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Messages - PaxWorks

 Would the The Electro-Harmonix Freeze Sound Retainer be a capable clone?
Does anyone know how to mod the Glitterrattii to the spec of The Andy Timmons  Signature Model?
Open Discussion / Re: Fat Boostered-18v?
April 05, 2011, 03:17:02 PM
Thanks for the help. I have a Fulltone Fulldrive that I run on 18v. I like the increased headroom I get by doing so. I'm hoping once I build the Fat Boostered I can run it at 18v to match the output of the Fulldrive for cleantone.

I also have been thinking about placing a Deadringer, Fat Boostered and a Road Rage(either for the deadringer only or for both) in one enclosure. I recently ordered a Road Rage and a Deadringer, each one for two of my friends who really like the Fulldrive at 18v.
Open Discussion / Fat Boostered-18v?
April 05, 2011, 04:59:18 AM
Is it possible to run The Fat Boostered on 18v's?
Open Discussion / Road Rage for a beginner
April 02, 2011, 04:03:39 PM
I'm  still a noob at this so I need some help.
I want to build a road rage for a friend of mine so he can run his Fullton Fulldrive at 18v for more headroom.
I just ordered the board last night, now I need know all the parts I need. I printed out the pdf for it. I was wondering about the wiring and what specific things need to be done so I can run it just for 18v on for one pedal. Any help would be much appreciated. :)
Build Reports / Re: Echo Base w/ Tap Tempo
January 10, 2011, 02:10:59 AM
How did you get that great ecth?
Open Discussion / D.I. Box?
November 22, 2010, 04:53:39 AM
I need to build a Direct Box for my church. All too often the acoustic guitarist show without one and we keep having to borrow one from somebody. I know I can get one pretty cheap but I was hoping to learn how to put one together. Does anyone know how? Also does anyone know if anybody has DIY kit for a direct box? It would be nice to build it myself and handle the cosmetics myself as well.
I'm mainly looking to have a basic stock so I can build any time i want. If I have to order swtiches and enclosures thats okay, I just want to be able to begin prototyping.
My Wife is letting me use $300.00 from our tax return to buy parts in bulk to build pedals. I have yet to prototype or build a pedal, so I'm a complete noob. I was Looking at Small Bears parts kits, wondering what I should get. I was hoping some of the more experienced builders could me help make a comprehensive list. What do ya think?
I actually like all your ideas myself. I want to build this pedal for my brothers in law. He really likes Mesa Boogie Amps, and can't really afford them. He sings lead and plays rythm/lead guitar. So I was hoping to give him a pedal that could give him that rectifier sound. Thats why I was wanting to build two in one, like a two channel rectifier.

For my own taste, if I were to use the chunk-chunk in my rig, I would just have one and use the Glitterrattii to boost for leads.

If I used a 1790ns or a 1590 DD enclosure could I fit two chunk-chunks together? I got the inspiration from Ruz Guitar Gear. He did a Dr. boogey pedal ina similar fashion, I don't know what enclosure he used. I wanted to make it easy to switch between the two, so my brother in law would'nt have to gaze at his shoes while he sings.

Maybe I should put a Glitterrattii in the enclosure instead of another chunk-chunk. What d'ya think?
So here it is guys I want to build a pedal that has two seperate Chunk-Chunks in one pedal. (so you can use one as rythm and the other as lead) How do I go about wiring it like a footswitch to change between two channels like on a mesa boogie?
I ordered a 1590a enclosure from pedal parts plus last night, and I am trying not use batteries, so I am going to build without a battery snap.
Ok so here's what I've tried to correct, sorry I did'nt get the caps right the first time. I'm trying to multi task rigth now. Am I missing anything!?!

Qty SKU Description Price Total
0905 240K to 1 Meg - Individual (1Meg)

0906 1.1 Meg to 22 Meg - Individual (10Meg)

0902 1.1K to 6.2K - Individual (5.1K)

0904 43K to 220K - Individual (47K)

0902 1.1K to 6.2K - Individual (2.2K)

2202 Diode 1N4001

2214 Diode Zener 1N4739A (Diode Zener 1N4739A)
2109 Transistor FET BS170

1007 Alpha 16mm Single-Gang, Reverse Audio & "W", Solder Terms (5K)
1155 Capacitor, Topmay TCM07 5mm Box, .001 mf to .1 mf. (.1 mf.)

0611 Jack, DC Power, 2.1 mm All-Plastic, Round (All-plastic Round)

2300 LED T-1 3/4 5mm Diffused (Green)

0615 Bezel, LED 5mm, Chrome (Chrome)

1404 Capacitor, Electrolytic, Radial 16 V 1 mf. - 100 mf. (10 mf.)

1404 Capacitor, Electrolytic, Radial 16 V 1 mf. - 100 mf. (47 mf.)

0200 Switch - Taiwan Blue 3PDT (Blue 3PDT)

0600 Jack, 1/4 in. Mono Switchcraft #11 (Switchcraft #11)

0508B Wire, #24 Pre-Bond, 50 Ft. Sampler

Hey Guys does this look right!?! Also what kind of jacks should I get and wire?

240K to 1 Meg - Individual (1Meg)

0906 1.1 Meg to 22 Meg - Individual (10Meg)

0902 1.1K to 6.2K - Individual (5.1K)
0904 43K to 220K - Individual (47K)
0902 1.1K to 6.2K - Individual (2.2K)

1101B Capacitor, Panasonic ECQ-V .01 mf. - .1 mf. (.1 mf.)

2202 Diode 1N4001

2214 Diode Zener 1N4739A (Diode Zener 1N4739A)

2109 Transistor FET BS170

1007 Alpha 16mm Single-Gang, Reverse Audio & "W", Solder Terms (5K)

1155 Capacitor, Topmay TCM07 5mm Box, .001 mf to .1 mf. (.1 mf.)
WOW guys! Thanks so much for the help, this forum is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!