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Filter Sample Hold

Started by kaycee, December 19, 2013, 07:51:04 PM

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The wierd and wonderful Maestro Filter Sample and Hold on a madbean board.

Fired up right off of the bat, used a 5088 for the noise transistor. The transfer has been a nightmare, second go round and it went soft and smudged, arrrgg! So, it stays like this till the novelty wears off and I feel like another crack at it. If i built another I'd use the standard trims, you never know where you are with the multi turn ones. Wacky little box of fun on the sample and hold, and a perfectly good auto wah in filter mode. Very pleased to have one of these, neat project!


How cool is the FSH?
Nice build however I will have to add the obligatory request: "Gut shots or it didn't happen". :D
Pedal Parts Shop              Youtube


I LOVE the look of the pedal, just superb looks and parts placement. Way the go man. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Very cool.

Not seen many of these built with Madbeans PCB.


Thanks folks. Nothing of note inside, my usual not neat but not a complete mess either wiring. Love the wacky old maestro units.


Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Yeah. Cool box. I'm getting off my duff and ordering a board now. Such a badass effect.