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Messages - Micpoc

Quote from: somnif on December 08, 2017, 08:50:14 AMThankfully, Synth Addicts are a somewhat insane lot, and they banded together to figure out the bloody circuit in the integrated circuit, and designed a clone using SMD matched pair transistors. Fantastic! Clone "chips" are available for sale! But... 20$ with shipping..... Um.... over my head.
Yeah, I think I paid about $10+ shipping here in the US when I started the CS-2 clone, i.e. more than the chip itself... should have checked their price before starting the project.

Nevertheless, congrats, it looks great!
Build Reports / Re: The Queen is Dead
December 12, 2017, 05:24:04 PM
Nice! Looks like you even got the font correct (Bodoni??)
Open Discussion / Trick to importing Mouser xlxs BOMs?
November 13, 2017, 08:01:54 PM
I've been trying for a couple of days to import the Excel BOM for Aion's Blueshift into Mouser's BOM tool with no luck; I am always getting "Sorry, we could not process your request at this time. Please try again in a few minutes." Is this a typical problem, or is there some trick to it I am unaware of?
That's pretty much what I was thinking about using; just have to find it in the labyrinth of
Hi all, and happy New Year.

I am considering building an MXR/CAE MC-401 stripboard clone ( to use as an onboard buffer/booster in a solid body guitar. There is plenty of room in the control cavity, and I already have a battery case installed.

What I would like to do is use a pot that acts as an on/off switch for the buffer/booster, i.e., when it is "off", the circuit acts as a buffer, and when it is on, it switches to "booster" mode, increasing gain as the pot is turned. I do not really know if this is possible OR what kind of pot to use for such an operation, other than a push/pull pot, which I'd rather not use. Is this doable? Would a reverse taper no-load pot, if available, do this? Thanks.
Thanks for the replies, all; sounds like a pass for me.
Title says it all. Has anyone found them to last significantly longer or be more sturdy than the more common makes?
Quote from: midwayfair on December 18, 2016, 11:57:59 PM
if you have a 10kA use that and wire it backwards. It will be better than any value of B taper. Otherwise, use the 5k. The 26k won't do anything for almost the entire travel.
No 10kA pot.  :(

Do you not think the parallel resistor will work well with the 25kB?
Quote from: thesmokingman on December 18, 2016, 05:24:13 PM
5k is actually probably more reasonable for the voice pot than the 10K.
Good to know; thanks.

Quote from: Boba7 on December 18, 2016, 06:07:08 PM
Or use a 25k with a 15/18k in parallel?
I always forget about parallel resistors... thanks for the reminder.
As I have consistently since I built my first pedal in 1999, I made a mistake in my Mouser order for a Zendrive build: I neglected to order a 10kB pot for the voice control.  It does not matter how many times I go over the BOM and the shopping cart; a mistake nearly always occurs, and it is always MY fault. :-[ 

I DO have some 5kB pots AND some 25kB pots. Would one of these be appropriate to use in place of the 10kB pot?

Open Discussion / Re: Damn, Digitech
April 10, 2016, 12:04:59 AM

Don't hear many pedal demos quoting The Tubeway Army, do you?  ;D
Quote from: samhay on January 24, 2016, 11:06:02 PM
I would vote for a volume pedal over a Slow Gear.
For a violin effect, an Ebow and volume pedal with maybe some treble boost and mild distortion is probably as good as you will get.
Cello will require a bit more of a bass boost, but much the same otherwise.
Yeah, I am fine with the volume (swell) + ebow (sustain) part of the equation; I was just curious about something to stand in for the scraping "rosined bow on string" part (I probably could have phrased it better). As I said, BMPs are what I've used in the past... just curious if something else would be better. Perhaps I am reaching a bit.  ;)
Quote from: m-Kresol on January 24, 2016, 09:24:09 PM
maybe an Attack Decay / Rustbucket?
Hmm... I played an Attack/Decay years ago and enjoyed it, but I found it a bit difficult to control/unpredictable. I am definitely looking more towards something that takes the place of the scraping sound of bow on string - fuzz, distortion, whatnot - which the Ebow does not really accomplish. Worth considering, though.   :)
Any thoughts? I've used BMPs in the past, but I'd be interested in hearing of any other pedals some of you may have used to similar ends.