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Another Illustrator question--cropping images to fit in box outline

Started by Bret608, July 10, 2012, 02:53:14 PM

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Hi everyone,

In Illustrator, is there a way to make it to where the enclosure outline can be used to crop a photo image you want to use for your graphic? I've tried making a clipping mask and using "divide object below" to no avail. I could attach the actual file here if that would help.

Thanks as always for the pointers,



First duplicate the border layer. Ctrl + Alt + Click and move

Then import your image to illustrator

Place it behind the border [important!] with shortcuts (Cntrl or Cmd + 9 move the layer down and the same with 0 move the layer up) or in the layers panel.

Now Select the two layers and press Ctrl + 7 (Create layer mask)

Done! Remember that the image is not cropped, its only a layer mask so you can easily edit the image (by selecting it with the white arrow) preserving the hidden area.

Hope it helps   :D


Wow! Thank you for the very complete tutorial! Let me try it and report back in a bit.


I can show you how to crop an image like you wanted, is faster and easier but once you crop it you canĀ“t adjust it in case you want modify something


Thanks again! That worked perfectly. I think the first time, I had only copied over the path for the border layer, not the whole border layer itself. No need to show me how to crop--I think what you've given here is the best solution since I will still be able to edit.

All the best,
