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Messages - slacker775

Quote from: icecycle66 on November 15, 2016, 07:12:48 PM
I can only address one of many factors regarding the results.

I am beholden to the same clearance and rights, although not read on to all programs, as Bradley, Snowden, and Clinton. (And thousands of other people in the Intelligence Community.)
Regardless of position in the military, State Department, Department of Energy, any department of the government you have to swear by, sign, and confirm your capability in the handling, storage, and transmission of classified information once you are provided with the clearance, access, and need to know of that information.

Bradley is in prison for intentionally releasing classified information. I'm cool with that.
Snowden is in exile for intentionally releasing classified information.  I'm cool with that.
I can name dozens of others in the same position as those two and I am cool with that. Not because i don't think it's fucked up, because in some cases it is, but because those individuals knew before they ever set eyes on the information that the intentional or unintentional release of classified information would get them shit canned.

I would go to jail for the intentional or unintentional release of the same information that Clinton did. 
I would go to jail if I kept classified information in my car, or my house, or my barn, or my laptop.
The senior intelligence officer for the Department of Defense would be fired, removed from service, and lucky if they did the same thing and not end up in jail.
GEN Petraeus was one of the best combatant commanders we've had in decades and he was raked over the coals and drummed out of the Army for releasing material to a person who did have clearance but not a confirmed need to know.

Clinton breaks the rules, meh, whatever.
She knew exactly what laws she was breaking.  If she didn't, then she isn't competent enough to hold the honor of President.
She did it anyway.  Regardless of personality and general shit-headedness of any competitor she went up against, I could not stand to cast my ballot for a person who falls under the same rules as everyone else but blatently disregards them because she thinks her position is more important.
Once the classified email scandal hit, Clinton lost the vote of millions of people with security clearances.

If she can't behave and act under the rules as Secretary of State, the real number 2 under the President, then she won't behave as President.
Things Clinton has done as Secretary of State have directly impacted me.  Whether it was behavior with rules listed above or other actions as Secretary of State.  My decision to go against her was not one of conceptual or principled thought.  It was result of very direct impact to my individual life because of her decisions.

Trump, while apparently not a nice guy, has done nothing to directly harm me or any actual individual I know.
I did a few spells working for DoD including TS clearance back in the 90's and there was zero question that the whole Hillary email situation is/was/forever-should-have-been a non-starter.   There's no way that it was just a 'oops!  I didn't understand' sort of thing.  That definitely made me question her decision making and her overall intentions.  I've also had the misfortune of working for someone very much like Trump, with all of the misogyny and racial tendencies.   That's not the kind of person that you want to lead.

We thought past elections were the lesser of two evils, we had no idea what 2016 would bring.

Here's hoping not too much damage comes our way....
Build Reports / Re: Lab Series L5 preamp in a pedal
October 17, 2016, 03:08:26 PM
Quote from: galaxiex on October 17, 2016, 02:49:31 PM
Sooooo, where is everyone sourcing the (hard to find) pots for this project?

Specifically the  two 2.5KA and the dual gang 100KC both in PC mount.

I finally got around to building mine and I'm having trouble finding these.  :(


I'm having the same issue.  My guess is that people are using A2K with lugs and just soldering on legs.  I'd like to avoid that if at all possible.
Quote from: playpunk on June 16, 2016, 06:29:18 PM
If there was a design error, there would probably be some elevated liability. It would still be difficult to prove (most likely) and there is a HUGE "assumption of the risk" argument to make as a defense here too - basically that the hobbyist assumes the risk of the recreational activity and its inherent dangers.

