
Quote from: madbean on June 01, 2024, 11:47:56 PM

Just finished this last week.  I've had it on my 2 prior laptops and only had the last couple of missions to go.  My laptop fell off a desk recently and I replaced it with insurance, so I decided to finally finish it.

Great game if a little repetitive towards the end.  Wasn't super happy with the ending, but it is what it is.

Currently Baldur's Gate 3 is taking over my gaming time, other than some online chess.  War Thunder has dropped off the wayside because of it.