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Topics - 3tonesnd

Build Reports / EQD Tentacle 2001
February 04, 2021, 12:32:45 PM
"I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission. And I want to help you."

This build is a tribute to one of my favourite movies - a true cultural masterpiece -  Stanley Kubrick's "Space odissey 2001"
I'm getting tired of home-brewing PCBs, but sometimes it's worth building it "right now" than waiting
Yea, i know that building some delay/reverb could have been more suitable for this role, but i wanted no pots on the enclosure)

"My God, it's full of stars."

Build Reports / Black arts toneworks Pharaoh
November 30, 2020, 09:51:56 PM
Woohoo! I just completed my first effect, built by request. And it sounds totally awesome! I would recommend it to anyone who love big muff sound, low tuning and stoner music) Basically, it is  modded Ram's head BigMuff. The Hi control lets you compensate the loss of highs while turning TONE knob down. The upper switch toggles between germanium, silicon or no diodes in second clipping stage. The lower switch gives a slight input level cut/boost (I think, i will replace it with a footswitch)

Many thanks to Effectslayouts for etching template!

How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Mounting potentiometers
November 14, 2020, 11:05:19 AM

I completed some builds wich allow PCB-mounted pots, but all pots i have are short-lugged, so mounting them as is = placing pot shaft in parallel with pcb. What is the best way to mount them vertically? I tried to solder extra lugs wich were cut from soldered parts, but it seems not very firm and reliable. I thought about etching some small adapter boards with 3 tracks and 6 holes (with l-shaped connectors on one side). Is there any less tricky solution?
Build Reports / Boogie
July 17, 2020, 11:59:45 PM
The sound of this pedal resembles  the sound of my favourite guitar amp - Mesa/boogie Dual Rectifier.

The schematic is popular "dr.Boogie", based on 4 FETs (in my build, post-soviet made "КП 303 А"), modded by AlexZ (he also made a pcb transfer image)

The pcb is home-etched, the artwork is printed on transparent ink jet film

I know that the artwork contains copyright-protected images, but I build this only for myself and do not seek any commercial purposes. All logos are placed there just for fun)

Introductions / Cheers from Moscow
June 22, 2020, 10:23:48 PM
First want to thank persons like Madbean and Storyboadist, who make DIY content absolutely approachable for total beginners, like me)
My name is Sergei, I'm sound producer/guitarist from Moscow, Russia.  I never had enjineering education, but i always wanted to create stuff that sounds)  About a half year ago i drew (with a permanent marker) and etched  my first board,  it look totally creepy, but when it started working, i realized, that from now i have a new hobby)

Build Reports / MAG echo
June 14, 2020, 09:58:05 PM
I'm new to building pedals, this is one of my first complete builds: Keeley MAG echo! I really like the sound of it's modulation, if you set it properly, it gives awesome feeling of an old broken analogue tape machine.
The PCB is home-etched. I was going to mount board on pots, but i fked up with drilling the enclosure, so i had to mount it offboard(