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Messages - LaceSensor


yeah I use futurlec just I am waiting near a month for a previous order and dont want to reorder until its sorted. I am pretty sure the 15n / 10n replacements on the 12n / 8.2n arent going to ruin the pedal..or I hope not.
Quote from: gtr2 on July 31, 2011, 12:09:12 PM
Ceramics are fine for the pF values.  If I was building the pork barrel I'd just throw a 10n in for the 8n2.


Yeah figures. within 15% or so I reckon itll be ok...
General Questions / Pork Barrell Component query
July 31, 2011, 11:49:18 AM
Dear all

How vital is the 8n2 capacitors for this build? They seem impossible to source for me in the UK.
Likewise, the 12nF.
Could these be swapped for 10nF and 15nF respectively without issues?
Also, for the pF values, do you recommend WIMA caps, or will ceramic ones do fine?
