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NERF Darts

Started by RobA, December 15, 2014, 04:17:38 PM

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I was glancing around the house a couple of nights ago for housing material for roll-your-own LED/LDR combos when I spotted a NERF dart. Actually, that's not too hard around here as HvZ is currently a big deal in our house. So, I asked if I could chop one up and was allowed to, but only if I used one of the crappy originals that came with the blaster. End result, the fit is nearly perfect.

I was trying to get a bit of housing that would let me separate the LED from the LDR a bit and the dart let me do that pretty nicely. I just popped the leads through a bit of electrical tape so I could hold them where I wanted, pushed the LED in one end of the tube and the LDR in the other and then wrapped that tape up and put another bit of tape around the cylinder to hold it all together. I think the end result works better than what I was getting with using heat shrink.

It does only work well with 5mm LED's and the larger LDR's. I'm still looking for a cheap and easy housing for the smaller types. Any ideas?
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rockā€¢it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).