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Messages - Invertiguy

Open Discussion / Re: NGD - Been awhile
April 07, 2023, 08:31:21 AM
Nice! I sold my 8 string Agile for a black one of these a few months ago to do the whole Loathe thing and haven't looked back since! Kinda wish I would've shelled out the extra cash for one of the CME exclusive ones though, their unique colors and matching painted headstocks really pop. I definitely agree that fit and finish is quite nice for a guitar which costs $500 brand new and it dooms quite well even with the stock single coils, although mine are a bit microphonic so I'll probably end up replacing them with something better (like P90s) in the near future. The Staytrem is on my list as well, as the stock bridge is definitely a bit mediocre if you're tuning low. Better tuners would also be worth looking into, I'm definitely not a huge fan of the stock ones. Overall it's still a nice instrument though and it's awesome to see someone else with one!
Emily and Josh are top-tier trolls   ;D
Open Discussion / Re: NP/BP Electrolytic Caps
March 14, 2023, 05:59:53 AM
Yeah I noticed that the other day when I was placing an order. Looking into it further, it's not just their bipolar caps either; Nichicon seems to be discontinuing most if not all of their 5x11, 6.3x11, and 6.3x15 electrolytic capacitors due to "decreased order volume and product obsolescence". This is a real bummer, as they were always my go-to electrolytic capacitor brand alongside Panasonic. Here's hoping they don't end up following suit...
This is epic! I'd definitely be willing to attempt it if I ever decide to get a 3D Printer.
I can't say I've noticed any issues, all my recent orders have shipped within a few days. Maybe try shooting them an email to see what's up?
Quote from: Bio77 on January 16, 2023, 11:57:25 PM
  I wonder why Xvive doesn't try and do a Recticon reissue?  Maybe a patent thing.  It would put some awesome flangers back into the wild if they did.

Aside from possible IP issues, from what I understand the major hurdle is that the Reticon chips were manufactured using an obsolete process for which production tooling no longer exists, thus making any attempt at recreating them prohibitively expensive due to the need to build a whole new production line.
Build Reports / Re: Aion Blueshift
January 03, 2023, 10:48:21 AM
Damn, that is clean. Your wiring looks my Blueshift look amateurish by comparison, and your graphics are top-notch as always. Fantastic work!
I threw my $25 in. Wish I could have contributed more, but funds are a little tight right after Christmas!
Open Discussion / Re: NGD - Yamaha Ty Tabor
December 23, 2022, 12:29:45 PM
Nice score, that thing looks awesome! I definitely have a soft spot for unusual guitars, and that one in particular is the right mix of practical and distinctive.
Open Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Brian
December 14, 2022, 06:39:01 AM
Happy birthday, hope you had a good one!
Build Reports / Re: Lectric-FX Celeste2
December 12, 2022, 09:54:14 AM
Hot damn, you never fail to deliver a stellar-looking build! Nice work!
Quote from: gordo on December 07, 2022, 02:26:38 AM

Also I didn't see any fanfare from the Aion camp but Kevin has new versions of the venerable L5 preamp project broken into a separate build for each channel.  I've built the Clean version so far and can attest that while you aren't gaining anything from the original from a tone perspective (and this may be arguable) it's a smaller/simpler build that uses the 13700 for compression. 

Damn, I'll have to check it out. I built an L5 and while I never found the clean channel particularly special (not that it was bad or anything, just kinda 'meh' IMO) I absolutely loved the drive channel. I'd love to have one as a dedicated distortion pedal, even more so if it runs on standard 9V DC instead of having to run a separate power adaptor just for the preamp.
Global Annoucements / Re: Should we do a BOTY contest?
December 08, 2022, 03:02:06 AM
Of course! I may not have done anything particularly impressive this year, but I love seeing all the crazy things others have built!
Build Reports / Re: Death to the King
December 04, 2022, 11:27:54 AM
Nice work, those graphics are badass!
Nice work! I love the whole 'intentional ugliness' aesthetic and the way it both compliments and contrasts the super-clean guts. Definitely a nice change of pace from your usual super high-quality graphics, everyone needs to return to their roots every once in awhile!