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Tapanator Tremolo Need Sequencer to Pass Sound?

Started by DLW, December 02, 2018, 04:36:41 PM

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I'm 'boxing before rocking' a tremolo for the Tapanator. It does not pass sound when hooked up to the test box. I checked voltages on the power section, and everything looks good. I used a sound probe to determine that the sound dies between the LDR and C3/TL072 (Pin 6). If I jumper the LDR, I get sound again all the way to the volume pot/out jack. Thus, the LDR is either toast, or the sound is completely muted without the Tapanator sequencer hooked up.... so my question. Does the tremolo require the tapanator sequencer to function?


That is correct. The Tapanator needs to be hooked up for the tremolo to pass sound. Without an LED to light up the LDR, the LDR resistance goes to its max value so no signal out.