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Messages - Cortexturizer

I have. It's noticeably less contagious than Koi, has only 2-3 songs that caught my ear right away. Will give the whole thing the attention it deserves but I think Koi was better. This is in the same vein but not as good I would say. Still a decent album from these modern legends!
Open Discussion / Re: Damn, Digitech
April 09, 2016, 10:31:30 AM
I felt pretty much the same, but I feel we are no longer than 6 months away before Freppo offers something like this, the dude is on fire with stuff like this.

So happy to see that Digitech are back, awesome company.
Yes, big fan here, excited to hear the new album! Koi No Yokan...if I had a vinyl of that I probably would've expired it by now, turned it to dust!
Build Reports / Re: Pedalboard pics megathread
April 02, 2016, 02:16:37 PM

with the addition of ct5 I got this one completed. this is my board that I use when playing alone. I am not using the freeze as much as I used to so that will probably go, as well as the boss volume. I will probably add a high sustaining fuzz that would be good for slide guitar, any recommendations?


Here's an excerpt from today's looping session

great rig rundown and cool guys playing. heard of Kurt Vile but never really taken the time to get familiar with his output. will have to do it these days.
I wanna build this. Great job!
I think I have, and that it didn't matter at all. I do own two one spots.

I also have an SKB pedalboard which has many outlets and actually has the quietest power I've ever used, the whole board is dead quiet and all of the outlets are completely isolated, it truly is fantastic. I didn't try using that, perhaps those are better and don't introduce whine. I'll try that as well and report here.
Yeah I did try LT in the Sunking so there was two LTs in the equaion at that time, no change. I guess I'm gonna try the caps increase next.
Tried the no charge pump aproach and running the harbinger on 9v - no whine. So it has to be the pump somehow or my power supply right? I use the one spot and it is uber silent with EVERY pedal. What to try next?
Awesome. I like the pedal number 3 the most and the last one, which one are they? But the third in line that you play for every riff really speaks to me.
Open Discussion / Re: EHX releases the Mel 9
March 15, 2016, 10:30:19 AM
I guess as any company they feel pressed to come up with new stuff all the time and with the admiration that the melotrone have gotten from the modern prog-rock crowd it's no surprise that their research department have done their job.

I haven't tried the B9 and others but I feel that I would've had the same experience like selfdestroyer had - interesting for an hour and then it would've just started to bother me, so a polar opposite impression after an hour nonetheless. Haha.

But hey, whatever sells.
Only had time to try out lt1054 in the sunking - no change.
I'll try the other stuff tomorrow.
Thanks drolo! Yeah, it has to be something like that. I was hoping Brian could try and answer because he had designed both boards and probably would have some ideas on what could be done here. I'll wait as much as it's needed, but guys please don't mind the occasional topic bump :D

In the Harbinger I think I have LT1054 and an ICL7660SCPA in the Sunking.
Hey man thank you for the offer but I think I got this right now. Definitely a very nuanced skill, mastering!