This argument is how ski resorts stay in business.
In the unfortunate circumstance of a design error that could cause issue, if you publicly announce that in all the usual spots like on these forums, emails to purchasers, that also  could help reduce any real exposure.   IANAL but I've had to deal with legal issues in a number of cases so I have a small clue.   I can't help but feel that playpunk is on the nose that your overestimating.   With the things you hear on the news, it's easy to be frightened but those kinds of settlements are against McDonald's, Walmart, etc, not Joe Home PCB maker.
Having personally toured Digikey's facility in BFE Minnesota, they have a UPS trailer backed up to carry of their shipments everyday.   Their whole setup is quite impressive, it's actually a bit unfortunate that they don't get more direct love from the community.  I'm guessing it has more to do with their site and/or there not being the same kinds of BOM tools that Mouser has that make things easier.
General Questions / Re: Ibanez Tone Lok switching
June 07, 2016, 11:05:25 PM
Connecting the dmm to the points on the main board where the leads from the switch connect and manually triggering the switch with my finger gave a solid 'beep' every time.  That's where I wonder if perhaps voltages are off a bit and thus not triggering the 'flip'.  There are some ceramic caps in the mix, that perhaps aren't working as they should.   As I recall, there is at least one ceramic that's definitely right in the neighborhood for switching that shows evidence of having been replaced, and one electrolytic that I think it's outside the area but I can double check its connectivity on the schematic. 
General Questions / Re: Ibanez Tone Lok switching
June 07, 2016, 12:14:33 PM
Yeah, there is an IC (TC74HC04AP) that looks to be basically a 4x switch as well as a 2SC1815GR tranny that may be involved in the switching.  Seeing that I can get a replacement switch at SB for under $1, I may try that just to be certain.  I did find that there is a trimmer that appears to set the voltage going to the IC which was reading about 4.39V which I was able to get up to a solid 4.5V but that didn't seem to make much difference.
General Questions / Ibanez Tone Lok switching
June 04, 2016, 11:25:56 PM
I picked up an Ibanez Tone Lok CF7 Chorus-Flanger off eBay for $8 that was listed as 'passing bypass but not affected signal'. Having picked up a few other pedals like this, I figured it's likely a pretty easy fix on the cheap.   So I just got it today and the description was mostly correct.  I did find that I could get it to switch on and work as expected, but it was definitely flakey.   I tested the switch itself with my DMM and it appears to switch ok, so I don't ink it's actually a mechanical issue.  I noticed on the main board that there appear to be some factory repairs/touch-ups right around where the cable from the switching board connects to the main board, so it's possible that even at the factory, it was a bit suspect.  These guys aren't TB, and so far the schematics I've dug up are tough to zoom in on.   Anybody happen to know what components are involved in the switching scheme on these guys?  There is a tranny (haven't gotten the markings off it yet) directly in the switching path that could be a culprit.
Holy cow, that's way better than I was expecting.
I'd be interested if the price is right.  I've gotten mine from all kinds of various places and haven't - knock on wood - had any real issues yet, but it's possible that some of my older builds that were a bit on the 'meh' side were due to bad 2399s. 
Perhaps the 10w power amp from TH Custom?
I snagged one a week or so ago when they were announced.  The board is definitely not small but it is a beauty.  I'd def be interested in an enclosure if there is a 'group buy' kind of thing.   The ~$40 as a solo unit is pretty steep.   Any kind of reduction on that would be killer.
Quote from: Haberdasher on April 26, 2016, 11:36:25 PM
I think I'd actually prefer to quit the hobby rather than have to spend the amount of dough on enclosures it would take to box up all the circuits I've built.  It'll never happen.
Sigh.... All too relatable....
Got my DigDug built up but it's giving me some screwiness.   First it was LED 3 staying on until I started getting smoke.  I replaced that and now it's LED 4 staying on.   Not sure what's up there.

Also built a protaitone Klone the other day but the electro cap markings were a little odd.   I guessed wrong and blew a cap when I sparked it up.  Got them all swapped around and now that one is working fine at least.
Open Discussion / Re: I have a super power!
April 13, 2016, 11:51:51 PM
The real question though is - was it bringing anything for you?  Most ideally a new guitar? 
Open Discussion / All-in-one drill template
March 29, 2016, 10:53:00 PM
Anyone have a drill template for the All-in-one?  I'd really like to get mine boxed up in the fairly near future and my history of measuring/eyeballing for enclosures isn't good.  Using a template, I do pretty well.